Sunny Oslo

Enjoying the last bit of summer in Revolve style

Wearing - sweater - Revolve (LPA) - Sneakers - Nike - Skirt - Zara - Bag - Celine - Sunnies - Zero UV

Last weeks highlights

Love these summer days in Oslo, everyone gets so spontaneous and adventurous. Itโ€™s easy to be social and people seem to really enjoy the good weather. My week started off a bit slow with home office work, from Wednesday early am to Thursday late night I worked on a shoot with a big team at a beautiful place just an hour away from Oslo, called Kleivstova. It was really long days, and super hot, especially because we were shooting winter clothes, with heavy boots and warm gear, but we all kept each other motivated and people were in such a good mood. If anyone visits Oslo and wanna see some beautiful landscape, close to the city, I recommend checking out this hotel. The food was great too, and the staff was super friendly. They made sure we had food at all times, even tho the vegan options waseโ€™t the best.

The rest of the week has been packed with meetings and things to catch up on. Been going to the beach and boating after work hours for a swim, taking advantage of being a freelancer, and having the privilege to schedule my own days!
Saturday night I had some friends over for some drinks at my place, before we headed together to one of my old friendโ€™s event at โ€˜โ€˜Taket paรฅ Steen og Strรธmโ€™โ€™. Such good music and awesome vibes. So much fun catching up with old friends again, and as everything closes super early we decided to hang out at a friendโ€™s place at Bygdรธy for an after-party. Stayed up all night and some people even went for a midnight swim. Thatโ€™s really the best thing about Scandinavian summer, it never gets dark. Really mindfuck, as your brain never wants to go to sleep.

Wish you all a great week.

Best, Eline S.

Wearing. 1. look. dress - shop Chio/ revolve - sunglasses - Dior - bag - celine - sandals - hermes - belt - vintage
2. look. jacket - House of Harlow/ revolve - top - Verge girl - shorts - Zimmermann - ankle chain - Phine London - flats - Aldo - mini coin necklace - Thune - cross necklace - vintage

Baby shower for best friend <3

Yesterday we organized a baby shower for my best friend, I never had that much of responsibility with a baby shower before and I have to say I really enjoyed organizing it! So much fun to surprise someone who is expecting a baby, and already so emotional! We made it pretty simple, with everyone bringing different small tapas foods. Its that thought that matter, and doeseโ€™t have to be super-duper fancy. Also so much more personal when everyone makes some small stuff. I obviously brought a cake, a chocolate raw food cake! It actually turned out really good! I will share the recipe later on, probably with a new IGTV on my Instagram. - Stay tuned!

She got super overwhelmed and surprised, and I felt like the shower was a great success! The balloon company got us covered with the most beautiful mix of baby blue balloons, even with my girlfriendโ€™โ€™s name on one of them โ€˜โ€˜ Emilieโ€™s baby showerโ€™โ€™. We also did this cute little game with everyone bringing baby pictures and Emilie guessing whoโ€™s who. Just a fun idea, if you are planning on organizing a shower anytime soon.

I wish you all a great weekend. Iโ€™m working from home these days in my new apartment and still working on furniture. I love that Oslo is heating up now, just in perfect time before the weekend!

Best, Eline S.

Wearing. Top - Shop Chio/ - Jeans - Acne - Belt - Lovers & friends (revolve) - Hair clips - Ambers screats - Ear rings - Bikbok - Bracelets - Vintage - Hair tie - Free People

denim on denim <3 and new partnership!

Hoping everyone enjoys the sunny days, here in Oslo the summer has finally arrived. Feels amazing to walk in nature, wear fewer layers of clothes, and feel the sun on the skin again! Right now I am obsessed with denim, and love mixing and matching different denim looks together, feels very timeless, and hard to go wrong with denim in general! Easy to dress up or down, for every day or a chic โ€˜โ€˜going outโ€™โ€™ look.

I am still in between moving into my new apt and stressing with getting settled in, and working from home! The exciting news is that I got a new partner, โ€˜โ€˜Good for me ASโ€™โ€™, and just started using their 100% vegan beta carotene gold! It is a supplement to help the skin to develop a deeper and longer-lasting tan. As I have been struggling quite a lot with the skin, with both pigmentation and acne I am excited to see the results this summer. I love that their product is natural and full of vitamin A, which is also helping on strengthening the skin. I always wear SPF 50 in my face, but with this natural way of help, I am sure I will be able to get some good results, even with Scandinavian summer weather! I will keep you posted on the results!
You get 40% off on your first order on !

I wish you all a great rest of the week.

X, Eline S.

Reklame. Wearing all Revolve - Jeans - Grlfriend - Denim shirt - Grlfriend - Shoes - LPA - Wyeth Hats - Betakaroten Gold

day 27 in self-quarantine, anxiety feels and how I'm trying staying calm in this

Hey everyone.

I hope you and your families are safe during these difficult times. Today is my 27th day of self-quarantine. I Have never been isolated from the world for that many days all alone.
I love having my space, and spending time with myself, but itโ€™s different when you are getting forced into isolation for such a long period of time, and especially with everything going on in the world right now. Iโ€™m trying to trick my body to pretend this is not happening, putting on a fake smile and do things that make me feel better; throw on a cute outfit, do some makeup, facetime friends and family, watch funny series and read books. I find it really hard concentrating these days, so my nutrition studies are on hold until I find more of an inner strength back.

If you are alone right now like I am, and in a completely different time zone then most of your friends and family, donโ€™t be too hard on yourself. Treat yourself like your own best friend. Take a hot shower, donโ€™t count calories or feel bad because you ate too much last night, etc. These things dosenโ€™t matter right now, what matters is that you and your family are safe and healthy. I will post some healthy recipes this week too, as cooking healthy easy meals at home is good therapy for me during these times, and I hope you will find some joy the cooking too.

I am avoiding all types of news at the moment, it makes me even more stressed and scared. Since I have not been feeling well and have been in direct contact with a person who tested positive for Covid19, Iโ€™m obviously more concerned due to this situation. I have been sick multiple times away from home and been working with flu etc 100 times, but his time itโ€™s different. It scares me that it is a deadly virus going on. The unknown scares me, the future scares me and beings far from my loved ones scares me. I guess I am not the only one, feeling scared, lonely and experiencing anxiety these days. Especially when you go to bed all alone with your own thoughts. It might sound nice, not to have a roommate to deal with right now, but believe me, you should appreciate that even tho your roommate probably annoys the shit out of you. I donโ€™t think it is healthy being alone for such a long period of time. Without FaceTime, zoom and social media, I wouldeโ€™t know what to do right now.

To everyone living alone during these difficult times, stay strong. You are not alone! Donโ€™t be afraid to reach out to an old friend, no one wants you to go into a depression. The world feels like falling apart, but there is a lot of people out there that want to help and there is a lot of love. After this situation, I believe we will all see things with new eyes, with more gratitude and love than ever before. Maybe this is something a lot of us needed to open our eyes and realize how little we need, how much we actually have, and appreciate the true value of human connection.

We will get through this together. As soon as I feel ready to travel back to Europe, I will get on a flight back home. Stay safe, patient and calm at home everyone.
Be kind to one and other, reach out and spread love. Right now thatโ€™s all we can do.

Best, Eline S.

Reklame/ AD. Wearing @revolve. Dress - lovers & friends Los Angeles - belt - lovers & friends Los Angeles - bag - lovers & friends Los Angeles - jewelry - vintage

Fat-burning coffee for breakfast and LA updates

Hey everyone.
Iโ€™m starting to feel just a little lonely in my own company over here, even tho I am not bored yet. I always find something to do. Studies, FaceTiming friends, series, cooking, and writing. I really miss being social and hug and touch people. Yea, I know that sounds creepy, but Iโ€™m a big cuddler with the people I love.

I have been experiencing syndromes for a while now, and I just got a call from a girlfriend I hang out with 9 days ago, telling me she just got tested for the coronavirus. She was recently in Europe, and hang out with two people who have tested positive, we have a bunch of the same syndromes, so if she gets a positive answer it might be a chance I have it too. I havenโ€™t been feeling really sick, only been having light syndromes, but my breath is a lot heavier, and it scares me a bit since Iโ€™m in Los Angeles by myself. I hope you are all feeling healthy, and that your families are safe.

I havenโ€™t been moving for about a week now, because of the symptoms, I have been trying to stay in as much as possible, to avoid spreading in case I got the virus. I guess I am not the only person who has been emotional and bored eating way much, from just lying still all day.
I used to do this coffee every day a few summers ago for breakfast, and my mom has done it too, saying it was working for her to get to her goals. I donโ€™t want this page to have a focus on weight loss, especially now when these things really donโ€™t matter, when terrible things are happening in the world, even though I thought I might share this tips with you. Health obviously comes first, however, this coffee has great health benefits, so it might be worth a try!
The recipe is super easy, you only need 2, or 3 ingredients for your fat-burning morning coffee, and it literally takes 5 minutes to make it.

How you make your bulletproof coffee

  1. Using freshly ground coffee beans, brew 1 cup of coffee, using a French press, or just instant coffee.

  2. Add 1 tablespoon (tbsp) of coconut oil or butter

  3. add a little almond milk, or other milk (for more creaminess)

  4. Mix in a blender for 20 to 30 seconds.

    Benefits of bulletproof coffee

    Many people think coffee is bad for you, but the truth is that drinking coffee in moderation has a range of health benefits and may reduce the risk of death from heart disease and several cancers. Not only is coffee full of antioxidants, but drinking coffee daily may also lower the likelihood of developing conditions, such as liver disease, Parkinsonโ€™s disease, and type 2 diabetes. Coffee in the morning can improve mental focus and help a person to feel more awake and alert. This effect usually lasts for a maximum of a few hours.

    The ketogenic diet

    The bulletproof coffee is a keto coffee, or in other words high fat low carb. Usually, our bodies convert carbohydrates into energy before using fat. If there are not enough carbohydrates available, then the body uses its fat stores as an alternative source of energy. When the body uses its fat reserves, it produces ketones. Meaning your body goes directly into a fat-burning mood.
    However, doctors usually recommend following a low-carbohydrate diet for a short time only.

    Reducing hunger

    One of the reasons for drinking bulletproof coffee is to prevent hunger during the morning. Adding butter and oil to coffee may make a person feel less hungry than if they drank coffee alone. Everyone is different, but some people may still feel hungry during the morning if they have not eaten a meal for breakfast. Personally, I think everyone gets used to it after a few days, whenever you develop a new habit, it might be uncomfortable at first, but when your body get used to it, and you start seeing results itโ€™s all worth it. Never hurts to give something a try.

Links and facts for information:
Reklame, wearing Revolve - shirt - Song of style

Valentinesday in West Hollywood <3

Wearing - top - verge girl - jeans - acne - belt - lovers and friends la - jacket -  grlfriend/ revolve - hair clips - free people 

I hope you all had a great Valentineโ€™s day this year. As my bf is in Minnesota, I spent V-day with friends this year. First at Nespresso house on Beverly Drive for an iced coffee with my homie Kenny, then later on dinner and drinks at the rooftop of Edition Hotel in West Hollywood. It was pretty magical sitting there under the stars, with the view over Los Angeles, with one of my best friends. Cheering for love and many more years to come of a great friendship. Iโ€™m truly thankful for having some great friends over here in LA, good friendships mean everything.

My mom just got into town yesterday. Iโ€™m super excited to hang out with her this week! Today Iโ€™m taking her to one of the older, more traditional hotels in Beverly Hills with a girlfriend joining us for lunch.

Wish you all a good, positive week, wherever you are in the world.

X, Eline S.

Reklame. Wearing - top - Majorelle/ revolve - chocker - Zara - heals - lovers and friends/ revolve - jeans - grlfriend 

Goodbye Norway <3 Ready for new adventures

My last days in Oslo have been pretty hectic. I always feel like I have things under control until I realize I am leaving in less than 24 hours. I completely forgot I had to reply for the Esta, since I had an American visa the last 3 years I didnโ€™t really think about it. I replied for my Esta less than 24 hours ago, and it normally takes 72 hours to get it confirmed. Hopefully I get it in time before my flight, which takes off in an hour. Fingers crossed!

As we speak I'm sitting in the lounge with a huge cup of coffee, waiting to board on my flight to Minnesota!
I only slept for a few hours tonight, as I was packing and trying different outfits to figure out what to wear for tomorrow's, or actually today team dinner (with the time difference). I will probably go straight from the airport to the dinner, so hopefully, I will get some rest on the plane. 

I'm super excited to see Mats again and explore a new city with new people! Always sad to leave Norway, but since I am waiting for my next O1 visa, I have to go back to Norway soon for the interview at the American embassy. I will try to update from Minnesota, but will probably be super busy first few weeks with settling in and getting to know a new city and how everything works over there. ts time to get pushed out of the comfort zone again. Its all so new, and I feel nervous and excited at the same time!

Wish you all a great and lazy Sunday. I hope you sleep long and get some rest before kicking off a new week tomorrow. 

X, Eline S.

Reklame// Wearing - Sweater - Revolve (LPA) - Bag - Zara - Jeans - Acne - Headbow - Accessorize - Earrings - H&M - Boots - Stuart Weizmann - Necklaces - vintage

Can I move here?

Falling in love with the Countryside of Norway, after my little exploring in Sรธrkedalen in Oslo last weekend I had to go back. I used to spend so much time there as a kid with my family, we used to go horseback riding and watch the animals, it all brings back great memories in me.

The old farm ยจBogstad Gรฅrdยจ has this amazing cute cafe inside the house, as well as a museum where you can see how they used to live more than 200 years ago. Perfect for an old soul like me, haha. The big farm is facing a huge garden and a lake. I recommend visiting this beautiful place if you want to see and explore something different in Oslo, perfect for families with kids too.

Tomorrow it is Friday already!
I have been having a hectic week so canโ€™t wait for the weekend to start and spend some time with my friends tomorrow.

X, Eline S

Reklame: Wearing - Sweater - Revolve (LPA) - Jeans - Acne - Boots - Stuart Weizmann - Sunnies - Zero UV

Weekend summed up <3

I hope you all had a great weekend. I spent my weekend catching up with some friends and visited a cute old farm with my mom called Bogstad Gรฅrd. That's the beauty of Oslo, It is city life, but you are also close to both the sea and the countryside. On Bogstad gรฅrd they have cows, pigs, etc. So a lot of families visit this place over the weekend.

Today (Sunday) I had a small sale at home with some friends. I realized I have way too much stuff that I never get to use. I had a great time organizing my stuff and helping my friends with sizes. I got so much good feedback on what a good thing it is to buy and sell second hand, feel free to go follow me on @tise (Eline Syrdalen) where I will keep updating with new pieces. 

X, Eline Syrdalen

Reklame - Wearing - (Revolve) - Skirt - Lovers & Friends LA - Top - Superdown - Sunnies - Zero UV - Snake Boots - Bag - Balenciaga - Necklaces Vintage and market in NYC (Soho).

Exploring Lyngรธr Island

Reklame/ Ad - Revolve

We have been exploring South Norway and Lyngรธr Island this weekend. Kinda sad that Norwegian summer is coming to an end already. We had a morning dip this morning and the ocean is already getting cooler.

Lyngรธr Island is one of my favorite islands. The island used to be a stop for the sailors, and the old sail maker house is now a restaurant. They are serving pizzas, and fresh Norwegian sea food! Really recommend to visit this place next summer. Its season based, so the restaurant is only open during the summer months.

For those who are interested in exploring Lyngรธr in Norway, I already wrote a mini guide under ยจTravel.

Hope you all had an amazing weekend!

Best, Eline S.

Wearing - Tiger top - Revolve (Super Down) - Shirt - The Kooples - Bag - Ysl - Bracelets - Market in Marrakech - Headband - Beck Sodergaard - Shoes - Hermes - Neckles - Market NYC and market in Santorini - Sunnies - Celine

Stripes on stripes

Reklame - AD - Flynn Skye

I can't get enough of Norway this summer. It feels like I appreciate Norway another way after living in a noisy city like NYC, It is a huge difference. 
Some of my Norwegian friends living in NYC visiting Norway gets bored after a few days. They think it is too quiet and boring. I truly enjoy the quietness, waking up to the sound of the waves and not waking up by cars and ambulances feels relaxing. I really feel grateful for all my traveling, but there is no place like home.

My American friends say that I should be an ambassador for Norway, maybe cause I brag a bit too much about how amazing nature is here. Anyway, it seems like my bragging made many people I know curious, this summer a bunch of my friends from Florida visited Norway and went hiking in Lofoten! They had an amazing time. A few of them texted me after that they wanna move here!

Thats probably one of the good things about social media, people get to share amazing nature experiences there. Norway got so many hidden pearls and places people wouldn't know of without that one Instagram account they follow from Norway that makes them wanna go there and explore.

I hope you all have a good week. I am super excited to spend the weekend with my two girlfriends in Kragerรธ. I really donโ€™t want this summer to end!

Best, Eline Syrdalen

Wearing - Blazer - Flynn Skye - Pants - Flynn Skye - Shoes - Zara - bag - ysl - Sunnies - Zero UV

Norwegian summer

Reklame - In collaboration with Revolve

The last few days have been including long walks in the woods picking blueberries, sand volleyball, swimming in the ocean and BBQing. In my opinion, nothing can beat the Norwegian summer when the weather is like this! Hope you all enjoy vacay as much as I do.

Best, Eline S.

Wearing - Top - Revolve (super down) - Skirt - Chio Swimwear - Hat - Free People - Sunnies - Zero UV

Cabin Lyfe in South Norway


Most people would probably not believe me at first, but I love spending time alone, in nature, getting dirty and sweaty. Preferably not shower in a few days and just swim in the ocean. This makes me feel connected, alive and back to my roots. I appreciate home more then I have ever done before. Maybe gratitude comes with age, or just the fact that being able to miss things you might take for granted, make you more grateful in general. For me spending time in nature is the best way to connect and charge up my batteries.

I am feeling energized after spending some time in South Norway again.
Hope you all have a lovely summer and take some time to do the things you love!

All best, Eline S.

Wearing - Sneakers - Adidas - bucket hat - UCLA - cross back body - REVOLVE (Superdown) - UV - Sweat pants - Adidas