As many of you probably know, I am completely obsessed with pancakes and waffles all year around. My grandparents just got me a new waffle maker for my new apartment, as my old one is still in NYC. I have been experimenting a ton with ‘‘how to make the quickest, tastiest, but also healthiest pancake recipe’’.
This is already a well known recipe, and you can see bloggers, models, and influencers posting it all over the world on TikTok and Instagram.
Here is my verson, it’s super easy, quick and cheap to make it!
What you need (1 pers)
2 eggs
1,5 dl oats
1/2 ts baking powder
1/2 banana
1 dl oat milk, or other milk
blender or a hand-mixer
What you do
Start with having the liquid parts in the blender, then add the oats, the banana, and the spices.
Blend until smooth. Leve it for 5 min until you fry the pancakes in a pan with some coconut or other oil on high temperature. (Make sure the temp is high before you start the cooking)!
Recently been addicted to this, I’m just adding some fresh raspberries to some diary free yogurt and mix it together with some sweetener, and use it as a ‘‘topping cream’’. I love to use some nut butter and some homemade granola on top of that as well. The more topping the better!
Right now I am using the nut butter from Top with whatever you love, the topping is what makes the pancakes in my opinion. And obviously a good cup of coffee, (iced for summer, hot for winter), would be a perfect combo with this.
Wish you all a great weekend, I am considering going away to the mountains for some hiking.
I am defiantly serving this for brunch in Norwegian landscape, surrounded by mountains and fresh Norwegian mountain air!
X, Eline S.
Raw food chocolate cake for beginners - step by step
Step by step easy beginner raw food chocolate cake recipe
What you need
3 large-sized dates
A little less than 6 cups of seeds (half pumpkin/ half sunflowers (1,5 dl)
6 cups oats (2 dl)
2 topped tbs raw cacao powder
2 tbs coconut oil
about 4 cups almond milk (1 dl)
vanilla extract
sea salt
mid layer:
3 dl (about 8 cups) overnight soaked cashew nuts
4 tbs Marple sirup
2 tbs squeezed lemon
1 tbs melted coconut oil
1 large tbs raw cacao powder
sea salt
vanilla extract
top layer:
2 large tbs coconut oil m
2 topped tbs cacao powder
4 tbs Marple sirup
vanilla extract
sea salt
What you do
Base -
As the cake got 3 steps, you need to take one step at the time.
At the first step, it is important that you slice the dates into smaller pieces before addinng them to the blender, or using the food processor. Always start with the liquid part, and then add the rest. Don’t be afraid to get your hands dirty, you can also use plastic gloves if you prefer keeping your hands clean. The texture is supposed to be pretty firm, as this is the base, but as it cools down it will set better.
Have the mixture into a cake shape and place it into your fridge, as you start on the second step of the cake,.
Mid layer -
The main ingredient in the mid-layer is the cashew nuts, Its important that you soak the nuts overnight, meaning adding them to a bowl of water, this makes the nuts softer and easier to work with like a cream base.
Again, start with the liquid parts to the blender, or food processor and add the nuts little by little as you blend together.
Have the mid-layer over the cake base, and place back to the fridge.
Top Layer -
My fave layer of the cake is the top layer! Start with melting the coconut oil, mix in the marple syrup, and the rest of the ingredients. Have the topping over the cake and make sure to get it all spread out to the edges of the cake as well. For coffee lovers, you can add a tbs off espresso coffee.
You can leave the cake simple like that or top it with some seasonal fruits, some shredded coconut, or nuts.
Leave the cake in your fridge, It lasts for at least a week and is perfect as an everyday dessert or as a small bite to your coffee break.
I hope you like it.
Best, Eline S
wearing - top - superdown - earrings (hoops) - bikbok - ear cuff - phine London - aprons - lexington
Reklame Dr Schrammek
By sommer og hjemme spa. - Vinn ditt eget home- Spa kit
I sommer blir det en litt annerledes sommer for de aller fleste, men by -sommer trenger ikke være så ille! Spesielt ikke når man bor i nærheten av både parker og havet. Oslo har så mye fint å by på, jeg ser ferm til turer i skogen og båturer i Oslofjorden. Som freelancer blir det mye hjemme kontor for meg, så det føles godt å kunne ta små lufte turer ut på balkongen, eller avkjørle seg med ett kaldt bad på Bygdøy.
Man trenger ikke dra langt for å skape ferie følelsen. Jeg digger å lage en egen hjemme spa, en gang i uken for meg selv, eller sammen med en venninne.
Viktig med egentid og ‘‘self-love’’ i en hektisk hverdag, uansett når på året det er snakk om. Nå I sommer bruker jeg balkongen min flitting og rigger til en liten spa -opplevelse utendørs i ettermiddags solen.
Koser meg med iskaldt sitronvann, friske bær, og en deilig superfood smoothie bowl (oppskrift under), sammen med en avkjølende alovera maske fra Dr Schrammek’s face kit!
Face kittet til Dr. Schrammek består av flere av mine favoritt produkter året rundt.
Blant annet Perfect Skin Peeling - en finkornet peeling som fjerner døde hudceller og tilfører pleiende planteoljer som gir huden mer langvarig og dypere brunfarge. Alocalm Gel Mask, 60% aloe vera, bruker jeg flere ganger i uken. Den er deilig avkjølende og beroligende nå som solen er såpass sterk. Rik på fuktighet, vitaminer og mineraler som balanserer huden og hindrer tørrhet. Kiten har også med avkjølende øyemaske, som jeg liker å legge kaldt i kjøleskapet før bruk. I tillegg inneholder kiten Moisture Plus, bitte små ampuller, som er lette å ta med seg i vesken. Skikkelig fuktighetsboost med «Bio-Botox», en lett bedøvende plante som forebygger mimiske rynker. Noen få dråper tilføres huden, etter rens og peeling.
Lite hemmelig triks, som jeg lærte av hudterapeuten min Fanny på Beths beauty i Oslo: bruk ampullene, under en maske, for eksta dyp absorbering og fuktighet til huden. De kan også brukes separat under en fuktighetskremen.
Selve toalett mappen tar liten plass og veier lite, perfekt å ta med seg i baggen for utflukter, eller helgeturer. Noen ekstra prøver følger også med i toalett vesken. Kampanjepris: 1290,- (ord. pris: 1808,-).
Mine absolutte favoritter er sommer produktene deres. Akkurat nå for du også 3 for 2 på alle Dr. Schrammek sine sommer produkter i original str!
Neste innlegg kan dere lese om dr.Schrammek's "Best Pics" for den freshe sommerlooken. Omfattende beskyttelse med pleiende virkestoffer som hindrer tap av spenst og booster huden til sin beste utgave. På vei inn i salongene kommer tilbud på "Day Cream m/SPF + Serum" i tillegg til "Plukk og Mix" - små praktiske reisestørrelser. Schrammek sin produkter er medisinske og naturlige, bra for oss og bra for å bidra til ett grønt miljø.
Slik kan du vinne ditt eget face -kit fra Dr. Schrammek for en deilig hjemme spa opplevelse!
Slik deltar du:
1, Følg @schrammeknorway & @elinesyrdalen på instagram
2. like og kommenter de siste innleggene på begge profilene med hvem du vil dele en hjemme spa opplevelsen med.
Vinneren trekkes 3. juli. <3 Lykke til!
Ett lite tips til hudpleie fra innsiden med min Superfood Smoothie choco- loco bowl
(oppskriften ligger også ute som en IGTV på min instagram profil)
Dette trenger du:
4 frossne spinat kuler
1 håndfull frossen bringebær
1/3 avokado
1/3 frossen banan
2 toppede ss raw kakao
Noen stevia dråper, jeg bruker 5 dråper
Mandel melk, havre melk, vann, eller annen melk - ettersom hvor tykk du liker din smoothie bowl
Dette gjør du:
Start med de flytende ingrediensene, jeg bruker vann og mandel melk.
Tilsett resten av de frossne ingrediensene og kakaoen. Start blenderen, og bled til smoothien er jevn uten klumper. Hvis den blir for tykk, bruk litt ekstra væske. Skal smoothie spises fra en bowl, er det bedre med en tykkere tekstur.
Topp bowlen din med det du har tilgjengelig, la fantasien slippe seg løs.
Mine favoritt toppinger er:
Granola, ferske bær, peanøttsmør, solsikkefrø, chia frø, hemp frø, nøtter
For litt eksta forbrenning, strø litt kanel på toppen.
God helg, Eline Syrdalen.
Wearing - sunglasses - zero uv - sandals - hermes - necklace - thune - lace bra - victoria secret - shopping net - Dr Schrammek - face kit - Dr Scrammek - ear hoops - vintage - silke kåpe - victoria secret
plant-based & sugar-free chocolate spread
Lately, I have been experimenting with an easy replacement for the chocolate spread. I am a big fan of Nutella, but unfourthantly those days are gone, where I could eat Nutella 3 times a day without seeing or feeling any difference in my body. Not only is it bad for the body with all the empty calories and fast carbs, but it is also bad for our blood sugar to eat Nutella. I am trying to make most of my unhealthy food, with natural sugars from plants, like bananas, dates, honey, or sometimes stevia. This 3 ingredient recipe requires no oven or heating. It is basically a raw food chocolate spread, made with no sugar, and only plant-based, natural ingredients.
What you need
Kidney beans - drained and cleaned (175g drained)
7 medium-sized dates
5 topped tbs raw cacao
1,5-2 dl water
What you do
Start with slicing the dates, and make sure to remove the stones. Have the chopped dates over in a large bowl. Drain the kidney beans, and clean them.
Use a hand mixer, or a food processor and mix everything together until a smooth texture. add the cacao powder and the water little by a little while mixing together. Some prefer less water, and others prefer more. Depending on how thick or think you like your chocolate spread. In the end, add some salt, and for those who prefer, add some oil for some more oily texture.
How to use
I love to use the spread on rice crackers, on waffles, or on pancakes. You can also use the spread just as a chocolate cream dessert, or as a cake or cupcake topping.
I keep my chocolate spread in reusable glass and keep it in the fridge. Mine has lasted for at least a week now and still tastes good!
I hope you got inspired to try something new. I wish you all a happy Friday and happy Constitution day on Sunday to those who are celebrating in Norway!
Best, Eline S.
flourless pizza crust with superfood twist
I hope everyone had a great weekend. I love experimenting with new pizza crust recipes. Lately, I have been cooking a lot of different dishes with sweet potato as the main ingredient. I am obsessed with this colorful veggie and eat it almost daily. I like to bake 3 sweet potatoes at the same time and keep them cold in the fridge for the next meal or the next day. I will show you even more great and easy recipes with the sweet potato in the near future.
Why sweet potato?
The sweet potato is considered a superfood, first of all, it is a great source of carbs. It contains the slow kind of carbs, which is much better for us because it takes longer for our body to burn and keeps the blood sugar levels stable. This way we don’t get mood swings or heavy cravings for sweets. The sweet potato is also full of vitamin A, as well as a great source of fiber and beta carotene, which helps us build a great skin pigmentation. For anyone who struggles with the digestive system, start eating a sweet potato daily, and you will notice a difference!
The sweet potato is also super filling, so even tho it contains a lot of carbs, you don’t need to eat much of it to get filled up. For this specific recipe, for one person size pizza crust, you only need 1/2 of a medium-sized sweet potato.
What you need for the crust
1/2 medium-size sweet potato (baked)
1 dl old fashion oats - 0,42 cups
1 egg
Vi-siblin or psyllium husk - one small scoop
1/2 dl rye flour (can skip)
1 teaspoon baking powder
pinch of salt
any other seasoning
roccula or basil
What you do
Start with baking the sweet potato in the oven, I slice the potato it in the middle and baked it with some olive oil and salt. If you slice it into smaller pieces the baking can go a little faster. Depending on your oven, mine is usually ready after 25-30 min on 200 degrees Celcius (which is about 392 Fahrenheit).
Have the sweet potato over in a bowl and use a hand mixer to make potato mash. Mix then in the egg, and last you mix in all the dry ingredients.
When everything is mixed together, have the mixture over on a baking paper. Make the shape you like on your crust, I usually like to make it round. I like mine as thin as possible. Place the pizza crust in the middle of your oven. I usually take mine out when the edges start to get a bit burned, I like my crust to be as crispy as possible, but this depends on how you like your pizza crust.
The next step is topping, I have not been eating dairy or meat in a long time now, so I stick with vegan cheese and veggies on mine, but here you can go as crazy as you like. Some vegan toppings I recommend are red onions, mushrooms, lots of spices, red peppers, mini tomatoes, zucchini, capers, and most important, some great pizza sauce. I have also made this pizza with pesto as a pizza sauce, and it tasted bomb! When it comes to toppings everyone has their own preference!
Have the pizza in the oven again, and bake for another 10 minutes. Voila!
I love to have some fresh pesto to dip the pizza slices in, or some chili, or olive oil, as well ruccola salad on top.
Don’t expect this to look or taste like a normal pizza crust, in my opinion, it’s even better! More colorful and more flavorful than a normal crust! The whole point with this crust is that the unhealthy pizza all of a sudden became healthy, and you can have it every day, and as well get good nutrition your body needs, and more importantly, feel good after eating it! I have had this pizza 3 days in a row now and had some of my friends of mine trying it as well. They loved it!
I hope you got inspired to try something new, next time you make your pizza.
I wish you all a happy Sunday!
Best, Eline S.
Superfood salad and my first IGTV out for BCBG USA
Hey everyone!
I hope everyone are holding up during the difficult times we are in.
My days are going up and down, like it probably does for most people nowadays.
Today I ran the stairs in Holmenkollen with some friends, and one of them was my girlfriend who just gave birth. Such an inspiration to me! My goal for the workout was to do 1000 stairs, which is about 10 times up the stairs, after first round I was exhausted, but I made it. Still shaking but in a good way. I haven’t been doing a lot of strength training lately, so feels good to hopefully get back some muscle mass. We gotta inspire one and other and be creative with the workouts and use nature nowadays. One thing is for sure, you never regret a workout, even when it’s only for 10-15 minus.
I got such a good response on my first IGTV I did in collaboration with BCBG USA. I never thought I would get so much good feedback. It is a lot easier to post a picture, but when you post a video its much more my personality and feels more vulnerable. Thank you for everyone who are watching, and for giving me positive, but also negative feedback. I am new in the IGTV game, so still, a lot to learn!
As a lot of you have been asking about the excact ingredients for the superfood salad recipe, I dedided to post the recipe here again. The IGTV is still out on my instagram @elinesyrdalen and @BCBGgenerations instagram feed. Please send me a DM if there is anything special you would like me to talk more about or anything special you want me to make. Right now I’m working on a new pizza crust recipe, and been experimenting for a few days.
Superfood salad - what you need
Spinach - 2 handfuls
Carrot - one large
avocado - 1/2
Zucchini 1/2
Sweet potato 1/2
Tomato - 1 large or 5 mini
Pepper - I used red pepper - 1/3
Lemon - lemon peel
Pesto 2 tbs
Seeds - I used pumpkin 2 tbs, mix of chia and sunflower
What you do
Start with heating up the oven to 200 degrees, bake the sweet potato for about 25 minuts with some olive oil and salt. While waiting for the sweet potato, wash the spinach and chop it. Use a spirelli for the carrot and the zucchini, or chop it with a knife.
You can buy a spirally on amazon or most stores that sell kitchen stuff. Chop up the rest of the ingredients and have over in the salad bowl all together.
Use a cheese grater and have some of the lemon peel on top, just a tiny bit to get some sitrus flavors. The citrus will help to make the other vegetable taste even more flavorful.
Dressing: You can use olive oil, balsamic vinegar, salt, and pepper, but recently I have been craving pesto! I usually just mix a ready made pesto with some water, 2 tbs pesto, and 2 tbs water mixed together. Have the mixture, over your salad, and at the end add the seeds for some crunch.
I hope you like it!
This salad takes 10 minuts to make, and a little longer if your sweet potato is not readily prepared. I usually eat sweet poato every other day, so when I bake them I always bake 2-3 at the same time and leave the rest ready in the fridge to add to my next meal.
Sweet paoatoes are a great source of fiber and really high in vitamins and especially vitamins C!
I will show you some more great and easy recipes with sweet potatoes soon, they are becoming my new favorite vegetable! Kind of funny that I used to be a big protein eater, and for so many years avoiding carbs, and now all I eat is carbs, or at least for the most part!
Have a good rest of your weekend.
Best, Eline S.
banana / peanut butter bread - don't throw your old bananas to waste!
I hope you all are well and that you are staying positive and productive during these different and difficult times. I have been experimenting with a new banana bread recipe, and the result turned out to be great! Super easy, and no fancy ingredients needed. My friends always make fun of me, because I always save the leftovers, even for the smallest portions of food, and I have zero shame asking for a doggy bag. Better for us, and better for the environment!
What you need
baking sheet
2 yellow bananas
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla powder
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 tablespoon honey
80 grams oats
50 grams of peanut butter
seeds/ nuts/ chocolate chip
What you do
Start with heating up the oven to 180 degrees Celcius/ 356 degrees Fahrenheit.
Use a hand mixer, and mix together the bananas, eggs, honey and the peanut butter.
Mix together all the dry ingredients in a different bowl. Add the dry ingredients little by little to the banana mixture as you stir. Make sure to get rid of any bumps in the mixture.
Have a baking sheet over a load pan and add the mixture. In the end, add some seeds, nuts, berries, or chocolate chips as you prefer. Or keep it plain and simple.
Bake in the oven for 25-35 minutes, deepening on your oven. I recommend checking regularly after 25 minutes as every oven is different. Leave the bread on a shake for about 10 minutes before you slice it into thick pieces. Serve it alone, or with some berry jam. The bread lasts for about a week if you keep it in a plastic bag in your fridge.
I hope you got inspired to check out this recipe next time you are about to throw out your old bananas.
Please tag me #foodbyelines, if you happen to try out any of my recipes and like the results. I would love to see how your baking turns out!
Best, Eline S.
fresh summer rolls with peanut dipping sauce
Recently I have been craving Thai-food and got inspired to try to make something I spotted on the take out menu on one of my favorite vegan Thai places here in LA. Summer rolls are great nowadays because you can stuff them with whatever you have left in your fridge. I used what I had available, and been making this easy dish every second day ever since. The special peanut butter sauce makes the dish even tastier, but also works with sweet and sour sauce or soy sauce. All these colors on the different veggies make me happy, and this is definitely a great immune booster too!
What you need
rice paper
leftover sweet potato
bell pepper
peanut butter
cream cheese - I used a vegan one.
What you do
Start with slicing all the veggies in thin pieces. Fill a large bowl with hot water. Add one rice paper at the time to the water bowl until the paper gets soft, hold it over the bowl while you wait or the water to drip off.
Place the paper on a large plate and add your favorite toppings. drizzle some seeds on top for some healthy fats. Then wrap the sticky rice paper together, like a burrito or taco wrap. Easy like that. It doses’t has to look perfect, but the taste will still be the same. This is a fun thing to do together in the kitchen, with your friends, the only things that takes time is the prep of the veggies. For the meat lovers, you can obviously add some chicken.
Peanut sauce
Add one large tbs cream cheese, one large tbs peanut butter and a little bit of hot water to a bowl, mix together, add more water if you prefer a thinner texture. Voila - creamy peanut butter dip sauce.
I hope you like it.
I wish you a lovely rest of the week.
Best, Eline S.
Golden Mylk latte<3
Happy Easter everyone. I hope your easter is cozy, even tho we all spend it inside, except for the luckiest ones with balconies or gardens. I’m spending my very first easter all alone in my small apt in LA. Kinda lonely, but I’m trying to make the best out of it. Excited for a zoom call today with some girlfriends. Lately, I have been cutting normal coffee and only been drinking decaf coffee, as well as trying out new decaf drinks like Matcha and Golden Mylk. LA people are obsessed with these two drinks, and the yellow color of the golden mylk, makes it very easter-ish.
What are the benefits of golden mylk
Also known as haldi doodh, golden milk is touted for its healing, anti-inflammatory properties largely thanks to curcumin found in turmeric. Turmeric has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years for conditions such as breathing problems, joint pain, fatigue, digestive issues, and more. Modern research also suggests that turmeric is a potent antioxidant with antimicrobial and anticancer effects. Although turmeric gets most of the spotlight, the other spices in golden milk are also health-promoting! Both ginger and cinnamon are known for their anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial benefits.
What you need
light canned and unsweetened coconut milk
milk of your choice
ground tumeric
coconut oil
one tbs of maple syrup, honey, or stevia
black pepper
How you do
Using a mix of light (canned) coconut milk and unsweetened coconut milk, cashew milk or almond milk creates the perfect creamy base. I’ve tried using both fresh and ground turmeric and have to say the ground is better in terms of flavor! Coconut oil adds a touch of healthy fat and makes the turmeric more available for our bodies to absorb because it is fat-soluble. So don’t skip the oil! Black pepper also makes the curcumin in turmeric more bioavailable, so it’s an important addition as well. To sweeten, you can go any number of ways. I typically go for a spoonful of maple syrup, and if it still needs some sweetness or a dash of stevia is perfect.
Step by step
Pour the milk into a small pot on medium heat
Add some ground turmeric, a pinch of black pepper (which helps your body absorb the curcumin), a sprinkle of cinnamon (another natural anti-inflammatory) and your sweetener of choice.
Bring to a simmer for 10 minutes to let the flavors all meld and enjoy hot or cool down.
I wish you and your family a peaceful easter, due to the circumstances.
Best, Eline S.
ad/ reklame. Wearing @prettylittlething - Jeans & top. belt from - lovers & friends LA
Garlic mushroom avocado toast
It’s almost Easter time, and some of my best memories with easter include good quality of food in-between skiing in the mountains. Even tho this will not really be a real easter for me, or anyone else, we can still cook easter-ish food.
This little treat is on most menus on the hottest brunch spots in Los Angeles.
This recipe is perfect for breakfast, or as a brunch/lunch. It is easy to prepare for a family, or just for yourself like I did today. You only need four main ingredients and it takes about 15 minutes to prepare it.
What you need
What you do
Start with having the mushrooms in a pan with some chopped garlic and olive oil. Fry the mushrooms until they are golden, or until they are crispy - closed to burned (like I prefer them). Most people prefer the golden version. Dizzle over some salt and pepper.
Leave the mushrooms while you prepare the rest of the food. Slice a piece of bread and have it in your toaster, or heat it up in your oven or in a pan.
While you wait for the bread to get ready, slice a medium-sized avocado into two pieces and cut out half of the piece. Have half an avocado smashed over your toasted piece of bread, and add the mushrooms on top. In the end, squeeze over some lemon. This is the vegan version, but if you want to add some protein to the dish you can add an egg on top.
I hope you and your family are safe this easter.
I’m spending my first easter alone. Excited for a zoom call today with some girlfriends all around the US, the hear how they are all holding on. So sad how the situation has got so bad here in the States. I’m feeling extra grateful for being Norwegian now and impressed to see how the Norwegian government is dealing with this situation.
Stay safe, Best Eline.
Fat-burning coffee for breakfast and LA updates
Hey everyone.
I’m starting to feel just a little lonely in my own company over here, even tho I am not bored yet. I always find something to do. Studies, FaceTiming friends, series, cooking, and writing. I really miss being social and hug and touch people. Yea, I know that sounds creepy, but I’m a big cuddler with the people I love.
I have been experiencing syndromes for a while now, and I just got a call from a girlfriend I hang out with 9 days ago, telling me she just got tested for the coronavirus. She was recently in Europe, and hang out with two people who have tested positive, we have a bunch of the same syndromes, so if she gets a positive answer it might be a chance I have it too. I haven’t been feeling really sick, only been having light syndromes, but my breath is a lot heavier, and it scares me a bit since I’m in Los Angeles by myself. I hope you are all feeling healthy, and that your families are safe.
I haven’t been moving for about a week now, because of the symptoms, I have been trying to stay in as much as possible, to avoid spreading in case I got the virus. I guess I am not the only person who has been emotional and bored eating way much, from just lying still all day.
I used to do this coffee every day a few summers ago for breakfast, and my mom has done it too, saying it was working for her to get to her goals. I don’t want this page to have a focus on weight loss, especially now when these things really don’t matter, when terrible things are happening in the world, even though I thought I might share this tips with you. Health obviously comes first, however, this coffee has great health benefits, so it might be worth a try!
The recipe is super easy, you only need 2, or 3 ingredients for your fat-burning morning coffee, and it literally takes 5 minutes to make it.
How you make your bulletproof coffee
Using freshly ground coffee beans, brew 1 cup of coffee, using a French press, or just instant coffee.
Add 1 tablespoon (tbsp) of coconut oil or butter
add a little almond milk, or other milk (for more creaminess)
Mix in a blender for 20 to 30 seconds.
Benefits of bulletproof coffeeMany people think coffee is bad for you, but the truth is that drinking coffee in moderation has a range of health benefits and may reduce the risk of death from heart disease and several cancers. Not only is coffee full of antioxidants, but drinking coffee daily may also lower the likelihood of developing conditions, such as liver disease, Parkinson’s disease, and type 2 diabetes. Coffee in the morning can improve mental focus and help a person to feel more awake and alert. This effect usually lasts for a maximum of a few hours.
The ketogenic diet
The bulletproof coffee is a keto coffee, or in other words high fat low carb. Usually, our bodies convert carbohydrates into energy before using fat. If there are not enough carbohydrates available, then the body uses its fat stores as an alternative source of energy. When the body uses its fat reserves, it produces ketones. Meaning your body goes directly into a fat-burning mood.
However, doctors usually recommend following a low-carbohydrate diet for a short time only.
Reducing hungerOne of the reasons for drinking bulletproof coffee is to prevent hunger during the morning. Adding butter and oil to coffee may make a person feel less hungry than if they drank coffee alone. Everyone is different, but some people may still feel hungry during the morning if they have not eaten a meal for breakfast. Personally, I think everyone gets used to it after a few days, whenever you develop a new habit, it might be uncomfortable at first, but when your body get used to it, and you start seeing results it’s all worth it. Never hurts to give something a try.
Links and facts for information:
Reklame, wearing Revolve - shirt - Song of style
Sweet potato toast, vitamin C boost
During these times many of us have a home office and a little extra time to prepare healthy meals.
My grandpa told me they used to eat potatoes and oats every day during the second world war.
The upcoming weeks will be spent mostly in our homes, to prevent spreading the virus. And not to seem dramatic, but it almost feels like some kind of war.
We don’t have our freedom the same way to just go out and be social, so we might as well enjoy the time spent at home and make good healthy food.
Potatoes are full vitamin C, which helps you build up your immune system to prevent getting sick. They are also full of fiber, which make them great for your digestive system. On top of that, they are super filling and make you full for hours. Since I started eating more plant-based, sweet potato is one of my favorite vegetables. Potatoes can be prepared in so many different ways. Cooked, baked, fried, or even being used in bakeries. The sweet taste gets even sweeter after cooking them, and they taste delish with olive oil and sea salt. This recipe only includes 3 main ingredients. And are super easy to prepare for yourself, or just double up the portions for more people.
! large sweet potato
1/2 avocado
olive oil
sea salt
Baking paper
What you do
Start with turning your oven on 200 degrees Celcius.
Clean the potato in water. Slice the potato in 1 cm thick pieces with a sharp knife.
Have some olive oil over the potato slices and massage it into the slices on both sides.
Place the slices on a baking paper and pinch over some salt.
Bake the sweet potato slices in the oven until they are perfectly roasted. Depending on your oven from 20-30 min. They should be a little golden on top, but this depends on how crispy you like your food.
In the end, mix 1/2 of a large avocado with a fork, add some sea salt, a little squeeze of lemon and some olive oil. Have the mixture over the sweet potato toast slices.
Add your favorite spice, I used some oregano.
I hope you like it.
X, Eline S.
Plant-based protein oatmeal, made with a superfood twist
Hey everyone.
Its been a different week here in LA. People seem to really freak out from the coronavirus, and its starting to get a bit scary. Especially today after Trump announced that the US won’t let anyone from EU travel into the US in the next 30 days. I guess the next step is that everyone from the US won’t be able to travel to EU. Especially now when I’m by myself away from loved ones it feels a bit scarier.
The first thing I do in the morning now days is making myself a big cup of coffee, to get that extra kick and those good antioxidants. Staying healthy during these times can be a real lifesaver. I have been craving oatmeal a lot lately, it fills me up for at least 3, or sometimes 4 hours before I get hungry again. Especially when I make it with one of my favorite plant-based ingredients, which is full of good proteins. I’m talking about almond flour! You can buy almond flour in almost every supermarket nowadays, or order it on iherb, amazon, or in a health shop.
What you need
1 dl almond flour
1 dl old fashioned oats
some cinnamon
some sweetener: honey, agave or stevia
a pinch of salt
4 dl almond milk, or other milk
What you do
Start with adding all the dry ingredients to the boiler. Then add the milk.
Use medium to low heat and mix together at all times so the oats dosen’t burn.
Mix until you get the texture you like, some people like more soggy and other people prefer more firm oatmeal. Personally I like my oats in between, but the topping is everything to make the oatmeal exciting and different from one day to another.
One day I can go with only berries, next day with nuts and fruit and another day with granola and peanut butter. I like to mix it up from one day to another.
Today I made it with granola. blueberries, raspberries and fresh strawberries.
Whoever said that eating plant-based is boring, is wrong in my opinion. Oats are also super cheap, and very quick and easy to prepare on a busy morning.
I hope you like it and that you got inspired to pimp your oatmeal next time.
Stay healthy everyone!
All the best, Eline S.
Vegan pasta with oven roasted superfood veggie
I have been having the biggest obsession with this plant-based dish lately. It’s easy to prepare and simple to make.
I make it the vegan way, but you can choose other products if you feel like it.
What you need
1 Large butternut sqash
1 glass of pasta sauce
Pasta or tortellini
Garlic or onion powder
All-purpose spice
Coconut oil spray, or olive oil
What you do
Start with heating the oven to 400 degrees, or 175 degrees Celcius, I put the oven on the roast function.
Slice the butternut squash in smaller pieces, and get rid of the seeds. Spray then with oil, and add your spices. Add your own favorite spice, it tastes perfectly with salt and some oil only. Since I make this dish quite often I like to mix it up, this time I tried with some turmeric, as I have been a bit sick this week I’m spicing it up. Tumeric has a really strong taste, so only pinching a little over with the other spices.
As the oven is heated up, place the butternut squash in the middle.
Waiting time- To make the butternut squash perfectly roasted, they need from 30-4o min depending on your oven. Feel free to watch a serie, or have a shower while waiting. I like to give the butternut squash a shake in between, to make sure they get roasted on both sides.
Depending on your kinds of pasta boiling time, start heating up some water, I used the Kite Hill vegan tortellini with spinach that only needed 4-6 min. When the butternut squash was close to ready, I started boiling the tortellini, as well started heating up the tomato pasta sauce on low temp.
The butternut squash should be golden and crispy on the outside when ready to serve. My friends thought it looked and tasted more like sweet potato, as the butternut get quite sweet when roasted. Drain the water off the pasta, and add the pasta to the bowl of tomato sauce and heat together for 1 minute or so.
Have the butternut squash on a plate and add the pasta. I used some vegan parmesan as topping as well as some vegan pesto.
Gotta love all the great green options in the US. Even tho America is known for its hamburgers and fries. they have tons of great plant-based options too.
Kite Hill is defiantly becoming one of my favorite vegan brands, plant-based brands.
I hope you got inspired to try out another green meal. Butternut squash is high in fiber and full of nutrition. Perfect this time of year with a healthy boost, that honestly feels more like a cheat meal, especially with the pasta and cheese.
Best, Eline S
Rosted Butternut Squash - Meatfree
I'm super excited about sharing my very favorite fall recipe with you. This is what I always prepare while having guests over for dinner during fall. To be honest I didn't even know about the existence of this awesome vegetable before I moved to the states. In the states they make so many yummy recipes out of this colorful veggie, witch is packed with vitamins, minerals and fiber.
What you need for 2 hungry peeps
1 medium-size butternut squash
1 chevre cheese 150 -200gr
2 handfuls of walnuts
6 tbs of honey or I used left overs of Lemon curd, witch gives a sweeter the same way
sea salt
2 handful of mushrooms or the wood gold chanterelle
olive oil
What you do
Start with heating the oven to 200 degrees. Stick a knife in the very middle of the butternut squash and cut it into two pieces. Face the pieces down on a baking paper and bake them in the oven until soft. When the squash has got soft, take them out of the oven and remove the seeds from the inside, and then leave them faced up.
Frie the onion and the mushroom with some olive oil and honey. Have it all over the two pieces of butternut squash as topping. In the end, cut the walnuts and chevre in smaller pieces add on top.
Last but not least, sprinkle some sea salt and top with some honey.
Serve the dish warm with some sour cream and pesto.
I hope you will love this one as much as I do. Especially now with the seasonal superfood veggie!
Best, Eline S
Superfood/ Vegan bowl - don't throw away your leftovers!
This bowl is super easy and clean for the ones who want to try something filling and healthy to boost both your skin and metabolism for the fall season. It takes literally 10 min to prepare it.
A lot of people are getting sick this time of year. I try to eat extra Vit C and stay warm. Its always hard to dress in Norway when it is freezing while you go to work in the mooring, but gets so much warmer during the day. The skin too can easily get dry and needs some extra care this time of year. I'm not a doctor, but from my own experience, it is true when people say ¨you are what you eat¨. At least for me, if I eat sugar every day for a week I can tell on the skin, but again we all have different genes.
Bowls are quick and easy to prepare, and you can add anything you have leftover in your fridge. This bowl was made of what I had leftover from the day before. Some leftover kale, avocado, cucumber. red pepper and lentils. I always have avocado and pesto in my fridge, as I use these two ingredients for almost every meal. I eat one avocado a day. that's probably one of my best beauty secrets to avoid dry skin. This is perfect as a lunch box too. If you want some extra protein you can add some tuna, cottage cheese, eggs, tofu, or chicken to make it just the way you like it.
What you need
1 Handful of kale
1/2 box on lentils
1/2 avocado
1/2 pepper
1/3 cucumber
Olive oil
Sea salt
What you do
Chop the kale and start heating it on low heat with some olive oil and salt. Chop the pepper, cucumber, and avocado and drain the lentils.
When the kale gets soft, have it over in a bowl, and add all the veggies. Top the bowl with some seeds.
I used pumpkin and sunflower seeds on mine. In the end, add some pesto and a little olive oil.
Voila! I hope you got inspired to try a vegan lunch bowl, remember you can always mix and match your bowl with other ingredients. Roasted beets or sweet potatoes are also a great source of vitamins C and slow carbohydrates! I will probably try with some roasted root veggies for my next superfood bowl.
X, Eline S.
Meat-free Chilli Con Carne with a touch of fall season
As many of you might have noticed, I'm trying my very best to change my diet to a more plant-based way of living. I slowly start to cut out meat and include more veggies. It is a lot of fun to experiment with the veggies and try to use different ingredients as substitute for meat.
Fall is as well the mushroom season in Norway, I grow up with hunting mushrooms every fall. In Oslo, or in the countryside with my family.
The Norwegian woods are full of chanterelles right now. If you haven't tried it before, it is a good idea to fry some in a pan with some butter and salt, to see if you like it before adding it to your dish.
For some reason, I have been craving chili con carne lately. Some hot, a bit spicy food is my favorite when it starts to get cooler out. Lighting up some candles on the table and a little glass of red wine is perfect for this season.
This recipe was something I just made up while I was looking over what leftovers I had in the fridge and added one special, seasonal ingredient I will get back to later.
What you need for 4 people or 2 super hungry ones
1 package of meatish/ or tofu (400gr)
1/2 chili
3 cloves of garlic
1 large onion
olive oil
parmesan cheese
Kidney beans
2 large carrots - can skip
2 cans of chopped tomatoes
pinch of salt
3 large tbs of honey or ketchup (for the sweetener)
2 handfuls of chanterelle
(other kind of mushroom or skip mushrooms)
Sour cream
What you do
Start with heating a pan, add some oil and the chopped onion, garlic and chili and the tofu or meatish. As everything gets golden, add the chanterelles and some salt. Then add the cans of tomatoes, the kidney beans, and the chopped carrots. I used a spirelli to get the carrots chopped in a spaghetti way.
Cook it all together on low heat for 5-10 min.
Serve the meat-free Chilli con Carne with heated nachos, sour cream, and parmesan cheese. I like to crisp the nachos over the plate, YUM!
I hope you like it and get inspires to try some meat-free days too.
All best, Eline S
Vegan superfood brownie -4 ingredients only
Hey you all.
I hope your September is going well so far. I have been stuck with visa papers and dialog with my lawyer the last week, and in between I'm cleaning up my closet because we are just moving. Whenever I have some time off, I go to the gym or out in the woods to get some fresh air. It is really lovely out now, and I'm especially excited about the mushroom season. Love picking mushrooms and cook dinner out of it. I will try to prepare a mushroom soup recipe for you this month, stay tuned!
Lately, I have been trying to challenge myself to eat more vegan, mainly because of the nature and everything going with the rainforest, but also because all science shows that eating more greens and less meat is better for our health. So far I haven't cut meat out complete, but I'm trying my best every day to find substantives for meat and dairy. Starting with cutting meat, and will try to follow with chicken. One step at the time. I honestly feel like its a lot easier to do this in the states, or actually anywhere else than Norway. Ever Sweden has better Vegan options in products than Norway.
I have been craving chocolate and brownie lately, probably because it gets colder out and I feel like eating something cozy. I wanted to try to make a healthier brownie verson, more like an everyday dessert. I also tried to make it as easy and less complicated not with a bunch of ingredients. I did a few mistakes and tried a few times to add and take away some ingredients. This was the result I got most happy with.
This dessert is perfect after a Sunday dinner, with some vanilla ice cream and berries, or just a piece after your workout with a cup of coffee. You can cut the left overs into pieces and refrigerate it, and serve next time you are having a guest over.
What you need
12 Dates
1 Box of kidney beans
1 Toppes tbs oil, I used cocosa (coconut oil)
3 Tbs cacao powder
Baking paper
What you do.
Start with heating the oven to 175 degrees celcius.
Remove the stones from all the dates and cut them into smaller pieces.
Drain the Kidney beans and add everything to a blender or a food processor.
At the end add 1 dl of water and a pinch of salt.
Mix all together until the texture is smooth.
Have the mixture over in prepared tin. I used a baking paper so I had less to clean up.
Bake in the oven for 20 min, but this does always depend on your oven. A little trick to test if the brownie is done: Stick a toothpick or a knife in the center-right around the time your recipe says it should be done. If it comes out clean, it's done. If there are any traces of uncooked batter, let it continue baking for another few minutes and repeat the process until the toothpick comes out clean.
The baking time also depends on how you prefer your brownie. I like mine super soft!
Why this cake is good for you
This cake is full of nutrition. Kidney beans are also a great source of several vitamins and minerals, they contain iron which is something a lot of us girls need to include more in our diet, because of the loss of blood during our period. Cacao is a great source of antioxidants- Antioxidants are thought to be effective in helping to prevent cancer. So yes for more chocolate in our diet, just remember to try finding the chocolates with less sugar, or try my homemade chocolate recipe. Dates do also contain a small amount of iron, they are high in fiber (which is good for our digestive system) and they have a natural sweetener witch makes them perfect for natural way of baking. Dates are also to be helpful for lowering inflammatory markers such as interleukin 6 (IL-6), in the brain.
Just remember not to tell your boyfriend or guests of the secret ingredient (beans), before they have tried the cake.. A lot of people get super skeptic when things are too healthy, haha. I kind of get it, but give it a try! At least this cake was accepted by my family and boyfriend. I hope you like it!
Almost Friday, yey! I wish you all a great weekend.
X, Eline S
Reklame, @revolve - Wearing - Blouse - Majorelle (Revolve) - Shorts - Zimmermann (Revolve)- Hair clips - Accessorize - Necklace Vintage
What do you make 4 hungry hockey guys for dinner?
I always find it hard to cook for guys. Basically, because most guys find my food too healthy, and get scared when I tell them I added cauliflower to their smoothie! Wich, I kind of understand. It's funny tho how some guys are scared to try healthy stuff, and don't like it when you tell them its healthy, but have you ever tried to not tell them you added something healthy and tell them after and ask for their opinion? At least my boyfriend is like that. I'm constantly trying to add something healthy, and most of the time he wouldn't notice. I am a health freak and he is the opposite, which is nice for us both I guess. He makes me eat more of the bad stuff and I make him eat more of the good stuff with makes us a good balance.
The other day we were having some of his friends over for dinner and I suggested making them all Norwegian meatballs because he loves his mom traditional Norwegian food. But he wouldn't risk me failing, haha! So what do you make for 4 hungry guys coming over for dinner? Homemade pizza of course!
We had taco the day before, so I decided using the leftovers from that dinner and made 3 taco pizzas. Then I also made 1 big pizza extra. Sometimes the easy, fast way is the best. So the crust for the big pizza was just a ready-made pizza crust from Peppes Pizza. Easy peasy and not fancy.
What you need for Taco Pizzas, from yesterdays taco dinner:
meat or beans
Taco spices
nacho snacks
Taco sauce
How you do:
Add the tortillas to a baking paper, and put in the middle of the oven on 175 degrees.
Keep in the oven for like 5 minus only, this way you make the crust more crispy then soggy, If you are short on time this is not nessesary.
Take the crusts out and add taco sauce as a pizza sauce, taco meat/ beans ready made with taco spices, onions, corn, crusted nachos and cheese on the top.
Add back to the middle of the oven again and ready when cheese is golden. This really depends on your oven.
What you need for family size pizza:
Ready-made pizza crust (family size)
Pizza sauce - I use pepper pizza sauce
The same way as the taco pizzas I baked the pizza crust a little before adding the topping. For those who don't prefer a crispy crust, this is not necessary. This time I did a half/ half pizza. I did half with what my boyfriend loves with is only pepperoni and cheese, the other half I made with Serrano, onions, and cheese. Pretty basic, but so good and super fast to prepare! A safe choice that everyone likes!
Hope you like it.
X, Eline S.
Super easy sides for the BBQ din-din
I wish the bbq season was all year around. Everyone gets together and bring all kind of different goodies to throw on the grill. It feels like almost everything tastes better grilled. I'm obsessed with Norwegian hot dogs, probably because they remind me of childhood and summer. I always try to add some healthy sides to my plate, creativity has no limits in the game of BBQing! Who doesn't love colorful, pretty plates? Here are some super easy sides that will impress your guests for the next get together. These sides work perfectly with any grilled from the grill.
Tomato Mozarella salad - with a summer touch
-This super easy salad only contains 4 ingredients only
1 pack with Strawberries - preferably Norwegian ones
2 packs of mini tomatoes
1 large mozarella cheese/ burrata cheese
1 handful of fresh balsamic vinegar
pinch of sea salt
Cut all the ingredients into smaller pieces and mix together. The cheese makes the salad kinda creamy, so you don’t need to add lots of extra oil. I prefer this salad with some sea salt and an aged balsamic vinegar.
Grilled filled peppers
4 large peppers
3 cloves of garlic
Cut each pepper in two pieces, and remove the seeds from the inside
Chop the garlic pieces, some mini tomatoes, and some basil and add it to the peppers. I usually use aluminum foil to avoid making a mess with food getting stuck to the grill. In the end, add some olive oil and some sea salt.
Leave on the grill until the peppers are golden and ready to dig in.
I hope you like it.
Best, Eline S