Outdoor season rock -reklame

I hope you all enjoy the summer days (and nights) these days. The best thing about the Scandinavian summer is being able to be outdoor and bring the gym outside in the sun. The last thing I want to do right now, is to be inside in a dark gym. Whenever if I go threw something in life, nature is my best medicine.
There is something magical about seeing the flowers blooming and the hearing the birds who are singing.

I have been so lucky to partner up with Stronger.se, and love this new seamless workout set, in my favorite color -army green. Sumer comfy and stretchy. Sometimes its hard to motivate ourself to get up from the couch, but easier if you have something cool and comfy to wear in my opinion!

I am sharing my unique code: syrdalen20, so you can get 20% off your entire order at www.stronger.se this week!
Happy shopping and wish you all a great week.

Best, Eline S.

Reklame. wearing - seamless set from Stronger.se - sunglasses - Oakley - sneakers - nike - gold necklace - thune

Ta vare på huden i sommer - 3 step Body Home Spa kit fra Dr. Schrammek

Annonse - Dr Schrammek

Om sommeren er det ekstra viktig å ta godt vare på huden, etter en lang vinter hvor vi nordmenn ikke har sett snurten av solen, er ikke huden vant med sterk sol. Derfor er det ekstra viktig at vi først og fremst smører oss godt med solkrem, men også at vi gjør en god prep før vi legger oss ut i varmen å steker. Personelig, bruker jeg bruker alltid faktor 50, spesielt i ansiktet er det ekstra viktig med høy faktor. Jeg prøver også å unngå overeksponering av sol, og spesielt midt på dagen, når solen er på det sterkeste.

Med det nye 3 step Body Home Spa kitten til Dr Schrammek får jeg den beste spa følelsen i hjemmet, og legger ett godt grunnlag for at brunfargen skal sette seg dypere, men også vare lenger. Produktene er enkle å bruke og etterlater en myk og oppstrammet hud.

Step 1: Super Body Peeling.
- Fjerner døde hudceller

Kombinasjonen av mekanisk og biologisk peeling sørger for effektiv reduksjon av døde hudceller og tørr hud. Påfølgende aktive ingredienser penetrerer bedre. Unikt for akkurat denne peelingen er at den også er revitaliserende og fettforbrennende.
Peelingen kan også brukes helt uhavengi av de andre produktene.
- Jeg bruker peelingen som anbefalt, 2-3 ganger i uken. Den påføres tørr/ lett fuktet hud, skylles bort med vann.

Step 2: Cellucontour Body Cream
- Fettforbrennende og oppstrammende

Spesielprodukt for reduksjon av cellulitter og fettansamlinger. Stimulerer de naturlige detox prosessene i underhuden, og aktiverer reduksjon av vann og fett i problemområdene.
- Jeg masserer denne godt inn i huden med massasje applikatoren på problemområdene, morgen og kveld.

Step 3: Shape Perfection Body Oil
- Sirkulasjonsøkende og fuktighetsgivende

Mykgjørende og svært sirkulasjonsøkende kroppsolje for mage, rumpe, lår og armer. Eksklusive planteoljer sørger for økt spenst og elastitet i huden. Chilli og sennepspirer stimulerer blodsirkulasjonen kraftig og øker cellenmetabolismen. Blod -og lymfesirkulasjon forberedes og opphopning av væske i fettvevet reduseres.
- Jeg bruker denne oljen, morgen og kveld og spesielt etter cellucontour applikatoren, for en ekstra oppstrammende effekt,. Oljen virker også veldig bra etter soling, for å trekke brunfargen enda bedre inn i huden.

Ha en nydelig juni måned alle sammen, og ta godt vare på hverandre og huden i sommer!

Beste hilsner, Eline Syrdalen.

Reklame. Dr Schrammek. wearing. Shop Chio/ @revolve

denim on denim <3 and new partnership!

Hoping everyone enjoys the sunny days, here in Oslo the summer has finally arrived. Feels amazing to walk in nature, wear fewer layers of clothes, and feel the sun on the skin again! Right now I am obsessed with denim, and love mixing and matching different denim looks together, feels very timeless, and hard to go wrong with denim in general! Easy to dress up or down, for every day or a chic ‘‘going out’’ look.

I am still in between moving into my new apt and stressing with getting settled in, and working from home! The exciting news is that I got a new partner, ‘‘Good for me AS’’, and just started using their 100% vegan beta carotene gold! It is a supplement to help the skin to develop a deeper and longer-lasting tan. As I have been struggling quite a lot with the skin, with both pigmentation and acne I am excited to see the results this summer. I love that their product is natural and full of vitamin A, which is also helping on strengthening the skin. I always wear SPF 50 in my face, but with this natural way of help, I am sure I will be able to get some good results, even with Scandinavian summer weather! I will keep you posted on the results!
You get 40% off on your first order on www.Betakarotengold.no !

I wish you all a great rest of the week.

X, Eline S.

Reklame. Wearing all Revolve - Jeans - Grlfriend - Denim shirt - Grlfriend - Shoes - LPA - Wyeth Hats - Betakaroten Gold

17 mai, Norway's Constitution day

Yesterday we celebrated Norway Constitution day, probably the biggest celebration in Norway.
Obviously, this year was a lot different, normally everyone meets in the city center to enjoy and mingle after breakfast, but the restrictions with social distancing and max 20 people made it difficult to celebrate the 17th of May the normal way this year. A lot fo Norwegians are wearing national suites, called ‘‘bunad’’, mine is from Aust Telemark, and is called ‘‘hjulet’’. I love wearing it and always looking forward to this day. Never been so grateful ever to be Norwegian as I am right now, feels safe to be back home in Norway, and proud of how great our government has dealt with the situation.

A normal 17th May celebration in Norway is meeting up with friends for breakfast around 09, usually, the breakfast is fresh bread, different sides and lots of champagne. After everyone usually gets together in the city center to watch the kids parade and dance on the tables. In the evening we usually do bbq at friends’ places with more and fun games, music and laughs. For many Norwegians, this is their favorite day of the year. At first, the Norwegian government made an announcement, that the 17th of May was probably not gonna happen this year, but as Norway has pretty good control over the virus situation the government decided to open up for smaller celebrations, with restrictions of social distancing and a maximum amount of 20 people.

We celebrated with friends, couples, and decided to do brunch this year. I started my day with a long run in the woods and got dressed and ready for brunch. Then my dear grandparents came by to say hi, and to drive me to my friend’s place. We had a really nice day, even tho the circumstances were different, but I have to say that I am really looking forward to next year, and to share the joy with the rest of the Norwegians in the city center once again.

I am praying that this will not make the virus start blossom again and that everyone still respects the rules of social distancing and not start to act lazy, just because the country slowly opens up again.

I wish you all a happy Monday and a great week!

All best, Eline Syrdalen.

Wearing - Bunad - Aust telemark ‘‘hjulet’’ - Husfliden - Sunglasses - Celine - massive silver ring - Lorange design