Hello Minnesota <3

Hey you all. :)

Hope you all had a great start of the new week. I am sorry I haven’t been updating in a while.
This first week in Minnesota has been crazy busy. A ton of work with the new house we just moved into as well as getting to know the city, the people and how to get around. It will take some time to settle fully into the house, but step by step. It has also been nice to spend some time with Mats again after almost a month apart.

I realized pretty early, that I have to challenge myself to get to know and meet new people, not to be lonely here. When we lived in NYC everything was a bit different, I had my friends and my stuff going on with modeling and work. Here in Minnesota I am all new and don't know many people. It is a new life for us both. Right now I am also without a working visa, and it will take some time before I get it back. In the meantime, I am gonna start some online nutrition studies, witch, I am super excited about! It will be good to be able to share more knowledge about the nutrition of the food recipes with you guys as well. 

I already feel the warmth from the people in Minnesota. I have to admit it is a massive change from NYC in many ways. So far I like it here. The city is a lot cleaner than NYC and much more nature and less noise, witch was something I always missed back in NYC. Every city got its charm, and Minnesota seems so far to have a lot to offer. I do understand why so many Scandinavians settled down here. The seasons and the climate are similar to Norway. I also got to meet everyone on the team, and everyone has been super welcoming to us both. The last two days I have been organizing a bunch for the house, and some of the girls from the Wild team have been helping me out.

Wish you all a good week, I will try to be better on update more this week. Tonight we have a team dinner, so I am heading out to buy a small gift for the host. Talk soon. <3

Best, Eline S

Reklame// Wearing: Revolve- Hoodie - LPA - Tights - Lulu lemon - sneakers - Adidas - Sunnies - Zero UV - socks - Nike

Goodbye Norway <3 Ready for new adventures

My last days in Oslo have been pretty hectic. I always feel like I have things under control until I realize I am leaving in less than 24 hours. I completely forgot I had to reply for the Esta, since I had an American visa the last 3 years I didn’t really think about it. I replied for my Esta less than 24 hours ago, and it normally takes 72 hours to get it confirmed. Hopefully I get it in time before my flight, which takes off in an hour. Fingers crossed!

As we speak I'm sitting in the lounge with a huge cup of coffee, waiting to board on my flight to Minnesota!
I only slept for a few hours tonight, as I was packing and trying different outfits to figure out what to wear for tomorrow's, or actually today team dinner (with the time difference). I will probably go straight from the airport to the dinner, so hopefully, I will get some rest on the plane. 

I'm super excited to see Mats again and explore a new city with new people! Always sad to leave Norway, but since I am waiting for my next O1 visa, I have to go back to Norway soon for the interview at the American embassy. I will try to update from Minnesota, but will probably be super busy first few weeks with settling in and getting to know a new city and how everything works over there. ts time to get pushed out of the comfort zone again. Its all so new, and I feel nervous and excited at the same time!

Wish you all a great and lazy Sunday. I hope you sleep long and get some rest before kicking off a new week tomorrow. 

X, Eline S.

Reklame// Wearing - Sweater - Revolve (LPA) - Bag - Zara - Jeans - Acne - Headbow - Accessorize - Earrings - H&M - Boots - Stuart Weizmann - Necklaces - vintage

Can I move here?

Falling in love with the Countryside of Norway, after my little exploring in Sørkedalen in Oslo last weekend I had to go back. I used to spend so much time there as a kid with my family, we used to go horseback riding and watch the animals, it all brings back great memories in me.

The old farm ¨Bogstad Gård¨ has this amazing cute cafe inside the house, as well as a museum where you can see how they used to live more than 200 years ago. Perfect for an old soul like me, haha. The big farm is facing a huge garden and a lake. I recommend visiting this beautiful place if you want to see and explore something different in Oslo, perfect for families with kids too.

Tomorrow it is Friday already!
I have been having a hectic week so can’t wait for the weekend to start and spend some time with my friends tomorrow.

X, Eline S

Reklame: Wearing - Sweater - Revolve (LPA) - Jeans - Acne - Boots - Stuart Weizmann - Sunnies - Zero UV