Down by the water

Bright evenings, after long days in the sun, swimming in the ocean and eating fresh seafood.
Life is pretty good these days. I enjoy this year’s summer vacation with family and working in between. In a few days I am heading to meet some of my best friends for a little mini-vacay in another beautiful part of Norway, not too close from here., called Sandefjord When I finally start settling in, it’s kinda hard for me to move. Finally, I’m getting into a real vacay mood and even started reading a new book, Wich I feel like I never make time for!

Norwegian summers are not fully like the French Rivera, with glam, heels, and glitter. Even tho I like to dress up sometimes, In Norway, it is much more chill. Warm sweaters for he evenings and even jackets are a must. Denim shorts is another must for Scandinavian summers. And as its usually pretty windy, a lot of the times, I love to braid my hair. I have done that since I was a little girl every summer, as my family used to sail for a month straight. My mom figured it was easier for her just braiding me and my sister, so the hair didn’t get too messy every single day. My mom teached me how to braid cornrows on my sister from a young age, and I’m completely obsessed about braiding still. I really love that this trend comes back every other summer. Small details like braids, or plain off-white bra under a basic linen shirt, are little things that make the outfit pop a little more. Uggs or boots are also great options for windy summer nights.

Enjoy the rest of July month everyone. <3

Best, Eline S.

ad. wearing - off white lace bra - Na-kd - white shirt - the kooples - boots - vintage - hat - vintage - denim shorts - agodole - bag - dior - sunnies - zero uv - gold necklace - thune

travel sizes for the weekend get away

Annonse - Schrammek Norge

Summer Dr.jpg

Hei alle sammen. Håper folk flest nyter sommeren, på tross av noen dager med dårlig vær. Selv har jeg sittet med hjemme kontor og prøver å bruke regnværsdagene produktivt til å få unna ‘‘inne jobben’’, før jeg planlegger en liten tur på Sørlandet. 

Det er alltid ett evig spørsmål hva man skal prioritere å ha med seg i ferie baggen av sminke, hud, - og hårprodukter. Noe av luksusen med ferie er jo nettopp å kunne kose seg ekstra lenge på badet med deilige produkter og føle at man gir huden og kroppen det lille ekstra! 

Jeg har i flere år brukt hud produktene til Dr Schrammek. Og er avhengi av å ha dem med meg på ferie. Heldigvis lager de alle mine favoritt produkter superpraktiske reisestørrelser til ferie turen. 
Jeg prøver alltid å pakke smart med reisestørrelser og la de store flaskene bli hjemme. Tar liten plass og er også en perfekt måte å teste ut nye produkter på for de som ønsker det!

Du kan kjøpe 2 valgfrie reisestørrelser, og få en gratis Herbal Care Lotion 50 ml! 

HERBAL CARE LOTION 50ml - perfekt til fet og kombinert hud og likeså til normal til tørr hud

Personlig elsker jeg, ‘‘
Black Clearing Mask’’ som kommer i en 15 ml forpakkning. Perfekt en gang i uken å få renset porene, etter mye solkrem, osv.

Special Regulating Cream 15 ml er en hverdags favoritt, som jeg bruker natt og dag stort sett hele året, perfekt for meg som kan ha nokså hormonell hud, spesielt en gang i mnd. 

Blemish Balmen, bruker jeg hver eneste dag. Det er en behandlende foundation som jeg påfører over Special Regulating Cream. Blemish Balm gir huden en flott glød og holder urenhetene mine i sjakk samtidig som den dekker naturlig ujevnheter. Denne kremen er også sterkt beroligende og brukes alltid etter Green Peel behandlinger. Også fin på solbrent hud om sommeren og ikke minst på insektsstikk.Den kommer også i en 15 ml forpakning. 

Kopiere linken under og kom rett inn på Schrammek sin produkt side:

God sommer alle sammen, ta vare på hverandre i sommer (og huden)!

X, Eline S.

Wearing. top - toyshop - jeans - acne - bag - forever21 - necklace - then - hair crunchie - free people - ear rings - H&M

If you could go anywhere you want right now, where would it be?

Where would you travel in the world if you could go anywhere you want right now?
Looking back on my latest travels and feel so grateful for everything I have seen, people I have got to know and learned from. Cultures I have got to experience, and food I have got to try around the world. I love this quote listed under, by Anthony Bourdain. I truly believe travel is the best way of learning and growing as a person.

“If you are thirty-two, physically fit, hungry to learn to be better, I urge you to travel – as far and as widely as possible sleep on floors if you have to. Find out how other people live and cook. learn from them – wherever you go.” 

— Anthony Bourdain

Spending my Sunday inside, doing some work from my laptop, planning my new week, and cleaning the apartment. Happy Sunday everyone!

Best, Eline S.

ad/ reklame. wearing set from - shop chio/ revolve - bag - Dior - flats - hermes - jewelry -

Outdoor season rock -reklame

I hope you all enjoy the summer days (and nights) these days. The best thing about the Scandinavian summer is being able to be outdoor and bring the gym outside in the sun. The last thing I want to do right now, is to be inside in a dark gym. Whenever if I go threw something in life, nature is my best medicine.
There is something magical about seeing the flowers blooming and the hearing the birds who are singing.

I have been so lucky to partner up with, and love this new seamless workout set, in my favorite color -army green. Sumer comfy and stretchy. Sometimes its hard to motivate ourself to get up from the couch, but easier if you have something cool and comfy to wear in my opinion!

I am sharing my unique code: syrdalen20, so you can get 20% off your entire order at this week!
Happy shopping and wish you all a great week.

Best, Eline S.

Reklame. wearing - seamless set from - sunglasses - Oakley - sneakers - nike - gold necklace - thune

Red for summer <3

I hope everyone enjoys these summer days, and nights as much as I do. It has been heat-wave days here in Oslo, Norway. Almost too hot to wear anything else than a bikini outside! This week it supposes to cool down a little, which is great. Even tho I am pretty used to the heat, after living in both Florida and California, it is quite different, as people in Norway don’t have airconditioning. I got myself a fan and taking hot showers in between. Grateful for the beautiful weather tho! I love to be able to swim in the ocean every day and do outdoor activities.

Wish you all a good start of the new week. I’m heading to South Norway this week can’t wait for some real quality time with some of my fave peeps!

Adding with some pictures of one of my latest favorites in my wardrobe. I’m obsessed with this red color on tanned skin, love to style it with a mix of gold jewelry for a simple everyday look, or over a fancier dress for a night out.

X, Eline S.

ad/ reklame. wearing - @revolve - jacket - house of Harlow - ear hoops - Bikbok - necklace ++ - vintage - top - Como top - gina tricot - denim skirt - gonna tricot
wearing all organic make up from Froya cosmetics

Last weeks highlights

Love these summer days in Oslo, everyone gets so spontaneous and adventurous. It’s easy to be social and people seem to really enjoy the good weather. My week started off a bit slow with home office work, from Wednesday early am to Thursday late night I worked on a shoot with a big team at a beautiful place just an hour away from Oslo, called Kleivstova. It was really long days, and super hot, especially because we were shooting winter clothes, with heavy boots and warm gear, but we all kept each other motivated and people were in such a good mood. If anyone visits Oslo and wanna see some beautiful landscape, close to the city, I recommend checking out this hotel. The food was great too, and the staff was super friendly. They made sure we had food at all times, even tho the vegan options wase’t the best.

The rest of the week has been packed with meetings and things to catch up on. Been going to the beach and boating after work hours for a swim, taking advantage of being a freelancer, and having the privilege to schedule my own days!
Saturday night I had some friends over for some drinks at my place, before we headed together to one of my old friend’s event at ‘‘Taket paå Steen og Strøm’’. Such good music and awesome vibes. So much fun catching up with old friends again, and as everything closes super early we decided to hang out at a friend’s place at Bygdøy for an after-party. Stayed up all night and some people even went for a midnight swim. That’s really the best thing about Scandinavian summer, it never gets dark. Really mindfuck, as your brain never wants to go to sleep.

Wish you all a great week.

Best, Eline S.

Wearing. 1. look. dress - shop Chio/ revolve - sunglasses - Dior - bag - celine - sandals - hermes - belt - vintage
2. look. jacket - House of Harlow/ revolve - top - Verge girl - shorts - Zimmermann - ankle chain - Phine London - flats - Aldo - mini coin necklace - Thune - cross necklace - vintage

Ta vare på huden i sommer - 3 step Body Home Spa kit fra Dr. Schrammek

Annonse - Dr Schrammek

Om sommeren er det ekstra viktig å ta godt vare på huden, etter en lang vinter hvor vi nordmenn ikke har sett snurten av solen, er ikke huden vant med sterk sol. Derfor er det ekstra viktig at vi først og fremst smører oss godt med solkrem, men også at vi gjør en god prep før vi legger oss ut i varmen å steker. Personelig, bruker jeg bruker alltid faktor 50, spesielt i ansiktet er det ekstra viktig med høy faktor. Jeg prøver også å unngå overeksponering av sol, og spesielt midt på dagen, når solen er på det sterkeste.

Med det nye 3 step Body Home Spa kitten til Dr Schrammek får jeg den beste spa følelsen i hjemmet, og legger ett godt grunnlag for at brunfargen skal sette seg dypere, men også vare lenger. Produktene er enkle å bruke og etterlater en myk og oppstrammet hud.

Step 1: Super Body Peeling.
- Fjerner døde hudceller

Kombinasjonen av mekanisk og biologisk peeling sørger for effektiv reduksjon av døde hudceller og tørr hud. Påfølgende aktive ingredienser penetrerer bedre. Unikt for akkurat denne peelingen er at den også er revitaliserende og fettforbrennende.
Peelingen kan også brukes helt uhavengi av de andre produktene.
- Jeg bruker peelingen som anbefalt, 2-3 ganger i uken. Den påføres tørr/ lett fuktet hud, skylles bort med vann.

Step 2: Cellucontour Body Cream
- Fettforbrennende og oppstrammende

Spesielprodukt for reduksjon av cellulitter og fettansamlinger. Stimulerer de naturlige detox prosessene i underhuden, og aktiverer reduksjon av vann og fett i problemområdene.
- Jeg masserer denne godt inn i huden med massasje applikatoren på problemområdene, morgen og kveld.

Step 3: Shape Perfection Body Oil
- Sirkulasjonsøkende og fuktighetsgivende

Mykgjørende og svært sirkulasjonsøkende kroppsolje for mage, rumpe, lår og armer. Eksklusive planteoljer sørger for økt spenst og elastitet i huden. Chilli og sennepspirer stimulerer blodsirkulasjonen kraftig og øker cellenmetabolismen. Blod -og lymfesirkulasjon forberedes og opphopning av væske i fettvevet reduseres.
- Jeg bruker denne oljen, morgen og kveld og spesielt etter cellucontour applikatoren, for en ekstra oppstrammende effekt,. Oljen virker også veldig bra etter soling, for å trekke brunfargen enda bedre inn i huden.

Ha en nydelig juni måned alle sammen, og ta godt vare på hverandre og huden i sommer!

Beste hilsner, Eline Syrdalen.

Reklame. Dr Schrammek. wearing. Shop Chio/ @revolve

denim on denim <3 and new partnership!

Hoping everyone enjoys the sunny days, here in Oslo the summer has finally arrived. Feels amazing to walk in nature, wear fewer layers of clothes, and feel the sun on the skin again! Right now I am obsessed with denim, and love mixing and matching different denim looks together, feels very timeless, and hard to go wrong with denim in general! Easy to dress up or down, for every day or a chic ‘‘going out’’ look.

I am still in between moving into my new apt and stressing with getting settled in, and working from home! The exciting news is that I got a new partner, ‘‘Good for me AS’’, and just started using their 100% vegan beta carotene gold! It is a supplement to help the skin to develop a deeper and longer-lasting tan. As I have been struggling quite a lot with the skin, with both pigmentation and acne I am excited to see the results this summer. I love that their product is natural and full of vitamin A, which is also helping on strengthening the skin. I always wear SPF 50 in my face, but with this natural way of help, I am sure I will be able to get some good results, even with Scandinavian summer weather! I will keep you posted on the results!
You get 40% off on your first order on !

I wish you all a great rest of the week.

X, Eline S.

Reklame. Wearing all Revolve - Jeans - Grlfriend - Denim shirt - Grlfriend - Shoes - LPA - Wyeth Hats - Betakaroten Gold

Park season begins <3

I hope everyone had a lovely weekend! I have spent all weekend outdoors with friends. Friday I went to Frognerparken in Oslo with a girlfriend and we brought some sushi, fruit, and blankets. I love this time of year and how the parks get greener and the days get sunnier and longer. Everything starts blooming.
Still pretty cold in Oslo, but as long as it is sunny I don’t mind the cold. I always just bring an extra hoodie around. I have experimented on a new plant-based and sugar-free chocolate spread recipe I am excited to share with you this week. My brother even liked it, and he is always the biggest critical when it comes to healthy foods, haha! Stay tuned for recipe :-)

I hope everyone stays healthy, I wish you all a good week.

Best, Eline S.

AD/ Reklame: pretty little thing. Wearing top + jeans - Pretty little thing - Hair tie - free people - sneakers - Adidas - Backpack - Top shop - hair clips - Free People - rings - vintage (market Marrakech) - Sunglasses - Oakley

Corona birthday & coming home

Hey everyone!

Coming home to Norway has been the best decision I could have made. It’s another world back home in Norway. I have never felt so grateful for having a Norwegian passport before. The way Norway has been handling this situation compared to the US is another level. Dealing with being sick and alone was challenging and scary, but I made it and now I am home and actually happier and more thankful than ever before. I tried to lower my expectations for my birthday this year, because of the situation.

However, I guess I will always be a bit childish with birthdays. My family and some friends knows me too well and surprised me with balloons and flowers. Obviously with a good amount of distance. My brother took me biking in our old neighborhood, pretty challenging and even more challenging on the way down as I insisted on doing the harder route, with part of me regretted later on.

Sports defiantly have that effect on me, that it makes me confident when I reach the goal. The goal for this specific bike ride was to reach the top of Wyllerløypa. My brother asked me multiple times if we should turn and go back or do an easier way, but we made it! I will probably be in pain for another week from now. Everyone who has been in Norway, and knows ‘‘Wyllerløypa’’, knows it’s pretty brutal. It was probably the best birthday gift I could have got this year.
Being stuck inside a small apartment in LA and then coming back to Norway and being able to get fresh air in the Norwegian landscape, almost feels like getting drunk for the very first time again!
High on life and endorphins are poppin’!

Even tho this was not a real birthday, I decided to dress up. I was not gonna let Corona ruin my birthday this year. I am wishing all my Taurus sisters and brothers a happy birthday and encourage everyone to live life as normal as possible, do not get too engaged with the negative news, and dress up, even when it’s just for yourself or a facetime/ zoom call.

I hope everyone had a good weekend, due to the circumstances and that you are able to make the best out of this situation. Stay creative, keep yourself busy and reach out to old friends by facetime, etc.
Stay safe and have a good week.

Best, Eline S.

AD/ Reklame. Wearing @revolve - top - Lovers & friends - shoes - LPA - tights - vintage - Hair clips - Free People

I hate goodbyes

The week is coming to an end. I hate saying goodbye to people I love. My boyfriend just left back to the states last week and I am staying in Norway for a little longer to take care of my new visa. Since we have been moving quite a lot lately, it feels like I have clothes laying around all over the place and I can't wait to get everything organized. 

I hate goodbyes, even when I know it's not gonna be for too long, it's always sad to say goodbye.

Today is the last day I see my brother too, he is studying in Milan. So I won't see him until Christmas. 

I decided to make some brownies for dessert for the last goodbye dinner, I experimented for a few days to get it right. I finally got a recipe I am happy with and excited to share with you. 

It contains no sugar, no milk products, and no wheat! As well as full of nutrition. Stay tuned, I will post in in a few days. 

Because of everything going on in the rain forest and with global warming I am trying to challenge myself to eat less meat, and include more veggies. Better for us, and better for the planet. I know its hard to cut the meat, especially if you don't know what else to add to your plate. I recommend following the @radicalbroccoli girls. They are super passionate about this and share a lot of easy tips about this theme. They inspire me a lot daily for more eco-friendly living, They also wrote a book that just got translated to English! 

Hope you all had a good week. 

Best, Eline S.

Wearing Shirt - The Kooples- Hat - UCLA - Sandals - Hermes - Necklace and jewelry - vintage - Shorts - Levis

Super easy sides for the BBQ din-din

I wish the bbq season was all year around. Everyone gets together and bring all kind of different goodies to throw on the grill. It feels like almost everything tastes better grilled. I'm obsessed with Norwegian hot dogs, probably because they remind me of childhood and summer. I always try to add some healthy sides to my plate, creativity has no limits in the game of BBQing! Who doesn't love colorful, pretty plates? Here are some super easy sides that will impress your guests for the next get together. These sides work perfectly with any grilled from the grill. 


Tomato Mozarella salad - with a summer touch

-This super easy salad only contains 4 ingredients only

1 pack with Strawberries - preferably Norwegian ones
2 packs of mini tomatoes
1 large mozarella cheese/ burrata cheese
1 handful of fresh balsamic vinegar
pinch of sea salt

Cut all the ingredients into smaller pieces and mix together. The cheese makes the salad kinda creamy, so you don’t need to add lots of extra oil. I prefer this salad with some sea salt and an aged balsamic vinegar.


Grilled filled peppers

4 large peppers
3 cloves of garlic

Cut each pepper in two pieces, and remove the seeds from the inside

Chop the garlic pieces, some mini tomatoes, and some basil and add it to the peppers. I usually use aluminum foil to avoid making a mess with food getting stuck to the grill. In the end, add some olive oil and some sea salt. 

Leave on the grill until the peppers are golden and ready to dig in. 

I hope you like it.

Best, Eline S

Exploring Lyngør Island

Reklame/ Ad - Revolve

We have been exploring South Norway and Lyngør Island this weekend. Kinda sad that Norwegian summer is coming to an end already. We had a morning dip this morning and the ocean is already getting cooler.

Lyngør Island is one of my favorite islands. The island used to be a stop for the sailors, and the old sail maker house is now a restaurant. They are serving pizzas, and fresh Norwegian sea food! Really recommend to visit this place next summer. Its season based, so the restaurant is only open during the summer months.

For those who are interested in exploring Lyngør in Norway, I already wrote a mini guide under ¨Travel.

Hope you all had an amazing weekend!

Best, Eline S.

Wearing - Tiger top - Revolve (Super Down) - Shirt - The Kooples - Bag - Ysl - Bracelets - Market in Marrakech - Headband - Beck Sodergaard - Shoes - Hermes - Neckles - Market NYC and market in Santorini - Sunnies - Celine