Blazer season <3
Oversized t-shirts and maskuline blazers is my favorite these days, love styling it with some fast shades.
Wearing organic and sustainable T-shirt from Norwegian designer ‘'Kamolawear’'.
Wearing: T-shirt - Kamolawear - pants - Grlfriend (revolve) - bag - Chanel - blazer - Grlfriend - jewelry - Thune - Hair clips - Amber Screats
Sunny Oslo
Enjoying the last bit of summer in Revolve style
Wearing - sweater - Revolve (LPA) - Sneakers - Nike - Skirt - Zara - Bag - Celine - Sunnies - Zero UV
Eline X La Michaux - 5 min interview up on their website
Hi Eline,
Thank you for joining our little questionnaire Please tell us… Who’s Eline Syrdalen?
I currently live in Oslo, Norway, where I was born and raised. I m just starting to get settled into my new apartment here.
I am a very active person, who loves being outdoors, in nature. I love sports and any activities, I’m a really creative person, who gets filled with positivity and happiness whenever I do anything creative, that can be decorating my food bowl, doing some fun makeup, styling an outfit or acting in a TikTok movie.
I have been modeling for about 10 years, but recently spending more time on my own projects and social media, especially now with the covid situation, it’s easier to work from home. I’m also really interested in nutrition, and how mental health can affect our bodies, one day I wanna help others to see the value of what a “healthy life” can do to your brain. So I started studying nutrition online.
I’m sharing some healthy recipes and IgTvs from once in a while on my web or on my Instagram.
How did you start your modeling career?
I started when I was about 16, in Oslo where I grow up, really small jobs, some fashion shows, and test shoots, and I slowly started to build up a book. Then I got scouted by an agency in Paris and first summer after finishing school I went there to try out modeling Full Time.
What do you love the most about your job?
I love the way I get to see and travel the world, meet new people and cultures. Learn and grow in ways I never thought I would. I truly believe traveling is the best education.
What kind of challenging situations do you experience as being a model?
Everyone fights their own battles, absolutely everyone goes threw storms in life, but most of the time it doesn’t show on social media. - Eline
Hmm, sometimes I am feeling judged, mostly out of superficial pictures from social media or just people who don’t understand the job and believe you are stupid just because of your work as a model. I have heard the worst rumors about myself back in my hometown, I think that some people assume things because they don’t realize social media is just a polished picture of any model, or influencers everyday life. Everyone fights their own battles, absolutely everyone goes through storms in life, but most of the time it doesn’t show on social media.
That’s so true, how do you cope with them? What do you like to do for feeling better when you’ve had an ‘off day’?
I tell myself that life is too short to really care. As long as my friends laugh at silly rumors and know who I am and what I stand for, I shouldn’t worry too much about what people who don’t know me think or say behind my back, we can't please everyone, that’s just life.
On a bad day, I am telling that to myself too, sometimes it can be draining strolling down ur feed seeing everyone else seem so happy, those days, I like to put away my phone and listen to a self-reflecting podcast and go for a walk in nature, hang out or see a close friend.
Like my mom always say, we are in charge of our own happiness. No one can do something about your life situation, or your mood, only yourself are in charge of that.
Absolutely, you and only you in control of your own life, I had to think of this quote: “ Don’t take criticism from someone you would never go to for advice”.
What advice would you give to women to feel good in their skin?
Everyone should pay closer attention to what people who makes you energized, and what people who make you drained. Surrounding yourself with the right kind of people will also make you more confident, I also truly believe that confidence starts from within, with knowing who we are and being kind. - Eline
To feel good in your own skin starts with no one but you. Your attitude towards yourself and towards life. The way we represent ourselves to others is the way they will see us. Confidence is always the best thing a woman can wear, put on a smile, and talk to yourself like your own best friend. When negative feelings come along, teach yourself to kick them out of your head.
Honestly, I think all women have issues and things we deal with in our daily life, Rather it is family, relationships, work relations, or other issues, what I learned so far in life, is that the people you surround yourself with have a huge impact of your mood and your motivation. Make sure you have your own mastermind group. This is a small group of people you know always got the best intentions for you, and always want you to succeed.
Everyone should pay closer attention to what people make you energized, and what people make you drained. Surrounding yourself with the right kind of people will also make you more confident, I also truly believe that confidence starts from within, with knowing who we are and being kind.
What life advice would you give to your younger self at this moment?
Shoot, I would slap young Eline in the face and tell her to dear to shine brighter and fuck what people say or think. I was so insecure and had the worst confidence when I was younger. I loved to sing, dance, and act. But was always too insecure to go to the audition for the school theaters etc.
Hahaha “ I would slap her in the face “, but I feel you though. As you grow older you realize that you’ve to be happy with yourself in the present moment and let people judge or be wrong about you, there’s nothing to prove.
How do you like to spend your free time? We’ve seen you post a lot of cooking recipes?
Yes. Love cooking, It's like therapeutic to me, if you haven’t heard of mindful eating, go look it up. We live in a high paste life, no one sits down anymore, everyone is rushing around, eating on the go, being on our phones, you name it. I'm not saying people should every day because I know most people don’t have time, but at least, once a week, make a proper meal sit down, and be present. It's those little things in life, realizing we are actually lucky to have food on the table and be present with our meals.
Mindful eating… I’m definitely looking that one up, great tip. I'm currently really focussing on being in the present moment.
Last, but not least, ready for our Question Roulette?
If you could have one superpower, what would it be? Flying <3
Beach or Pool? Beach
Which design of La Michaux is your favorite? The classic “Mallow white lace” bikini
Favorite sport? X-country skiing and boxing
Favorite quote? All you need is love, love is all you need <3
Night in or a night out? Night in
Heels or sneakers? Sneakers
Last message from you to our La Michaux community?
Please stay safe and be kind to one and other <3 Keep up the hard work, cause that’s always what pays off.
Thank you so much, Eline! I really loved your honest and open answers, very inspiring to hear.
Can’t wait to follow your epic journey while wearing La Michaux.
Eline X Miss Maya
Hello September <3
Finally the fall has arrived in Oslo. I actually love fall, even tho I felt summer this year never really started and went way too fast. One of the best things about Norway is the seasons. The landscape looks truly amazing during fall, especially in October month, with all the colors painted on the trees.
The air is getting crisper and the days shorter, but too many good series coming out and new dishes I am excited to experiment with.
Wish you all a great rest of the week. I have an exciting meeting coming up, and a really fun shoot this week. Was thinking about sharing how I prepare mentally and diet wise before a big shoot. Let me know here in a comment or in a DM if that’s something you would be interested in.
X, Eline S.
Ad/ reklame. Wearing dress from - Shona Joy - bag - Dior - boots - vintage - ear rings - vintage - scrunchie - Free People
make a wish
ad. wearing - revolve - top - love and lemons - shorts - agodole - bandana - rag&bone - sunnies - zero uv - slippers - uggs - necklace - thune
I spent last week with some of my close friends in Sandefjord, Norway. We got super lucky with the weather, and got the most out of the days, with good food, dips in the ocean, boating and kayaking. Hope you all enjoy summer, even tho a lot of us are back at work already. This summer went way too fast!
Best, Eline S.
wearing - bikini - shop chio/ revolve
Down by the water
Bright evenings, after long days in the sun, swimming in the ocean and eating fresh seafood.
Life is pretty good these days. I enjoy this year’s summer vacation with family and working in between. In a few days I am heading to meet some of my best friends for a little mini-vacay in another beautiful part of Norway, not too close from here., called Sandefjord When I finally start settling in, it’s kinda hard for me to move. Finally, I’m getting into a real vacay mood and even started reading a new book, Wich I feel like I never make time for!
Norwegian summers are not fully like the French Rivera, with glam, heels, and glitter. Even tho I like to dress up sometimes, In Norway, it is much more chill. Warm sweaters for he evenings and even jackets are a must. Denim shorts is another must for Scandinavian summers. And as its usually pretty windy, a lot of the times, I love to braid my hair. I have done that since I was a little girl every summer, as my family used to sail for a month straight. My mom figured it was easier for her just braiding me and my sister, so the hair didn’t get too messy every single day. My mom teached me how to braid cornrows on my sister from a young age, and I’m completely obsessed about braiding still. I really love that this trend comes back every other summer. Small details like braids, or plain off-white bra under a basic linen shirt, are little things that make the outfit pop a little more. Uggs or boots are also great options for windy summer nights.
Enjoy the rest of July month everyone. <3
Best, Eline S.
ad. wearing - off white lace bra - Na-kd - white shirt - the kooples - boots - vintage - hat - vintage - denim shorts - agodole - bag - dior - sunnies - zero uv - gold necklace - thune
Lyngør, Norway's Formentera
I love spending time in South Norway, been spending every summer here since I was a little girl. Every day is pretty much the same, lazy mornings with lots of coffee, a morning dip in the sea, brunch on the balcony, a walk, or run in the woods, followed up with another swim in the ocean. Usually, we do some bbq or seafood on the grill for dinner. I have too many spots where I have great memories with, and feel good spending time with my siblings again. Lyngør is one of the cutest parts of Norway in my opinion, everything is old-style, white and cute, So much personality in every corner of the little island. <3
Wish you all a good rest of July month.
Best, Eline S.
ad. wearing - dress - - hat - - ankle chain - Phine London - Sunnies - Zero uv - brown bag - Markberg - sandals - hermes - Necklace - Thune
travel sizes for the weekend get away
Annonse - Schrammek Norge
Hei alle sammen. Håper folk flest nyter sommeren, på tross av noen dager med dårlig vær. Selv har jeg sittet med hjemme kontor og prøver å bruke regnværsdagene produktivt til å få unna ‘‘inne jobben’’, før jeg planlegger en liten tur på Sørlandet.
Det er alltid ett evig spørsmål hva man skal prioritere å ha med seg i ferie baggen av sminke, hud, - og hårprodukter. Noe av luksusen med ferie er jo nettopp å kunne kose seg ekstra lenge på badet med deilige produkter og føle at man gir huden og kroppen det lille ekstra!
Jeg har i flere år brukt hud produktene til Dr Schrammek. Og er avhengi av å ha dem med meg på ferie. Heldigvis lager de alle mine favoritt produkter superpraktiske reisestørrelser til ferie turen.
Jeg prøver alltid å pakke smart med reisestørrelser og la de store flaskene bli hjemme. Tar liten plass og er også en perfekt måte å teste ut nye produkter på for de som ønsker det!
Du kan kjøpe 2 valgfrie reisestørrelser, og få en gratis Herbal Care Lotion 50 ml!
HERBAL CARE LOTION 50ml - perfekt til fet og kombinert hud og likeså til normal til tørr hud
Personlig elsker jeg, ‘‘Black Clearing Mask’’ som kommer i en 15 ml forpakkning. Perfekt en gang i uken å få renset porene, etter mye solkrem, osv.
Special Regulating Cream 15 ml er en hverdags favoritt, som jeg bruker natt og dag stort sett hele året, perfekt for meg som kan ha nokså hormonell hud, spesielt en gang i mnd.
Blemish Balmen, bruker jeg hver eneste dag. Det er en behandlende foundation som jeg påfører over Special Regulating Cream. Blemish Balm gir huden en flott glød og holder urenhetene mine i sjakk samtidig som den dekker naturlig ujevnheter. Denne kremen er også sterkt beroligende og brukes alltid etter Green Peel behandlinger. Også fin på solbrent hud om sommeren og ikke minst på insektsstikk.Den kommer også i en 15 ml forpakning.
Kopiere linken under og kom rett inn på Schrammek sin produkt side:
God sommer alle sammen, ta vare på hverandre i sommer (og huden)!
X, Eline S.
Wearing. top - toyshop - jeans - acne - bag - forever21 - necklace - then - hair crunchie - free people - ear rings - H&M
B-day brunching in Oslo
Last weekend we celebrated our girlfriend, Rikke’s birthday at Tjuvholmen in Oslo. We started the celebration with brunch at Sanoma, which is a Korean Asian fusion restaurant. I have never been to before, but the food was really good, as well as the vibe. It is truly something magical about being social again. I think everyone has been craving human connection on a different level after a corona. Obviously, there are still strict rules in Oslo, but Norway has been dealing pretty well with this situation.
After brunch, we all went to another restaurant/ bar named ‘‘bar Tjuvholmen’’. They make the best spicy margaritas! Wich is my favorite drink by far.
Have a good rest of the week everyone.
Best, Eline S.
reklame revolve. wearing - top - LPA - skirt - Zara - belt - lovers & friends - flats - Aldo - necklaces - vintage - sunglasses dior
Balloons from @theballooncompany in Oslo
If you could go anywhere you want right now, where would it be?
Where would you travel in the world if you could go anywhere you want right now?
Looking back on my latest travels and feel so grateful for everything I have seen, people I have got to know and learned from. Cultures I have got to experience, and food I have got to try around the world. I love this quote listed under, by Anthony Bourdain. I truly believe travel is the best way of learning and growing as a person.
“If you are thirty-two, physically fit, hungry to learn to be better, I urge you to travel – as far and as widely as possible sleep on floors if you have to. Find out how other people live and cook. learn from them – wherever you go.”
— Anthony Bourdain
Spending my Sunday inside, doing some work from my laptop, planning my new week, and cleaning the apartment. Happy Sunday everyone!
Best, Eline S.
ad/ reklame. wearing set from - shop chio/ revolve - bag - Dior - flats - hermes - jewelry -
Discount code from (reklame)
I can not wait for the weekend to begin! The weeks during summer flies away, way too fast.
I wish the summer here in Norway lasted much longer. I am trying to appreciate this weather as much as I can. I still haven’t signed up on any gym in Oslo, so these days I am taking advantage of all the outdoor activities like biking, swimming and running outside.
Tomorrow (Saturday) we are celebrating my dear girlfriend Rikke’s birthday. All the girls are getting together for a brunch in sunny Oslo! I can’t wait to dress up and see all my girlfriends again.
Just a little reminder, my code: (syrdalen20) for 20% discount at, is active until Tuesday the 7th of July.
I love their workout gear, because its light and really stretchy. Always comfort first!
Happy Friday everyone, enjoy your weekend.
Best, Eline S.
Reklame. wearing - sportswear - - sunnies - Oakley - sneakers - nike - backpack - Adidas by Stella McCartney
Outdoor season rock -reklame
I hope you all enjoy the summer days (and nights) these days. The best thing about the Scandinavian summer is being able to be outdoor and bring the gym outside in the sun. The last thing I want to do right now, is to be inside in a dark gym. Whenever if I go threw something in life, nature is my best medicine.
There is something magical about seeing the flowers blooming and the hearing the birds who are singing.
I have been so lucky to partner up with, and love this new seamless workout set, in my favorite color -army green. Sumer comfy and stretchy. Sometimes its hard to motivate ourself to get up from the couch, but easier if you have something cool and comfy to wear in my opinion!
I am sharing my unique code: syrdalen20, so you can get 20% off your entire order at this week!
Happy shopping and wish you all a great week.
Best, Eline S.
Reklame. wearing - seamless set from - sunglasses - Oakley - sneakers - nike - gold necklace - thune
Red for summer <3
I hope everyone enjoys these summer days, and nights as much as I do. It has been heat-wave days here in Oslo, Norway. Almost too hot to wear anything else than a bikini outside! This week it supposes to cool down a little, which is great. Even tho I am pretty used to the heat, after living in both Florida and California, it is quite different, as people in Norway don’t have airconditioning. I got myself a fan and taking hot showers in between. Grateful for the beautiful weather tho! I love to be able to swim in the ocean every day and do outdoor activities.
Wish you all a good start of the new week. I’m heading to South Norway this week can’t wait for some real quality time with some of my fave peeps!
Adding with some pictures of one of my latest favorites in my wardrobe. I’m obsessed with this red color on tanned skin, love to style it with a mix of gold jewelry for a simple everyday look, or over a fancier dress for a night out.
X, Eline S.
ad/ reklame. wearing - @revolve - jacket - house of Harlow - ear hoops - Bikbok - necklace ++ - vintage - top - Como top - gina tricot - denim skirt - gonna tricot
wearing all organic make up from Froya cosmetics
Reklame Dr Schrammek
By sommer og hjemme spa. - Vinn ditt eget home- Spa kit
I sommer blir det en litt annerledes sommer for de aller fleste, men by -sommer trenger ikke være så ille! Spesielt ikke når man bor i nærheten av både parker og havet. Oslo har så mye fint å by på, jeg ser ferm til turer i skogen og båturer i Oslofjorden. Som freelancer blir det mye hjemme kontor for meg, så det føles godt å kunne ta små lufte turer ut på balkongen, eller avkjørle seg med ett kaldt bad på Bygdøy.
Man trenger ikke dra langt for å skape ferie følelsen. Jeg digger å lage en egen hjemme spa, en gang i uken for meg selv, eller sammen med en venninne.
Viktig med egentid og ‘‘self-love’’ i en hektisk hverdag, uansett når på året det er snakk om. Nå I sommer bruker jeg balkongen min flitting og rigger til en liten spa -opplevelse utendørs i ettermiddags solen.
Koser meg med iskaldt sitronvann, friske bær, og en deilig superfood smoothie bowl (oppskrift under), sammen med en avkjølende alovera maske fra Dr Schrammek’s face kit!
Face kittet til Dr. Schrammek består av flere av mine favoritt produkter året rundt.
Blant annet Perfect Skin Peeling - en finkornet peeling som fjerner døde hudceller og tilfører pleiende planteoljer som gir huden mer langvarig og dypere brunfarge. Alocalm Gel Mask, 60% aloe vera, bruker jeg flere ganger i uken. Den er deilig avkjølende og beroligende nå som solen er såpass sterk. Rik på fuktighet, vitaminer og mineraler som balanserer huden og hindrer tørrhet. Kiten har også med avkjølende øyemaske, som jeg liker å legge kaldt i kjøleskapet før bruk. I tillegg inneholder kiten Moisture Plus, bitte små ampuller, som er lette å ta med seg i vesken. Skikkelig fuktighetsboost med «Bio-Botox», en lett bedøvende plante som forebygger mimiske rynker. Noen få dråper tilføres huden, etter rens og peeling.
Lite hemmelig triks, som jeg lærte av hudterapeuten min Fanny på Beths beauty i Oslo: bruk ampullene, under en maske, for eksta dyp absorbering og fuktighet til huden. De kan også brukes separat under en fuktighetskremen.
Selve toalett mappen tar liten plass og veier lite, perfekt å ta med seg i baggen for utflukter, eller helgeturer. Noen ekstra prøver følger også med i toalett vesken. Kampanjepris: 1290,- (ord. pris: 1808,-).
Mine absolutte favoritter er sommer produktene deres. Akkurat nå for du også 3 for 2 på alle Dr. Schrammek sine sommer produkter i original str!
Neste innlegg kan dere lese om dr.Schrammek's "Best Pics" for den freshe sommerlooken. Omfattende beskyttelse med pleiende virkestoffer som hindrer tap av spenst og booster huden til sin beste utgave. På vei inn i salongene kommer tilbud på "Day Cream m/SPF + Serum" i tillegg til "Plukk og Mix" - små praktiske reisestørrelser. Schrammek sin produkter er medisinske og naturlige, bra for oss og bra for å bidra til ett grønt miljø.
Slik kan du vinne ditt eget face -kit fra Dr. Schrammek for en deilig hjemme spa opplevelse!
Slik deltar du:
1, Følg @schrammeknorway & @elinesyrdalen på instagram
2. like og kommenter de siste innleggene på begge profilene med hvem du vil dele en hjemme spa opplevelsen med.
Vinneren trekkes 3. juli. <3 Lykke til!
Ett lite tips til hudpleie fra innsiden med min Superfood Smoothie choco- loco bowl
(oppskriften ligger også ute som en IGTV på min instagram profil)
Dette trenger du:
4 frossne spinat kuler
1 håndfull frossen bringebær
1/3 avokado
1/3 frossen banan
2 toppede ss raw kakao
Noen stevia dråper, jeg bruker 5 dråper
Mandel melk, havre melk, vann, eller annen melk - ettersom hvor tykk du liker din smoothie bowl
Dette gjør du:
Start med de flytende ingrediensene, jeg bruker vann og mandel melk.
Tilsett resten av de frossne ingrediensene og kakaoen. Start blenderen, og bled til smoothien er jevn uten klumper. Hvis den blir for tykk, bruk litt ekstra væske. Skal smoothie spises fra en bowl, er det bedre med en tykkere tekstur.
Topp bowlen din med det du har tilgjengelig, la fantasien slippe seg løs.
Mine favoritt toppinger er:
Granola, ferske bær, peanøttsmør, solsikkefrø, chia frø, hemp frø, nøtter
For litt eksta forbrenning, strø litt kanel på toppen.
God helg, Eline Syrdalen.
Wearing - sunglasses - zero uv - sandals - hermes - necklace - thune - lace bra - victoria secret - shopping net - Dr Schrammek - face kit - Dr Scrammek - ear hoops - vintage - silke kåpe - victoria secret
Last weeks highlights
Love these summer days in Oslo, everyone gets so spontaneous and adventurous. It’s easy to be social and people seem to really enjoy the good weather. My week started off a bit slow with home office work, from Wednesday early am to Thursday late night I worked on a shoot with a big team at a beautiful place just an hour away from Oslo, called Kleivstova. It was really long days, and super hot, especially because we were shooting winter clothes, with heavy boots and warm gear, but we all kept each other motivated and people were in such a good mood. If anyone visits Oslo and wanna see some beautiful landscape, close to the city, I recommend checking out this hotel. The food was great too, and the staff was super friendly. They made sure we had food at all times, even tho the vegan options wase’t the best.
The rest of the week has been packed with meetings and things to catch up on. Been going to the beach and boating after work hours for a swim, taking advantage of being a freelancer, and having the privilege to schedule my own days!
Saturday night I had some friends over for some drinks at my place, before we headed together to one of my old friend’s event at ‘‘Taket paå Steen og Strøm’’. Such good music and awesome vibes. So much fun catching up with old friends again, and as everything closes super early we decided to hang out at a friend’s place at Bygdøy for an after-party. Stayed up all night and some people even went for a midnight swim. That’s really the best thing about Scandinavian summer, it never gets dark. Really mindfuck, as your brain never wants to go to sleep.
Wish you all a great week.
Best, Eline S.
Wearing. 1. look. dress - shop Chio/ revolve - sunglasses - Dior - bag - celine - sandals - hermes - belt - vintage
2. look. jacket - House of Harlow/ revolve - top - Verge girl - shorts - Zimmermann - ankle chain - Phine London - flats - Aldo - mini coin necklace - Thune - cross necklace - vintage
Ta vare på huden i sommer - 3 step Body Home Spa kit fra Dr. Schrammek
Annonse - Dr Schrammek
Om sommeren er det ekstra viktig å ta godt vare på huden, etter en lang vinter hvor vi nordmenn ikke har sett snurten av solen, er ikke huden vant med sterk sol. Derfor er det ekstra viktig at vi først og fremst smører oss godt med solkrem, men også at vi gjør en god prep før vi legger oss ut i varmen å steker. Personelig, bruker jeg bruker alltid faktor 50, spesielt i ansiktet er det ekstra viktig med høy faktor. Jeg prøver også å unngå overeksponering av sol, og spesielt midt på dagen, når solen er på det sterkeste.
Med det nye 3 step Body Home Spa kitten til Dr Schrammek får jeg den beste spa følelsen i hjemmet, og legger ett godt grunnlag for at brunfargen skal sette seg dypere, men også vare lenger. Produktene er enkle å bruke og etterlater en myk og oppstrammet hud.
Step 1: Super Body Peeling.
- Fjerner døde hudceller
Kombinasjonen av mekanisk og biologisk peeling sørger for effektiv reduksjon av døde hudceller og tørr hud. Påfølgende aktive ingredienser penetrerer bedre. Unikt for akkurat denne peelingen er at den også er revitaliserende og fettforbrennende.
Peelingen kan også brukes helt uhavengi av de andre produktene.
- Jeg bruker peelingen som anbefalt, 2-3 ganger i uken. Den påføres tørr/ lett fuktet hud, skylles bort med vann.
Step 2: Cellucontour Body Cream
- Fettforbrennende og oppstrammende
Spesielprodukt for reduksjon av cellulitter og fettansamlinger. Stimulerer de naturlige detox prosessene i underhuden, og aktiverer reduksjon av vann og fett i problemområdene.
- Jeg masserer denne godt inn i huden med massasje applikatoren på problemområdene, morgen og kveld.
Step 3: Shape Perfection Body Oil
- Sirkulasjonsøkende og fuktighetsgivende
Mykgjørende og svært sirkulasjonsøkende kroppsolje for mage, rumpe, lår og armer. Eksklusive planteoljer sørger for økt spenst og elastitet i huden. Chilli og sennepspirer stimulerer blodsirkulasjonen kraftig og øker cellenmetabolismen. Blod -og lymfesirkulasjon forberedes og opphopning av væske i fettvevet reduseres.
- Jeg bruker denne oljen, morgen og kveld og spesielt etter cellucontour applikatoren, for en ekstra oppstrammende effekt,. Oljen virker også veldig bra etter soling, for å trekke brunfargen enda bedre inn i huden.
Ha en nydelig juni måned alle sammen, og ta godt vare på hverandre og huden i sommer!
Beste hilsner, Eline Syrdalen.
Reklame. Dr Schrammek. wearing. Shop Chio/ @revolve
Let's be real <3
Hey everyone <3
Coming back to Norway has been overwhelming! Both in good, but also bad ways. After being isolated for so many weeks alone in LA it is normal to take some time to adjust. I decided to make a Q & A the other day and posted the answers yesterday at my Instagram account on an IGTV. Thank you to everyone who sent in questions. It obviously feels a little scary to post a video talking about mental health, but I think we all should challenge ourselves to be more open these days. Not only on social media but in general. Never underestimate the simple questions of asking someone how they are doing mentally and tell people that you care. In Norway, people are starting to live a normal life again, but the world is still struggling and a lot of people are affected really badly after the virus, with anxiety, insomnia, depression etc, also financially.
Even tho my own life always looks happy and shiny on social media, It’s not always as amazing as it looks like. We all go threw some storms in our lives and fight our own battles, that most people know nothing about. It’s easy to fake a happy smile on a picture, but that is not always reality. I always wanted to inspire others and be creative, but I hope that people who read and follow me, realize this: That it’s all meant to inspire, and that the ‘‘negative’’ and too personal part of my life is not always something at least I am comfortable showing off to everyone. Let’s all try to challenge ourselves to be more open and vulnerable these days, and to be kind to one another!
Best, Eline S.
Wearing - all Bikbok
Baby shower for best friend <3
Yesterday we organized a baby shower for my best friend, I never had that much of responsibility with a baby shower before and I have to say I really enjoyed organizing it! So much fun to surprise someone who is expecting a baby, and already so emotional! We made it pretty simple, with everyone bringing different small tapas foods. Its that thought that matter, and doese’t have to be super-duper fancy. Also so much more personal when everyone makes some small stuff. I obviously brought a cake, a chocolate raw food cake! It actually turned out really good! I will share the recipe later on, probably with a new IGTV on my Instagram. - Stay tuned!
She got super overwhelmed and surprised, and I felt like the shower was a great success! The balloon company got us covered with the most beautiful mix of baby blue balloons, even with my girlfriend’’s name on one of them ‘‘ Emilie’s baby shower’’. We also did this cute little game with everyone bringing baby pictures and Emilie guessing who’s who. Just a fun idea, if you are planning on organizing a shower anytime soon.
I wish you all a great weekend. I’m working from home these days in my new apartment and still working on furniture. I love that Oslo is heating up now, just in perfect time before the weekend!
Best, Eline S.
Wearing. Top - Shop Chio/ - Jeans - Acne - Belt - Lovers & friends (revolve) - Hair clips - Ambers screats - Ear rings - Bikbok - Bracelets - Vintage - Hair tie - Free People