Nomade Miami

As many of you know, one of my favorite hobbies while Im traveling is to check out new superfood spots.
While I was in Miami in March month I explored a lot of new, dope places that I want to share with you.

My girlfriend Molly Strauss is one of my very close friends from modeling. We got to know each other the very first time I came to Miami almost 3 years ago.
She was my roommate back then, and when you share a room with someone, you get to know each other really fast. Now it feels like I have known her for a lifetime.

We have some big passions in common; We both love nature, and quality super food, or soul food like we call it. Our religion is the universe and Mother Nature. We can have the deepest conersations about energies, daily experiences from work or just the life journey in general. Yep, pretty nerdy. I know.
We always joke about it and call ourself grandmas. Because we enjoy cooking and drinking tea, while our friends go crazy on the parties in Miami.

Molly invited me to this extremely cute spot while I visited her. I absolutly loved it! The vibe is inspired by Tulum. For those of you who have been there, you would know what Im talking about. The interior is nomadish, with dream catchers hanging from the ceiling, and their meals are freshly prepared by their own chef right in front of you.

The little restaurant is located pretty random, in the middle of nowhere, in a different part of Wynwood District. Definitely worth the experience, especially if you are in that area. There is so much to explore around in Wynwood District. It is completely different then all the typical fancy South beach spots. This place go back to the roots and got a homy, personal touch. We both ordered a big bowl topped with fresh grilled salmon, soo good!

Have a great Thursday, almost weekend guys. Keep it up!
NYC is freezing and I can’t wait for the weekend to start and hopefully the sun will come back soon.

All best, Eline S

Orlando- TV-commerical and Touristing

De siste par dagene har vært travle her i Florida, men jeg bestemte meg for å gjøre en tur ut av jobbreisen og booket inn en natt ekstra. Vanligvis er jeg så sliten etter en shoot at jeg pleier å reise rett hjem, men jeg angrer alltid etterpå. 

En god venn av meg bor i Orlando og tilba seg å hente meg på flyplassen for å være turistguide for en dag. Det er faktisk en av de fineste tingene etter så mange år med modelljobbing - jeg har venner over hele verden, og det er jo faktisk veldig kult!

Vi bestemte oss for å utforske byen på sykkel. Først syklet vi inn til Orlando by før vi dro videre til Downtown og ruslet rundt i farmers market. En av de beste tingene jeg vet med USA er at de arrangerer markeder, og i Orlando holdes det hver helg. Markedet hadde alt fra kunst og forskjellige smakstilsatte popcorn, til nylagde acai bowls og juicer. Vi endte opp med å sykle 20 km den dagen, og jeg synes det er veldig deilig å oppleve en by på den måten for det slår aldri feil å være aktiv utendørs. 

Orlando var generelt en ganske kul by og det er kun 4,5 timer med bil eller 1 time med fly fra Miami. Jeg anbefaler derfor å ta turen til Orlando hvis man først er i Miami. Byen har mange pene innsjøer og hyggelige mennesker, men maten var midt på treet og kan ikke måles med Miami etter min mening. 

Selve jobben var superenkel! Jeg var booket for en hele dag, men kunden fikk det de trengte veldig raskt og vi var ferdig allerede kl 14. Vi filmet en TV reklame som skal vises på flere kanaler her i USA, men jeg får egentlig ikke lov til å vise noen BTS (bak kamera bilder), før reklamen er ute. 

Nå er jeg tilbake i Miami og har en ny shoot i morgen. Jeg er sliten etter mye reising og jobb denne uken, og skal nå krype til køys.

Snakkes snart, E! :)  

I decided making a trip out of my job in Orlando and stay for an extra day. 
Often when I go somewhere for work, Im too exhausted to see or do anything after the shoot, but always regret it. 
One of my good friends live out there and offered to pick me up at the AirPort and be my tourist guide for a full day! That is really one of the nice things about so many year of modeling. I really do have friends all over the world, wich is pretty damn cool!

We decided to do the touristing by bike. We biked into the City of Orlando and futher downtown where we parked our bikes and went walking around farmers market to pick up some fresh fruits and iced coffee. There is a huge farmers market downtown Orlando, every weekend. This is really one of my favorite things to do in any new city in the states. They got everything from art to different flavored popcorn, to fresh made açaí bowls and juices. We ended up biking 20km that day, gotta love being active outdoors and explore new places!

Orlando was overall a cool city. Only 4,5 hours by car, and 1h by plane, so probably worth a visit if you are already in Miami. So mang pretty Lakes everywhere and people were super friendly. The food was so/so- typical American. Not even close to Miami level - in my opinion.

My work day, the next day was super easy. Was booked for a full day, but they got what they needed from me behind the lence pretty fast. So I was done already around 2pm. 
We were filming a commercial wich will run on all over Americas national TV channels. 
Im not really allowed to post anything from behind the scenes before its out.

Im back in Miami with a new shoot tomorrow. Pretty tired after traveling and little sleep this week. Excited to get some sleep tonight.
Hope u all had a great week so far. 

Talk soon, E! :)