Hey everyone!
I hope everyone are holding up during the difficult times we are in.
My days are going up and down, like it probably does for most people nowadays.
Today I ran the stairs in Holmenkollen with some friends, and one of them was my girlfriend who just gave birth. Such an inspiration to me! My goal for the workout was to do 1000 stairs, which is about 10 times up the stairs, after first round I was exhausted, but I made it. Still shaking but in a good way. I haven’t been doing a lot of strength training lately, so feels good to hopefully get back some muscle mass. We gotta inspire one and other and be creative with the workouts and use nature nowadays. One thing is for sure, you never regret a workout, even when it’s only for 10-15 minus.
I got such a good response on my first IGTV I did in collaboration with BCBG USA. I never thought I would get so much good feedback. It is a lot easier to post a picture, but when you post a video its much more my personality and feels more vulnerable. Thank you for everyone who are watching, and for giving me positive, but also negative feedback. I am new in the IGTV game, so still, a lot to learn!
As a lot of you have been asking about the excact ingredients for the superfood salad recipe, I dedided to post the recipe here again. The IGTV is still out on my instagram @elinesyrdalen and @BCBGgenerations instagram feed. Please send me a DM if there is anything special you would like me to talk more about or anything special you want me to make. Right now I’m working on a new pizza crust recipe, and been experimenting for a few days.
Superfood salad - what you need
Spinach - 2 handfuls
Carrot - one large
avocado - 1/2
Zucchini 1/2
Sweet potato 1/2
Tomato - 1 large or 5 mini
Pepper - I used red pepper - 1/3
Lemon - lemon peel
Pesto 2 tbs
Seeds - I used pumpkin 2 tbs, mix of chia and sunflower
What you do
Start with heating up the oven to 200 degrees, bake the sweet potato for about 25 minuts with some olive oil and salt. While waiting for the sweet potato, wash the spinach and chop it. Use a spirelli for the carrot and the zucchini, or chop it with a knife.
You can buy a spirally on amazon or most stores that sell kitchen stuff. Chop up the rest of the ingredients and have over in the salad bowl all together.
Use a cheese grater and have some of the lemon peel on top, just a tiny bit to get some sitrus flavors. The citrus will help to make the other vegetable taste even more flavorful.
Dressing: You can use olive oil, balsamic vinegar, salt, and pepper, but recently I have been craving pesto! I usually just mix a ready made pesto with some water, 2 tbs pesto, and 2 tbs water mixed together. Have the mixture, over your salad, and at the end add the seeds for some crunch.
I hope you like it!
This salad takes 10 minuts to make, and a little longer if your sweet potato is not readily prepared. I usually eat sweet poato every other day, so when I bake them I always bake 2-3 at the same time and leave the rest ready in the fridge to add to my next meal.
Sweet paoatoes are a great source of fiber and really high in vitamins and especially vitamins C!
I will show you some more great and easy recipes with sweet potatoes soon, they are becoming my new favorite vegetable! Kind of funny that I used to be a big protein eater, and for so many years avoiding carbs, and now all I eat is carbs, or at least for the most part!
Have a good rest of your weekend.
Best, Eline S.
Grilled Scampi w Parmesan/Califlower mash
Om sommeren er det deilig med lette middager, spesielt med varmen nå i sommer frister det mer med salater og lett mat fra havet. Jeg er ikke spesielt fan av reker, har prøvd å like det i mange år, men egentlig gitt opp.
Scampi derimot, elsker jeg!. Det handler kanskje om måten det er tilbredt på.. Masse hvitløk og chilli, mmm.. Ja, takk! Det eneste som tar tid med dette måltidet er scampien som må tines, med mindre man kjøper den fersk.
Dette trenger du for 2 pers ;
400 gr Scampi
5-6 Fedd hvitløk
1 Chilli
1 Stor blomkål
1 Squash
Parmesan ost
Salt og pepper
Mariner scampien med 2 ss olivenolje, salt, pepper, 1 finhakket chilli, litt revet limeskall og 4 fedd hvitløk. Jeg liker masse hvitløk, så kan hende 2 fedd holder for de som ikke liker for sterk hvitløk smak. Sett scampien i kjørleskapet og la den marinere, jo lenger jo bedre. Hvis du har dårlig tid, er det heller ikke krise om du ikke rekker denne prosessen, da kan du ha scampien direkte i stekepannen med litt olje, hvitløk og chilli.
Skjær opp blomkålen i litt mindre biter, sett på en kjele med vann og ha oppi blomkålen når vannet koker. Kok blomkålen til den er myk.
Hell av vannet og la blomkålen ligge og holde seg varm i kjelen.
Stek scampien på relativt høy varme i 3-4 minutter, den skal ikke kokes!
Skru ned varmen og ha oppi squashen. Jeg bruker et redskap som heter spirelli, men hvis du ikke har dette kan du bruke en osteriver. Squashen skal ikke stekes, bare varmes litt sammen med scampien. La scampien og squashen holdes varm under ett lokk til resten av middagen er klar.
Tilbake til blomkålen. Ha oppi 2 fedd hvitløk, 1 ss smør eller olje og 50 gr raspet parmesan ost. Kjør blomkålen i en food prosessor eller med en stavmikser til den er jevn og fin pure. Tilsett til slutt salt og pepper.
Topp retten med litt koriander og fersk limejuice.
Håper det smaker!