Swim Week ended with a hospital visit

I'm usually never happy to leave Miami. But this time I’m excited to come back to Norway. I do feel like I am missing out on a lot of things by leaving Norway in July month. I do miss everyone back home now, so I’m super excited to go back. In my opinion, it is disgusting warm and humid in Florida now. I don’t understand people who plan their vacation here in July. If it wasn't for work I wound never decide to spend time here now. With that being said I had a great experience with Swim Week. And leaving filled with impressions and positive thoughts.

I got some bad luck with my health the last few days. Because of struggling with a virus for a while I have been drinking a ton of water during the intake of antibiotics because the doctor told me to drink a lot of fluids. I honestly never heard of water poisoning before. The whole experience was pretty scary and dramatic, even tho if it just seems a bit odd to get poisoned from water.

I felt like I was gonna blackout, my entire body was shaking and could bearly stand on my own feet when the ambulance picked me up. I was really scared, especially since I was all alone. When I got to the hospital I got good taken care of. They figured out that I had water intoxication. This occurs when the amount of salt and other electrolytes in your body become too diluted. Hyponatremia is a condition in which sodium (salt) levels become dangerously low. My electrolytes dropped too low too quickly. This can cause brain damage and in the worst case death.

Thank god I took action and asked for help. I honestly felt ashamed to reach out at first, but extremely glad I did. Remember, no one knows your body better then you do. When you feel something is not how it should be, never be ashamed to ask for help before its too late.

For anyone visiting the USA, my best advice to you; Always make sure you have your health insurance on track. If something happens to you during your stay, and you don’t have one you could end up spending your entire bank account on medicines and doctor visits. Unfortunately It is not the same kind of health care system as we have in Norway.

I'm feeling much better now and am excited to go back home. Hope you have a good start of your week.

Stay hydrated guys, but everything in modiration ;-) Lesson learned!

Best, Eline S

Wearing - Green dress - urban outfitters

Pink tights - Nike - White sports top - Nike - Sneakers - Adidas

Antibes -> Miami

After spending some spontaneous days in Antibes, I flew to Miami for some jobs I have here during Miami Swim week. I have been pretty excited for it, since its my first year experiencing Swim Week ever! I have always been avoiding going to Miami this time of year, because of the heat waves and also because its the best time of year to be in Norway and Europe.

I have to be honest and say Its not as glamorous as it looks on my insta story. Especially because I have been sick since I got here.
I forced myself to do a few of the castings, which I think made the sickness worse. With 500 girls sweating in the lines and hours of waiting, its been some pretty challenging days for everyone being a part of it. Anyway Im grateful to have the opportunity be here. Thankfully Im already pre booked for a few shows and Im really looking forward to do them!

Hope you all enjoy summer and take some time off work.

Best, Eline S

Wearing - Dress - Zimmerman - Hat - Free people - Bag - Ysl
Wearing - Bikini - H&M - Hat - Zara - Beach bag - handmade from market in Marrakech
Jewelry - Market in NYC - Market in Santorini and Vintage - Wing ring - Lorange Design

Happy 4th of July America - Reklame

Happy 4th of July all American friends out there! There is no better way to celebrate it than on the water with a dip in the ocean, followed up with some fresh sea food.

Just a little tb from Miami earlier this year. Cant wait to be back for Swim week just in a few days from now.

<3 Best, Eline S

Wearing - Dress - Chio Swimwear - Hat - Free People - Sunnies - Zero UV - Necklace - Vintage

Nomade Miami

As many of you know, one of my favorite hobbies while Im traveling is to check out new superfood spots.
While I was in Miami in March month I explored a lot of new, dope places that I want to share with you.

My girlfriend Molly Strauss is one of my very close friends from modeling. We got to know each other the very first time I came to Miami almost 3 years ago.
She was my roommate back then, and when you share a room with someone, you get to know each other really fast. Now it feels like I have known her for a lifetime.

We have some big passions in common; We both love nature, and quality super food, or soul food like we call it. Our religion is the universe and Mother Nature. We can have the deepest conersations about energies, daily experiences from work or just the life journey in general. Yep, pretty nerdy. I know.
We always joke about it and call ourself grandmas. Because we enjoy cooking and drinking tea, while our friends go crazy on the parties in Miami.

Molly invited me to this extremely cute spot while I visited her. I absolutly loved it! The vibe is inspired by Tulum. For those of you who have been there, you would know what Im talking about. The interior is nomadish, with dream catchers hanging from the ceiling, and their meals are freshly prepared by their own chef right in front of you.

The little restaurant is located pretty random, in the middle of nowhere, in a different part of Wynwood District. Definitely worth the experience, especially if you are in that area. There is so much to explore around in Wynwood District. It is completely different then all the typical fancy South beach spots. This place go back to the roots and got a homy, personal touch. We both ordered a big bowl topped with fresh grilled salmon, soo good!

Have a great Thursday, almost weekend guys. Keep it up!
NYC is freezing and I can’t wait for the weekend to start and hopefully the sun will come back soon.

All best, Eline S

Velkommen/Welcome to By Eline


Jeg er super excited for å endelig ha min egen nettside på plass, som flinkeste Marlene (@mallyandthemoon) har hjulpet meg med å lage.

På denne siden kommer jeg til å dele nye #foodbyeline mat oppskrifter, travel guides fra reisene mine og litt fra hverdagen min.

Det som deles her blir solskinns-sidene og glansbildene fra hverdagen min.
Jeg håper jeg kan inspirere andre til en kreativ hverdag og sunn livsstil!

Akkurat nå er jeg i Miami. Litt jobb, kombinert med ferie blir aldri feil. 
Elsker å cruise rundt på south beach på en bysykkel, dra på stranden og sjekke ut nye sunne ¨health spots¨. Forrige uke var jeg på Miami Open med noen venninner, super kul opplevelse! Selv for meg som egentlig ikke kan noe særlig om tennis.

I skrivende stund sitter jeg å booker en billett til Orlando for en reklame jobb jeg skal gjøre der neste uke. Vurderer sterkt å kombinere det med en tur til Disney world!

Ønsker alle en super helg! 
Slenger med litt bilder fra siste tiden her i Miami.


- Eline S.


I'm super excited to finally have my own website ready! The best Marlene (@mallyandthemoon), has helped me creating the web.

On this page I will share new #foodbyeline food recipes, travel guides from my travels and a little from my everyday life.

What is shared here is the sunny sides and the highlight from my life.
I hope I can inspire others to a creative everyday life and a healthy lifestyle!

Right now I'm in Miami. Some work, combined with vacation never goes wrong. I love to cruise around South Beach on a city bike, go to the beach and check out new ¨health spots¨. Last week I was at the Miami Open with some girlfriends, it really was a super cool experience! Even for me who barely knows anything about tennis.

As we speak I’m booking my ticket to Orlando for a commercial I’m shooting there next week.
Really considering combining it with a Disney world experience!

Wishing everyone a great weekend!
Adding some pics from the last few weeks here in Miami.

- Eline S.


South beach Miami - Wearing Cap - Aliens of Brooklyn - Top - Zara - Sunglasses - Oliver Peoples


Malibu Farm House - South beach

Brickell, Miami - Top - Urban Outfitters - Shorts - Levis - Necklance - vintage  - Sneakers - Adidas

Brickell hights, Miami - Top - Urban Outfitters - Shorts - Levis - Necklance - vintage - Sneakers - Adidas

Dr Smood Wynwood -Art district Miami

Dr Smood Wynwood -Art district Miami

Wynwood Art district Miami. Dress - Urban Outfitters - Sneakers - Adidas - Sunglasses - Zero UV

Exploring Wynwood Art district Miami. // Dress - Urban Outfitters - Sneakers - Adidas - Sunglasses - Zero UV


Wynwood Art District Miami - David Bowie

Exploring Wynwood Art district Miami- Dress - Urban Outfitters - Sunglasses - Zero UV

Exploring Wynwood Art district Miami- Dress - Urban Outfitters - Sunglasses - Zero UV - Hairband - Beck Sondergaard

Art District

Wynwood Art District Miami

Rooftop Moment in Brickell Miami - Wearing Z&L Europe

Rooftop Moment in Brickell Miami - Wearing kimono from Z&L Europe

Miami Open

Miami Open 2019

Miami Open. Denim skirt - Levis - Top - Verge girl - Sneakers - Adidas - Sunglasses Zero UV

Miami Open 2019
Denim skirt - Levis - Top - Verge girl - Sneakers - Adidas - Sunglasses Zero UV


Miami Open 2019

BTS. Brand ambassador shoot with Chio Swimwear. #ShotbyMay

Brand Ambassador shoot on Miami Beach with Chio Swimwear

Natural make up on set with Chio swimwear and Shot By May.


Morning run at 07, watching the sunrise at South Beac/Ocean drive side


Lilikoi Organic Living South Beach


Lilikoi Organic Living Miami Beach


Top - Urban Outfitters - Skirt - Zara - Sunglasses - Zero UV - AppleWatch - Necklace - Vintage shop NYC


Sneakers - Adidas - Socks - Top Shop - Hoodie - Nike