day 27 in self-quarantine, anxiety feels and how I'm trying staying calm in this

Hey everyone.

I hope you and your families are safe during these difficult times. Today is my 27th day of self-quarantine. I Have never been isolated from the world for that many days all alone.
I love having my space, and spending time with myself, but it’s different when you are getting forced into isolation for such a long period of time, and especially with everything going on in the world right now. I’m trying to trick my body to pretend this is not happening, putting on a fake smile and do things that make me feel better; throw on a cute outfit, do some makeup, facetime friends and family, watch funny series and read books. I find it really hard concentrating these days, so my nutrition studies are on hold until I find more of an inner strength back.

If you are alone right now like I am, and in a completely different time zone then most of your friends and family, don’t be too hard on yourself. Treat yourself like your own best friend. Take a hot shower, don’t count calories or feel bad because you ate too much last night, etc. These things dosen’t matter right now, what matters is that you and your family are safe and healthy. I will post some healthy recipes this week too, as cooking healthy easy meals at home is good therapy for me during these times, and I hope you will find some joy the cooking too.

I am avoiding all types of news at the moment, it makes me even more stressed and scared. Since I have not been feeling well and have been in direct contact with a person who tested positive for Covid19, I’m obviously more concerned due to this situation. I have been sick multiple times away from home and been working with flu etc 100 times, but his time it’s different. It scares me that it is a deadly virus going on. The unknown scares me, the future scares me and beings far from my loved ones scares me. I guess I am not the only one, feeling scared, lonely and experiencing anxiety these days. Especially when you go to bed all alone with your own thoughts. It might sound nice, not to have a roommate to deal with right now, but believe me, you should appreciate that even tho your roommate probably annoys the shit out of you. I don’t think it is healthy being alone for such a long period of time. Without FaceTime, zoom and social media, I woulde’t know what to do right now.

To everyone living alone during these difficult times, stay strong. You are not alone! Don’t be afraid to reach out to an old friend, no one wants you to go into a depression. The world feels like falling apart, but there is a lot of people out there that want to help and there is a lot of love. After this situation, I believe we will all see things with new eyes, with more gratitude and love than ever before. Maybe this is something a lot of us needed to open our eyes and realize how little we need, how much we actually have, and appreciate the true value of human connection.

We will get through this together. As soon as I feel ready to travel back to Europe, I will get on a flight back home. Stay safe, patient and calm at home everyone.
Be kind to one and other, reach out and spread love. Right now that’s all we can do.

Best, Eline S.

Reklame/ AD. Wearing @revolve. Dress - lovers & friends Los Angeles - belt - lovers & friends Los Angeles - bag - lovers & friends Los Angeles - jewelry - vintage

Ghost town and my self-quarantine tips

I hope you all are ok during these times. I’m still in LA and have been self-quarantining for the last 10 days now. I have been experiencing some mild symptoms during this time, so I’m not taking any risks of giving it to anyone, in case it is the corona. A few days ago everything in LA got shut down, and we have been ordered to stay in. Only take out food, pharmacies and supermarkets are still open. I think it is good because a lot of people were still going out here in LA and not taking it seriously before these new rules. I hope this will help to make a change.

This situation is still surreal to me. Not knowing what the future holds feels frustrating. No one knows everyone has to adjust and rethink. Because nothing will ever be exactly the same way after this.
One thing is for sure; no likes or outfits matter anymore. During this time I’m self-reflecting, realizing more than ever how the little things in life and who’s in it, are the big things and the only things that truly matter.
I think that when this is all over, people will see things with new eyes, and be much more grateful for things we once took for granted.

My tips to a happier, calmer self-quarantine:

- listen to podcasts, Spotify got so many options, just search for something you are intreated in
- try a new recipe, the internet is full of good recipes or check out my superfood ones under food by eline
- facetime an old friend
- activate yourself from home: if you don’t know what do do, just use youtube, it’s full of different workouts
- walk in nature: just keep distance to people and bring antic in your pocket, the sun is filled with positivity and vitamin D, it changes the mood completely.
- be creative: paint, sing, brade, do some crazy makeup and have fun with it
- pamper yourself, take care of your skin, hair and body during this time. Polish your nails, take a warm shower, do face masks, etc. (You don’t have to spend money on it, you can easily make homemade face masks)!
- Start a new series on Netflix, or an old one all over again like I have been watching gossip girl and sex and the city.
- If you struggle with anxiety, like many of us do in this situation. Do things step by step, and just follow WHOs health and hygiene advice and you will be fine. I have stopped watching the news for almost a week now because it made me too scared and depressed. Everyone is different, but if you feel like something is making you stressed or scared, there is no reason to force it. I can only talk for myself, but for me, it has really been working.

Stay healthy, calm and patient everyone. No one is alone in this, we are all in this together.

Best, Eline.

Wearing. T-shrirt - Annie Bing - Bucket hat - UCLA - backpack - Adidas - Sunnies - Oakley