Valentinesday in West Hollywood <3

Wearing - top - verge girl - jeans - acne - belt - lovers and friends la - jacket -  grlfriend/ revolve - hair clips - free people 

I hope you all had a great Valentine’s day this year. As my bf is in Minnesota, I spent V-day with friends this year. First at Nespresso house on Beverly Drive for an iced coffee with my homie Kenny, then later on dinner and drinks at the rooftop of Edition Hotel in West Hollywood. It was pretty magical sitting there under the stars, with the view over Los Angeles, with one of my best friends. Cheering for love and many more years to come of a great friendship. I’m truly thankful for having some great friends over here in LA, good friendships mean everything.

My mom just got into town yesterday. I’m super excited to hang out with her this week! Today I’m taking her to one of the older, more traditional hotels in Beverly Hills with a girlfriend joining us for lunch.

Wish you all a good, positive week, wherever you are in the world.

X, Eline S.

Reklame. Wearing - top - Majorelle/ revolve - chocker - Zara - heals - lovers and friends/ revolve - jeans - grlfriend 

Back in LalaLand

Feels amazing to be back in LA. I appreciate the sun like never before, after spending so much time in cold Minnesota winter. I love to wake up on a sunny day and start off my day with a walk outside in the warm weather. It feels more like Norwegian spring then summer, the nights are still pretty cold.

The day after I arrived I was working and the following days I have been spent with friends, catching up and checking out the new Edition hotel in West Hollywood. This hotel is truly amazing. For those who are into a plant-based living, and like to be surrounded with greens and greens, this hotel got it all. In the heart of Weho, with its own spa, pool and rooftop area. My friend Molly and I spent an entire day there catching up. I’m defiantly going back soon. I would defiantly recommend this hotel to anyone who is planning a trip to Lala land! I will try to do a little travel guide to this hotel, for a full description. I’m truly obsessed with the hotel and all Editions values about a greener living.

Hope you all enjoy the weekend. Sending some sunshine from Los Angeles.

Best, Eline S.

Wearing - yellow dress - Zara - Sunnies - Urban outfitters - sneakers - Adidas - hair clips - Free People

Slik styler jeg mine favoritt gullsmykker fra Thune til Valentinesdagen.

I samarbeid med Thune har jeg plukket ut mine favoritt smykker til Valentines dagen. Lek deg med ulike lengder og stil på gullsmykkene dine. Ikke vær redd for å mikse litt ulike stiler sammen. Jeg liker best å bruke gull smykker om sommeren, eller når huden er litt gylden. Jeg syns gullsmykkene får frem en gylden hudtone bedre! Alle smykkene kan kjøpes på, eller i deres butikker rundt om i Norge.

Jeg er tilbake I LA, for å tilbringe litt tid her de neste månedene med jobb og lesing på ernærings studiet. Ettersom arbeidstillatelsen min er klar igjen, ville byrået mitt i LA som søkte visumet mitt gjerne ha meg tilbake for å tilbringe litt tid her de neste månedene.

Ønsker alle en super Valentines day, eller galentinesday, som det kaller det i USA, (hvis du feirer med en venninne, eller to). Som jeg kommer til å gjøre ettersom typen er i Minnesota.

Beste hilsner, Eline S.

Reklame. Wearing - Jewelry - Thune - Dress - LPA (Revolve) - Sandals - Hermes - Hat - Wyeth USA - Bag - Dior

Golden hour

After a week with waking up on the beach, with the sound of the waves from the ocean, it’s easy to miss living in a warm place. Golden hour is probably my favorite time of the day, after sunrise ofc! Just sitting on the beach, waiting for the sunset and just being present.

I wish you a lovely rest of your week.

X, Eline S.

Reklame. Wearing Revolve. Dress - Tularosa - Bag - Beck Sødergaard - sandals - Hermes - Hat - Wyeth USA, Jewelry bra - Top Shop

Jungle-green date night

Finally, I got a bit of a tan and excited to wear some colorful clothes again. During winter months, I never find inspiration to wear any colors and always end up wearing black and grey. Summers make me so much more inspired and creative!

Hope you all enjoy your weekend and time off.

X, Eline S

Reklame. Wearing Revolve. Dress - Lacademie - Flats - Steve Madden - Hair clips - free people - Earrings - Verge girl - Jewelry bra - Top Shop - Bag - Dior - Make up - Froya Cosmetics vegan make up

Ugly sweater party and Norwegian style X.mas in USA

I hope you all have had a great Christmas holiday so far. We had the Wilds Ugly sweater party after the game on the 21st, which is one of my favorite traditions.
We had dinner at RH in Edina, Minnesota. I actually never had dinner there, only lunch. I have to say that WOW, the food is amazing. We had an early night since Mats had early practice the next day. The 22end Mats family arrived and we have been lazy since the day they arrived. Been watching Love actually probably tree times and sleeping in every morning.

Reklame / Wearing make up from Froya cosmetics - Hand chain - Nangi Jewelry - headband - Free People - Necklaces - Vintage - Dress - Lpa

On Christmas Eve, we slept in and watched movies. Mats mom made rice porridge for lunch. This is a tradition most Norwegian and Swedish people do during Christmas. We also leave one almond in the porridge, and the person getting the almond, gets a small present, like a chocolate bar. This always made us want to eat a lot more while we were young, just to get the almond and the present.
After eating Mats, his brother, Frank and I got dressed and went to a rink to play around on the ice. I love being active during X.mas, my family and I usually go to the mountains in Norway, so I’m used to a really active holiday season and a lot of outdoors activities. Since I don’t skate really often I have a lot of fun the few times I do. Of course, I got too excited to put the skates on quickly, so I accidentally cut myself on one of the skates, haha. Clumsy and typical me.

After we went home to shower and get ready for Norwegian style Christmas dinner. Mats family brought some food from Norway, and the rest we got from a Norwegian store here in Minneapolis called ‘‘Ingebritsen’’, we also found Norwegian brown cheese and some other goodies there. If you are Norwegian or Scandinavian and living in Minneapolis, you better check it out!
With Norwegian food, music and even snow outside it truly felt like the same as a Norwegian Christmas eve.

I hope you all enjoy the rest of the holiday. And getting excited to start off the new year, 2020! I’m planning to journal a bit today.
I know this sounds a bit stupid, but I recommend everyone to write down 5 things that you were grateful for in 2019, and also 5 things that you are leaving behind in 2019.
Let go of things that dosen’t serve you, and fuel yourself with people and surroundings that only serve you happiness and good energy.

Best, Eline S.

Vegan pasta with oven roasted superfood veggie

I have been having the biggest obsession with this plant-based dish lately. It’s easy to prepare and simple to make.
I make it the vegan way, but you can choose other products if you feel like it.

What you need

1 Large butternut sqash
1 glass of pasta sauce
Pasta or tortellini
Garlic or onion powder
All-purpose spice
Coconut oil spray, or olive oil

What you do

Start with heating the oven to 400 degrees, or 175 degrees Celcius, I put the oven on the roast function.

Slice the butternut squash in smaller pieces, and get rid of the seeds. Spray then with oil, and add your spices. Add your own favorite spice, it tastes perfectly with salt and some oil only. Since I make this dish quite often I like to mix it up, this time I tried with some turmeric, as I have been a bit sick this week I’m spicing it up. Tumeric has a really strong taste, so only pinching a little over with the other spices.
As the oven is heated up, place the butternut squash in the middle.

Waiting time- To make the butternut squash perfectly roasted, they need from 30-4o min depending on your oven. Feel free to watch a serie, or have a shower while waiting. I like to give the butternut squash a shake in between, to make sure they get roasted on both sides.

Depending on your kinds of pasta boiling time, start heating up some water, I used the Kite Hill vegan tortellini with spinach that only needed 4-6 min. When the butternut squash was close to ready, I started boiling the tortellini, as well started heating up the tomato pasta sauce on low temp.

The butternut squash should be golden and crispy on the outside when ready to serve. My friends thought it looked and tasted more like sweet potato, as the butternut get quite sweet when roasted. Drain the water off the pasta, and add the pasta to the bowl of tomato sauce and heat together for 1 minute or so.
Have the butternut squash on a plate and add the pasta. I used some vegan parmesan as topping as well as some vegan pesto.


Gotta love all the great green options in the US. Even tho America is known for its hamburgers and fries. they have tons of great plant-based options too.
Kite Hill is defiantly becoming one of my favorite vegan brands, plant-based brands.

I hope you got inspired to try out another green meal. Butternut squash is high in fiber and full of nutrition. Perfect this time of year with a healthy boost, that honestly feels more like a cheat meal, especially with the pasta and cheese.

Best, Eline S

That feeling when you find your dream sweater in a second hand store

Back in Minnesota and started decorating for Christmas, as well as buying Christmas gifts. As we recently moved in we had no Christmas stuff at all, I’m excited to show Mats everything I bought when he gets back from the road trip! Been trying to buy some classic statement pieces, instead of small unnecessary things. Also been focusing on buying glass, and wood pieces for decorations, instead of plastic decoration.

In the last few years I have been trying to spend less money on stores like Zara and H&M, even tho it’s tempting sometimes with the cheap prices.
Here in Minnesota, they have a really good second-hand store named Fashion Avenue. I love buying second hand. You can find unique pieces that no one else has, and also much better prices. In a good second-hand store, everything is cleaned and organized. Buying second hand is cheaper for us, and better for the environment.

I have been looking at this sweater for quite a long time from 36o cashmere. Super soft and cozy, and good quality. Cashmere is always really expensive, but when I found it in the second-hand store. It looked almost new and on half of the price, so I coulde’t resist. I’m obsessed with skulls, even tho and love wearing it alone, or with a black, beige, or animal printed turtleneck under. Layers on layers are perfect for Scandinavian, or Minneapolis winters.

I hope you got inspired to go second-hand shopping or explore if you have any second hand close to where you live. My X-mas wish this year is actually something from a second-hand store.

Have a great weekend you all.

I’m having some girls and some of their kids over for gingerbread baking, sleepover and watching the Wild game tonight. Excited!

Best, Eline S.

Reklame. Wearing Revolve. Sweater - 360 Cashmere - Jeans -Revolve/ Grlfriend - turtleneck - forever21 - boots - Stuart Weitzmann - Sunnies - Zero UV - Hair Clips - Free People