If you could go anywhere you want right now, where would it be?

Where would you travel in the world if you could go anywhere you want right now?
Looking back on my latest travels and feel so grateful for everything I have seen, people I have got to know and learned from. Cultures I have got to experience, and food I have got to try around the world. I love this quote listed under, by Anthony Bourdain. I truly believe travel is the best way of learning and growing as a person.

“If you are thirty-two, physically fit, hungry to learn to be better, I urge you to travel – as far and as widely as possible sleep on floors if you have to. Find out how other people live and cook. learn from them – wherever you go.” 

— Anthony Bourdain

Spending my Sunday inside, doing some work from my laptop, planning my new week, and cleaning the apartment. Happy Sunday everyone!

Best, Eline S.

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