travel sizes for the weekend get away

Annonse - Schrammek Norge

Summer Dr.jpg

Hei alle sammen. Håper folk flest nyter sommeren, på tross av noen dager med dårlig vær. Selv har jeg sittet med hjemme kontor og prøver å bruke regnværsdagene produktivt til å få unna ‘‘inne jobben’’, før jeg planlegger en liten tur på Sørlandet. 

Det er alltid ett evig spørsmål hva man skal prioritere å ha med seg i ferie baggen av sminke, hud, - og hårprodukter. Noe av luksusen med ferie er jo nettopp å kunne kose seg ekstra lenge på badet med deilige produkter og føle at man gir huden og kroppen det lille ekstra! 

Jeg har i flere år brukt hud produktene til Dr Schrammek. Og er avhengi av å ha dem med meg på ferie. Heldigvis lager de alle mine favoritt produkter superpraktiske reisestørrelser til ferie turen. 
Jeg prøver alltid å pakke smart med reisestørrelser og la de store flaskene bli hjemme. Tar liten plass og er også en perfekt måte å teste ut nye produkter på for de som ønsker det!

Du kan kjøpe 2 valgfrie reisestørrelser, og få en gratis Herbal Care Lotion 50 ml! 

HERBAL CARE LOTION 50ml - perfekt til fet og kombinert hud og likeså til normal til tørr hud

Personlig elsker jeg, ‘‘
Black Clearing Mask’’ som kommer i en 15 ml forpakkning. Perfekt en gang i uken å få renset porene, etter mye solkrem, osv.

Special Regulating Cream 15 ml er en hverdags favoritt, som jeg bruker natt og dag stort sett hele året, perfekt for meg som kan ha nokså hormonell hud, spesielt en gang i mnd. 

Blemish Balmen, bruker jeg hver eneste dag. Det er en behandlende foundation som jeg påfører over Special Regulating Cream. Blemish Balm gir huden en flott glød og holder urenhetene mine i sjakk samtidig som den dekker naturlig ujevnheter. Denne kremen er også sterkt beroligende og brukes alltid etter Green Peel behandlinger. Også fin på solbrent hud om sommeren og ikke minst på insektsstikk.Den kommer også i en 15 ml forpakning. 

Kopiere linken under og kom rett inn på Schrammek sin produkt side:

God sommer alle sammen, ta vare på hverandre i sommer (og huden)!

X, Eline S.

Wearing. top - toyshop - jeans - acne - bag - forever21 - necklace - then - hair crunchie - free people - ear rings - H&M

17 mai, Norway's Constitution day

Yesterday we celebrated Norway Constitution day, probably the biggest celebration in Norway.
Obviously, this year was a lot different, normally everyone meets in the city center to enjoy and mingle after breakfast, but the restrictions with social distancing and max 20 people made it difficult to celebrate the 17th of May the normal way this year. A lot fo Norwegians are wearing national suites, called ‘‘bunad’’, mine is from Aust Telemark, and is called ‘‘hjulet’’. I love wearing it and always looking forward to this day. Never been so grateful ever to be Norwegian as I am right now, feels safe to be back home in Norway, and proud of how great our government has dealt with the situation.

A normal 17th May celebration in Norway is meeting up with friends for breakfast around 09, usually, the breakfast is fresh bread, different sides and lots of champagne. After everyone usually gets together in the city center to watch the kids parade and dance on the tables. In the evening we usually do bbq at friends’ places with more and fun games, music and laughs. For many Norwegians, this is their favorite day of the year. At first, the Norwegian government made an announcement, that the 17th of May was probably not gonna happen this year, but as Norway has pretty good control over the virus situation the government decided to open up for smaller celebrations, with restrictions of social distancing and a maximum amount of 20 people.

We celebrated with friends, couples, and decided to do brunch this year. I started my day with a long run in the woods and got dressed and ready for brunch. Then my dear grandparents came by to say hi, and to drive me to my friend’s place. We had a really nice day, even tho the circumstances were different, but I have to say that I am really looking forward to next year, and to share the joy with the rest of the Norwegians in the city center once again.

I am praying that this will not make the virus start blossom again and that everyone still respects the rules of social distancing and not start to act lazy, just because the country slowly opens up again.

I wish you all a happy Monday and a great week!

All best, Eline Syrdalen.

Wearing - Bunad - Aust telemark ‘‘hjulet’’ - Husfliden - Sunglasses - Celine - massive silver ring - Lorange design

Countryside in Oslo

Hope you guys have a good start of the week. I have been spending the weekend and some extra days in the countryside of Oslo. Oslo felt like summer over the weekend, but got cooler again pretty quickly. The best thing about Oslo is probably having all the four seasons plus being so close to the city, as well as the ocean and nature. Both wood and countryside with animals, vegetable gardens, etc. It feels like meditation just being surrounded by animals, flowers and picking your veggies and preparing dinner from it. I am sharing my favorite fall recipe with you next week made from a seasonal veggie.
So many good seasonal veggies to experiment with this time of year.

I can’t believe it´s almost October month. Weeks are flying like crazy, tomorrow is actually my mothers birthday.
As we speak, I'm waiting for the vegan chocolate cake to finish in the oven. I figured out it tastes even better if I make it the day before and leave cold storage in the fridge over the night. The recipe is under #foodbyeline, if you want to try to make it. I wish you all a great rest of the week,

X, Eline S.

Reklame// - Wearing - Blazer - Revolve (@superdown) - Top - Nike - Pants - second hand (priceless) - Heals - Via Uno - Necklaces - Vintage - Bag Balenciaga - Hat - NYC Giants