Ugly sweater party and Norwegian style X.mas in USA

I hope you all have had a great Christmas holiday so far. We had the Wilds Ugly sweater party after the game on the 21st, which is one of my favorite traditions.
We had dinner at RH in Edina, Minnesota. I actually never had dinner there, only lunch. I have to say that WOW, the food is amazing. We had an early night since Mats had early practice the next day. The 22end Mats family arrived and we have been lazy since the day they arrived. Been watching Love actually probably tree times and sleeping in every morning.

Reklame / Wearing make up from Froya cosmetics - Hand chain - Nangi Jewelry - headband - Free People - Necklaces - Vintage - Dress - Lpa

On Christmas Eve, we slept in and watched movies. Mats mom made rice porridge for lunch. This is a tradition most Norwegian and Swedish people do during Christmas. We also leave one almond in the porridge, and the person getting the almond, gets a small present, like a chocolate bar. This always made us want to eat a lot more while we were young, just to get the almond and the present.
After eating Mats, his brother, Frank and I got dressed and went to a rink to play around on the ice. I love being active during X.mas, my family and I usually go to the mountains in Norway, so I’m used to a really active holiday season and a lot of outdoors activities. Since I don’t skate really often I have a lot of fun the few times I do. Of course, I got too excited to put the skates on quickly, so I accidentally cut myself on one of the skates, haha. Clumsy and typical me.

After we went home to shower and get ready for Norwegian style Christmas dinner. Mats family brought some food from Norway, and the rest we got from a Norwegian store here in Minneapolis called ‘‘Ingebritsen’’, we also found Norwegian brown cheese and some other goodies there. If you are Norwegian or Scandinavian and living in Minneapolis, you better check it out!
With Norwegian food, music and even snow outside it truly felt like the same as a Norwegian Christmas eve.

I hope you all enjoy the rest of the holiday. And getting excited to start off the new year, 2020! I’m planning to journal a bit today.
I know this sounds a bit stupid, but I recommend everyone to write down 5 things that you were grateful for in 2019, and also 5 things that you are leaving behind in 2019.
Let go of things that dosen’t serve you, and fuel yourself with people and surroundings that only serve you happiness and good energy.

Best, Eline S.

Exploring new superfood spots in Minnesota

It's only my second week in Minnesota, but It feels like I have been here for a month already. I have been doing so many things and met so many people in such a short period. I had honestly thought Minnesota was a small and kind of boring place to live, but it is not! The city feels big, and there are so many things to do.

I have been spending hours after hours in home goods, target, RH and such to organize for the house. I do enjoy it, even tho if it is a lot of work.
People here are so helpful and genuine every time I ask someone for help. I also got a car now, which I was pretty nervous about at first. I have been in the states for 3 years now, but I always avoiding driving. I felt like I had to challenge myself when we moved here. Minnesota is not like NYC with a subway right outside your door. Being able to drive gives me much more freedom.

One of the girls from the Wild team is from Finland. She and her husband live close to us, so we have been spending a lot of time together in the last few days. It's always something special about the Scandinavian culture and how you bond with each other. She shows me all the cute spots, I'm adding some pictures under from our lunch at ¨Crisp and Greens¨ in Minnesota yesterday. 
The place is super cute and with all kind of options, also for the vegans! I did a green bowl yesterday, with chickpeas, carrots, tuna, feta, avocado, spinach and some super tasty ginger dressing. I do recommend this place, super clean and and the service was great too! Also an option to be seated outside, (like we did) when the weather is good.

Hope you all have had a good week and is as excited as I am about the weekend. I am going to a concert today, which Im really looking forward to! Tomorrow it is the Wilds first home game, here in Minnesota. I am super excited to be there and see Mats on the ice again, lets hope for a win!
Minnesota has been warm and nice the last few days, but the rain just started. Rumors told me it will snow this weekend. Gotta get prepared for some cold winter months, even tho I'm pretty used to cold weather. 

Best, Eline S.

Reklame// Wearing: Revolve - Top - Lovers & Friends - Skirt - Lovers & Friends - Jacket - JG Couture - Necklaces - Vintage and market in Soho Nyc - Hair jewelry - Accessorize

Hello Minnesota <3

Hey you all. :)

Hope you all had a great start of the new week. I am sorry I haven’t been updating in a while.
This first week in Minnesota has been crazy busy. A ton of work with the new house we just moved into as well as getting to know the city, the people and how to get around. It will take some time to settle fully into the house, but step by step. It has also been nice to spend some time with Mats again after almost a month apart.

I realized pretty early, that I have to challenge myself to get to know and meet new people, not to be lonely here. When we lived in NYC everything was a bit different, I had my friends and my stuff going on with modeling and work. Here in Minnesota I am all new and don't know many people. It is a new life for us both. Right now I am also without a working visa, and it will take some time before I get it back. In the meantime, I am gonna start some online nutrition studies, witch, I am super excited about! It will be good to be able to share more knowledge about the nutrition of the food recipes with you guys as well. 

I already feel the warmth from the people in Minnesota. I have to admit it is a massive change from NYC in many ways. So far I like it here. The city is a lot cleaner than NYC and much more nature and less noise, witch was something I always missed back in NYC. Every city got its charm, and Minnesota seems so far to have a lot to offer. I do understand why so many Scandinavians settled down here. The seasons and the climate are similar to Norway. I also got to meet everyone on the team, and everyone has been super welcoming to us both. The last two days I have been organizing a bunch for the house, and some of the girls from the Wild team have been helping me out.

Wish you all a good week, I will try to be better on update more this week. Tonight we have a team dinner, so I am heading out to buy a small gift for the host. Talk soon. <3

Best, Eline S

Reklame// Wearing: Revolve- Hoodie - LPA - Tights - Lulu lemon - sneakers - Adidas - Sunnies - Zero UV - socks - Nike

Orlando- TV-commerical and Touristing

De siste par dagene har vært travle her i Florida, men jeg bestemte meg for å gjøre en tur ut av jobbreisen og booket inn en natt ekstra. Vanligvis er jeg så sliten etter en shoot at jeg pleier å reise rett hjem, men jeg angrer alltid etterpå. 

En god venn av meg bor i Orlando og tilba seg å hente meg på flyplassen for å være turistguide for en dag. Det er faktisk en av de fineste tingene etter så mange år med modelljobbing - jeg har venner over hele verden, og det er jo faktisk veldig kult!

Vi bestemte oss for å utforske byen på sykkel. Først syklet vi inn til Orlando by før vi dro videre til Downtown og ruslet rundt i farmers market. En av de beste tingene jeg vet med USA er at de arrangerer markeder, og i Orlando holdes det hver helg. Markedet hadde alt fra kunst og forskjellige smakstilsatte popcorn, til nylagde acai bowls og juicer. Vi endte opp med å sykle 20 km den dagen, og jeg synes det er veldig deilig å oppleve en by på den måten for det slår aldri feil å være aktiv utendørs. 

Orlando var generelt en ganske kul by og det er kun 4,5 timer med bil eller 1 time med fly fra Miami. Jeg anbefaler derfor å ta turen til Orlando hvis man først er i Miami. Byen har mange pene innsjøer og hyggelige mennesker, men maten var midt på treet og kan ikke måles med Miami etter min mening. 

Selve jobben var superenkel! Jeg var booket for en hele dag, men kunden fikk det de trengte veldig raskt og vi var ferdig allerede kl 14. Vi filmet en TV reklame som skal vises på flere kanaler her i USA, men jeg får egentlig ikke lov til å vise noen BTS (bak kamera bilder), før reklamen er ute. 

Nå er jeg tilbake i Miami og har en ny shoot i morgen. Jeg er sliten etter mye reising og jobb denne uken, og skal nå krype til køys.

Snakkes snart, E! :)  

I decided making a trip out of my job in Orlando and stay for an extra day. 
Often when I go somewhere for work, Im too exhausted to see or do anything after the shoot, but always regret it. 
One of my good friends live out there and offered to pick me up at the AirPort and be my tourist guide for a full day! That is really one of the nice things about so many year of modeling. I really do have friends all over the world, wich is pretty damn cool!

We decided to do the touristing by bike. We biked into the City of Orlando and futher downtown where we parked our bikes and went walking around farmers market to pick up some fresh fruits and iced coffee. There is a huge farmers market downtown Orlando, every weekend. This is really one of my favorite things to do in any new city in the states. They got everything from art to different flavored popcorn, to fresh made açaí bowls and juices. We ended up biking 20km that day, gotta love being active outdoors and explore new places!

Orlando was overall a cool city. Only 4,5 hours by car, and 1h by plane, so probably worth a visit if you are already in Miami. So mang pretty Lakes everywhere and people were super friendly. The food was so/so- typical American. Not even close to Miami level - in my opinion.

My work day, the next day was super easy. Was booked for a full day, but they got what they needed from me behind the lence pretty fast. So I was done already around 2pm. 
We were filming a commercial wich will run on all over Americas national TV channels. 
Im not really allowed to post anything from behind the scenes before its out.

Im back in Miami with a new shoot tomorrow. Pretty tired after traveling and little sleep this week. Excited to get some sleep tonight.
Hope u all had a great week so far. 

Talk soon, E! :)