New York Next ->

I hope you all are having some lazy weekend plans. I have been back in Minneapolis for the last week, catching up with some friends, spending time with Mats and finally having some meetings. Exciting things are coming up.:)

I’m off to NYC today! Mats play his first game in Madison Square Garden since he changed to The Wild. I’m excited to be there to support him on a special day with his family.
I figured out since I’m already going, I will stay for a week to make more out of the trip and make a meeting at my agency as well as catch up with my friends. Especially excited to hang out with my Swedish peeps over there that I miss having around.

I’ll try to update from NYC but it will probably be a pretty busy week where I will try to squeeze in as much as possible. Anyway, I’m already working on putting together an NYC guide for you guys. So many people have been asking me for places to eat, what to see and to do when visiting NYC. So i’m working on a list with all my best tips, including my favorite workouts there!

Best, Eline S.

Jeans - Levis - Sweater - Adidas - Sneakers - Adidas

Milan guide. part 1.

After spending a lot of time in Milan for work, it feels amazing just to come for pleasure and fun. Its a completely different experience to visit for a few days, then living here as a model. The good thing tho is that I know the city pretty well, and how to get around. I got a lot of questions about what places I recommend to see in Milan, so I decided to make a mini travel guide with my favorite spots in Milan. I’m not a typical tourist, I like to go with the flow and take it day by day.

Pandeus, Garibaldi

We started our first day with a brunch in Garibaldi, at Pandeus. Really cozy restaurant that serves brunch, lunch and also has a bar, and is supposed to make really good drinks. I felt like having a little boost after my flight, so ordered a beet juice with ginger and apple as well as some eggs. Everything was super fresh and good. The service wase’t amazing, it seems like everything is a little bit unorganized here in Italy, at least compared to the US.

Garibaldi Area

This has grown so much since the last time I used to live in Milan, back in 2014. I remember Garibaldi was the new and upcoming spot they just finished building, now this area is one of the most popular spots in Milan. It’s always busy here, no matter what time of the day. The area is full of stores, like Nike, Sephora, Colmar, Tesla, Reply and Venchi. Venchi is my favorite chocolaterie in the entire world. Italiens know how to make good ice cream, but also chocolate. They have my favorite chocolate spread, and I always buy a ton to take home in my luggage. They also serve fresh crepes with chocolate spread, perfect after a long tourist day! Garibaldi also has good restaurants and cool cafes to hang out.

Corso Como

This is my very favorite area in Milano. You can take the green metro line to Garibaldi, and Corso Como is just two min walk from there. The street is full of smaller boutique stores, cute cafes, restaurants, and bars. This area becomes crowded around 7 o’clock when the bars and restaurants starting to get busy.

We enjoyed a drink and aperitivo on our second day at Cimmino 104 in Corso Como. I had a bloody Mary as I felt super jetlagged, after a long flight from the USA the day before.

Wearing - Hoodie - ACW - Coat - Sand (Male) - Glasses - Replay

10 Corso Como

My nr 1 restaurant in Milan, 10 Corso como is surrounded by plants and candles. Perfect to get a break from the busy city life in this little garden.
They serve traditional Italien food, with inspiration from a greener living. The restaurant is not vegan, but they do have vegan options. We ended up ordering a vegan meal: pasta with mushrooms. Super tasty! We got extremely full after the pasta, so didn’t try the dessert menu, but had a decaf coffee. Best decaf coffee I have had for a very long time.

Duomo - Town House Lounge

Some people come to Milan, only to see the famous Duomo Cathedral. Its located in the heart of Milan and is one of Italy’s most popular tourist attractions. It’s usually a line to go inside the church, so if you want to see it, I suggest coming early in the morning for fewer people. We decided not to go in, as it was packed with way too many tourists.

Instead, we decided to go on one of the rooftops for a drink to get a nice view of Duomo.
“Town house lounge” is a Michelin drink bar on one of the rooftops next to Duomo. The drinks are made by a robot machine! Pretty cool, I have never seen anything like it before. It was a pretty cold day, but thankfully they had heat lamps outside. When it started raining we left. I do recommend to visit this when the sun is shining, for a better experience! It was pretty pricy tho, maybe same as Norwegian prices for drinks. I also do recommend “Terazza Aperol” or “Obica Mozarella bar Duomo”, for a good view over Duomo. Defiantly more worth it on a sunny day tho.

Town House Lounge, Duomo Milan

Town House Lounge, Duomo Milan

Wearing - Hoodie - ACW - Bucket hat - - Leather jacket - Zara - Boots - Stuart Weitzmann

Exploring new superfood spots in Minnesota

It's only my second week in Minnesota, but It feels like I have been here for a month already. I have been doing so many things and met so many people in such a short period. I had honestly thought Minnesota was a small and kind of boring place to live, but it is not! The city feels big, and there are so many things to do.

I have been spending hours after hours in home goods, target, RH and such to organize for the house. I do enjoy it, even tho if it is a lot of work.
People here are so helpful and genuine every time I ask someone for help. I also got a car now, which I was pretty nervous about at first. I have been in the states for 3 years now, but I always avoiding driving. I felt like I had to challenge myself when we moved here. Minnesota is not like NYC with a subway right outside your door. Being able to drive gives me much more freedom.

One of the girls from the Wild team is from Finland. She and her husband live close to us, so we have been spending a lot of time together in the last few days. It's always something special about the Scandinavian culture and how you bond with each other. She shows me all the cute spots, I'm adding some pictures under from our lunch at ¨Crisp and Greens¨ in Minnesota yesterday. 
The place is super cute and with all kind of options, also for the vegans! I did a green bowl yesterday, with chickpeas, carrots, tuna, feta, avocado, spinach and some super tasty ginger dressing. I do recommend this place, super clean and and the service was great too! Also an option to be seated outside, (like we did) when the weather is good.

Hope you all have had a good week and is as excited as I am about the weekend. I am going to a concert today, which Im really looking forward to! Tomorrow it is the Wilds first home game, here in Minnesota. I am super excited to be there and see Mats on the ice again, lets hope for a win!
Minnesota has been warm and nice the last few days, but the rain just started. Rumors told me it will snow this weekend. Gotta get prepared for some cold winter months, even tho I'm pretty used to cold weather. 

Best, Eline S.

Reklame// Wearing: Revolve - Top - Lovers & Friends - Skirt - Lovers & Friends - Jacket - JG Couture - Necklaces - Vintage and market in Soho Nyc - Hair jewelry - Accessorize

Hello Minnesota <3

Hey you all. :)

Hope you all had a great start of the new week. I am sorry I haven’t been updating in a while.
This first week in Minnesota has been crazy busy. A ton of work with the new house we just moved into as well as getting to know the city, the people and how to get around. It will take some time to settle fully into the house, but step by step. It has also been nice to spend some time with Mats again after almost a month apart.

I realized pretty early, that I have to challenge myself to get to know and meet new people, not to be lonely here. When we lived in NYC everything was a bit different, I had my friends and my stuff going on with modeling and work. Here in Minnesota I am all new and don't know many people. It is a new life for us both. Right now I am also without a working visa, and it will take some time before I get it back. In the meantime, I am gonna start some online nutrition studies, witch, I am super excited about! It will be good to be able to share more knowledge about the nutrition of the food recipes with you guys as well. 

I already feel the warmth from the people in Minnesota. I have to admit it is a massive change from NYC in many ways. So far I like it here. The city is a lot cleaner than NYC and much more nature and less noise, witch was something I always missed back in NYC. Every city got its charm, and Minnesota seems so far to have a lot to offer. I do understand why so many Scandinavians settled down here. The seasons and the climate are similar to Norway. I also got to meet everyone on the team, and everyone has been super welcoming to us both. The last two days I have been organizing a bunch for the house, and some of the girls from the Wild team have been helping me out.

Wish you all a good week, I will try to be better on update more this week. Tonight we have a team dinner, so I am heading out to buy a small gift for the host. Talk soon. <3

Best, Eline S

Reklame// Wearing: Revolve- Hoodie - LPA - Tights - Lulu lemon - sneakers - Adidas - Sunnies - Zero UV - socks - Nike

Goodbye Norway <3 Ready for new adventures

My last days in Oslo have been pretty hectic. I always feel like I have things under control until I realize I am leaving in less than 24 hours. I completely forgot I had to reply for the Esta, since I had an American visa the last 3 years I didn’t really think about it. I replied for my Esta less than 24 hours ago, and it normally takes 72 hours to get it confirmed. Hopefully I get it in time before my flight, which takes off in an hour. Fingers crossed!

As we speak I'm sitting in the lounge with a huge cup of coffee, waiting to board on my flight to Minnesota!
I only slept for a few hours tonight, as I was packing and trying different outfits to figure out what to wear for tomorrow's, or actually today team dinner (with the time difference). I will probably go straight from the airport to the dinner, so hopefully, I will get some rest on the plane. 

I'm super excited to see Mats again and explore a new city with new people! Always sad to leave Norway, but since I am waiting for my next O1 visa, I have to go back to Norway soon for the interview at the American embassy. I will try to update from Minnesota, but will probably be super busy first few weeks with settling in and getting to know a new city and how everything works over there. ts time to get pushed out of the comfort zone again. Its all so new, and I feel nervous and excited at the same time!

Wish you all a great and lazy Sunday. I hope you sleep long and get some rest before kicking off a new week tomorrow. 

X, Eline S.

Reklame// Wearing - Sweater - Revolve (LPA) - Bag - Zara - Jeans - Acne - Headbow - Accessorize - Earrings - H&M - Boots - Stuart Weizmann - Necklaces - vintage

Can I move here?

Falling in love with the Countryside of Norway, after my little exploring in Sørkedalen in Oslo last weekend I had to go back. I used to spend so much time there as a kid with my family, we used to go horseback riding and watch the animals, it all brings back great memories in me.

The old farm ¨Bogstad Gård¨ has this amazing cute cafe inside the house, as well as a museum where you can see how they used to live more than 200 years ago. Perfect for an old soul like me, haha. The big farm is facing a huge garden and a lake. I recommend visiting this beautiful place if you want to see and explore something different in Oslo, perfect for families with kids too.

Tomorrow it is Friday already!
I have been having a hectic week so can’t wait for the weekend to start and spend some time with my friends tomorrow.

X, Eline S

Reklame: Wearing - Sweater - Revolve (LPA) - Jeans - Acne - Boots - Stuart Weizmann - Sunnies - Zero UV

Countryside in Oslo

Hope you guys have a good start of the week. I have been spending the weekend and some extra days in the countryside of Oslo. Oslo felt like summer over the weekend, but got cooler again pretty quickly. The best thing about Oslo is probably having all the four seasons plus being so close to the city, as well as the ocean and nature. Both wood and countryside with animals, vegetable gardens, etc. It feels like meditation just being surrounded by animals, flowers and picking your veggies and preparing dinner from it. I am sharing my favorite fall recipe with you next week made from a seasonal veggie.
So many good seasonal veggies to experiment with this time of year.

I can’t believe it´s almost October month. Weeks are flying like crazy, tomorrow is actually my mothers birthday.
As we speak, I'm waiting for the vegan chocolate cake to finish in the oven. I figured out it tastes even better if I make it the day before and leave cold storage in the fridge over the night. The recipe is under #foodbyeline, if you want to try to make it. I wish you all a great rest of the week,

X, Eline S.

Reklame// - Wearing - Blazer - Revolve (@superdown) - Top - Nike - Pants - second hand (priceless) - Heals - Via Uno - Necklaces - Vintage - Bag Balenciaga - Hat - NYC Giants

My favorite things about fall <3

I love the fall season. In love with the fresh crisp air and the colors changing. I just realized Halloween is coming up in about a month, so yesterday I started looking at costumes. As a child I loved dressing up for Halloween, and its kind of embarrassing, but I still do. 

Here are some of my biggest reasons to love the fall season; 

1. The colors changing and nature is beautiful - go out and explore! 

2. Mushroom picking combined with walks in the woods. 

3. Hot soup and warm blankets <3

4. New Netflix and HBO series out, recommendations much appreciated!

5. Hot chocolate with cream is my favorite thing above all. - will post an amazing paleo recipe soon. 

6. Cozy warm sweaters and boots every day.

7. Halloween coming up in a month, costume planning!

8. Home spa, pamper yourself. - After a long week of work. Treat yourself, fire some candles, put on some meditation music and make a little spa in your bathroom with a homemade facemask. 

Enjoy fall you all and happy Sunday! I'm about to get ready for brunch with my girls in Oslo. 

X, Eline S

Reklame: Wearing Blouse - LaCademie (@Revolve) - Denim bra - Superdown - Jeans - Acne - Hat Brixton - Bag - Chanel - Sneakers - Nike AirMax

Oslo Fall

Love spending falls in Oslo. The season right now between summer and fall is beautiful, seeing the colors on the trees change every day, it truly is something special about it. Whenever I'm free from work and the sun is out, I'm running out in the woods to clear my head. WOW, I'm amazed by Norway. Extremely thankful for my safe childhood here and being so close to nature. 

Finally, I am starting to feel like my life is getting organized again, my closet starts to look normal. I hate to leave home like a mess, so been spending some time organizing my clothes and selling a bunch of things. My visa papers are almost done too, been taking some time to get all the materials together, now I'm just waiting to get some reference letters signed by different clients I have been working for. I will probably start looking at tickets and packing for my trip back to the states this weekend.

Since my boyfriend just moved there. I will try to have my base there too. Distance relationships are just too hard in the long run. Hopefully I get my visa soon, so I will still be able to do some modeling again and can easily fly to LA, NYC or Miami where I have my agencies. They are only short flights, like 2-3 hours. 
I can’t wait to get back to the US, hang with my bf, and also super excited to explore a new city. I have only been in Minnesota once before for a NBA game, for Timberwolfs a few years ago. Rumors say the climate is really similar to Norway, and that they got beautiful nature.
Feel free to share if you have anything special I should do when I get there. I only know one singel person In the entire city, so that will be interesting.

I hope you all had a great week and that you got some fun or relaxing weekend plans. I can't wait to watch TV, for the first time this week, wearing PJs all weekend and fire the fireplace with a cup of hot chocolate.

X, Eline S

Reklame: Wearing - Dress - LPA (Revolve) - Boots - Stuart Weizmann - Sunnies - Zero UV - Bag - Zara - Earrings - H&M