My favorite things about fall <3

I love the fall season. In love with the fresh crisp air and the colors changing. I just realized Halloween is coming up in about a month, so yesterday I started looking at costumes. As a child I loved dressing up for Halloween, and its kind of embarrassing, but I still do. 

Here are some of my biggest reasons to love the fall season; 

1. The colors changing and nature is beautiful - go out and explore! 

2. Mushroom picking combined with walks in the woods. 

3. Hot soup and warm blankets <3

4. New Netflix and HBO series out, recommendations much appreciated!

5. Hot chocolate with cream is my favorite thing above all. - will post an amazing paleo recipe soon. 

6. Cozy warm sweaters and boots every day.

7. Halloween coming up in a month, costume planning!

8. Home spa, pamper yourself. - After a long week of work. Treat yourself, fire some candles, put on some meditation music and make a little spa in your bathroom with a homemade facemask. 

Enjoy fall you all and happy Sunday! I'm about to get ready for brunch with my girls in Oslo. 

X, Eline S

Reklame: Wearing Blouse - LaCademie (@Revolve) - Denim bra - Superdown - Jeans - Acne - Hat Brixton - Bag - Chanel - Sneakers - Nike AirMax