What I'm missing the most right now

How are you all holding on during these times? At this point, i’m considering flying back to Europe. The situation here in LA got so bad, and I have no life here anymore. When they closed all the trails, was when I really felt my freedom was taken away from me. Hiking in nature is my favorite thing to do when in LA.
All trails and beaches are closed here now. For those staying in houses, you can still use your garden, but for those of us staying in apt its not the same. Also, the government has ordered everyone to stay inside. At least I have a safe place to stay, which I am thankful for, but have to admit this is a mental challenge.

These pictures were taken about a month ago when my mom visited me from Norway.
I hope you are all safe. This is definitely the first thing I’m doing whenever this ends.

Best, Eline S.

runners - Nike - jacket - Adidas by Stella McCartney - shorts - Adidas by Stella McCartney - bottle - Swell

Chocolate mousse -Protein style

NYC was sunny for a second, but then it was raining the entire weekend, including Monday and Tuesday. Kinda cosy too, especially when the weekend plans was babysitting, cinema and cooking with the kiddos.

My girlfriend and I also found a new awesome serie on Netflix. We almost finished it over the weekend. ¨Dead to me¨, you should check it out. A bit creepy, funny and also romantic. Something your boyfriend might like too! Reminds a little of ¨Big little lies¨, for those who have seen it, wich is another good serie I highly recommend.

This chocolate mousse have been a favorite of mine for years. Its a perfect little healthy treat or a post workout meal, to fuel up on.
Its really simple to put together. just for yourself, or for you and your bestie. <3 It is a good treat to keep in the fridge for the next day too!

What you need

Organic cottage cheese
Yoghurt - I use Kite Hill (plain almond yoghurt)
Some vanilla extract
Stevia, honey or other sweetner
Raw 100% cacao
sea salt



What you do

Mix together 2 topped tbs cottage cheese and 3 topped tbs yoghurt in a bowl. (The creamier yoghurt you use, the creamier the mousse will get)
Add 2 tbs cacao powder, a pinch of sea salt and some drops of vanilla extract. (If you are not a big fan of the cottage cheese taste, you can always do one more tbs of yoghurt and one tbs less of the cottage cheese or skip the cottage cheese completely).

At the end add stevia or other sweetener, taste a little in between to get it as sweet as you prefer. Everyone have different taste, I personally like a strong taste of cacao, and prefer the bitterness.

Mix well together. If you don’t like the texture of the cottage cheese and want to get rid of the bumps, you can use a hand mixer or a blender.
Personally, I don’t mind the bumps.

Have the mixture over in two small bowls or one big one. I love to heat up some raspberries as topping, with some pumpkin, chia seeds, sunflower seeds and cinnamon. Keep in mind that this is not a proper chocolate mousse, because its protein based and without butter and eggs. This mousse will be much more compact and not fluffy like a normal mousse. Its a high protein, low carb treat that fills up and helps to get rid of cravings.

Hope you like it and get inspired to try something new to fuel up on.

Have a great rest of the week you all! and happy 17th of May to all Norwegians!

All best, Eline S

Nomade Miami

As many of you know, one of my favorite hobbies while Im traveling is to check out new superfood spots.
While I was in Miami in March month I explored a lot of new, dope places that I want to share with you.

My girlfriend Molly Strauss is one of my very close friends from modeling. We got to know each other the very first time I came to Miami almost 3 years ago.
She was my roommate back then, and when you share a room with someone, you get to know each other really fast. Now it feels like I have known her for a lifetime.

We have some big passions in common; We both love nature, and quality super food, or soul food like we call it. Our religion is the universe and Mother Nature. We can have the deepest conersations about energies, daily experiences from work or just the life journey in general. Yep, pretty nerdy. I know.
We always joke about it and call ourself grandmas. Because we enjoy cooking and drinking tea, while our friends go crazy on the parties in Miami.

Molly invited me to this extremely cute spot while I visited her. I absolutly loved it! The vibe is inspired by Tulum. For those of you who have been there, you would know what Im talking about. The interior is nomadish, with dream catchers hanging from the ceiling, and their meals are freshly prepared by their own chef right in front of you.

The little restaurant is located pretty random, in the middle of nowhere, in a different part of Wynwood District. Definitely worth the experience, especially if you are in that area. There is so much to explore around in Wynwood District. It is completely different then all the typical fancy South beach spots. This place go back to the roots and got a homy, personal touch. We both ordered a big bowl topped with fresh grilled salmon, soo good!

Have a great Thursday, almost weekend guys. Keep it up!
NYC is freezing and I can’t wait for the weekend to start and hopefully the sun will come back soon.

All best, Eline S