Goodbye New York

The last few weeks in NYC have been mad hectic with work and things to get done before leaving for summer. Thats why I haven’t really had time to update much here with food recipes, guides etc.

I just got back to Norway and reflecting a bit on my last few years in the states, as my 01 Visa expires soon. And soon starting a new progress of replying for another 01 Visa.

Living and working in a city like NYC, with so many different people from different cultures have deffinately made me grow as a person. One thing I have learned about New Yorkers; they are extreamly open minded, hard working and passionate, no matter what they are doing. Thats probably what New York does to you. With so many hard working people and competition you kind of have to be willing to learn and open your mind to grow.

Spending time in the states has opened my mind in so many ways. Being from a little country like Norway, with a completly different mind set has been challenging at first. Norwegian mentality is much more close minded, cold and sceptical. In Norway we often feel that Americans can be fake and over the top, but in my opinion that’s kind of the great thing about Americans. In NYC no one judges you, you can be who ever you want to be, dress how you wanna dress and look how you wanna look. For me it has been healthy to force myself out of the comfort zone. To see things from a different angel, have made me much more present and thankful for the little things I used to take for granted when I grew up.

Im back in Norway feeling grateful for everyone I have met on my journey. I have made friends all over USA and memories for life.

I wish you all a great week! I’m beyond excited to drive to South Norway and spend some quality time with my loved ones.

X, Eline S.

Some snaps from my last few weeks in the city.

Snake blouse - Zara - Sunnies - Zero UV
Black Cross back top - Revolve - Ear rings - Amber Sceats - Denim skirt - Levis
All white - t shirt - Rag And Bone - Sneakers - Nike - Bag - Helmer - skirt - Zara - sunnies - Oliver Peoples
Workout - all - J. Lindeberg - Sunnies - Oakley

NYC Summer - In collaboration with Amber Sceats

My week started pretty lazy, as everyone take the weekend including Monday and some even Tuesday off here in the US for Memorial weekend.

Memorial weekend is for remembering and honoring people who have died while serving in the United States Armed Forces - and has nothing to do with partying, even tho that’s what most people do!

Here in NYC, lots of people go upstate, to the Hamptons for long weekends. I was super excited to finally go away for a few days, but got a fever the day before leaving so had to cancel the entire trip. So bummed to miss out.

Anyway I had some nice and lazy days off here in the city, met up with my Norwegian girlfriend and some of her friends for her birthday! We had lunch at Catch, and the food there is great. Especially for the sushi and sea food lovers. They have vegetarian and gluten free options too and there is always a good vibe there. It ended up being a pretty short week after all.

Next week starts my crazy work scudule. Working for a client here in NYC that I worked with a few times before, so I know its a good crowd of people.
That always helps when you know you have some long days ahead. At least I have the weekends off, and hopefully the weather will stay nice!:-)

Im finishing up my lunch and stopping by the agency before wrapping up this week.

Have a great weekend you all!

All best, Eline S

Wearing - Dress - Zara - Sunnies - Oliver Peoples - Ear rings - Amber Sceats - Heals - Zara - Hand chain - Nangi jewelry - Belt - Zara

Denim on denim -Memorial weekend

NYC is heating up fast, from being freezing and miserable to warm summer days, Personally I prefer spring or fall in this city. Summers here are just way too warm. Thank god we’ve got air condition in the apt!

This weekend Im going away with some American girlfriends for memorial weekend and to celebrate one of my girlfriends birthday, upsate in NYC. I have never been and really excited to leave NYC for a few days.
When you have been in the city for a little too long, it becomes draining instead of giving you the energy boost. At least for me. I can’t wait to get some fresh air and see the nature again. Its not gonna be like Norway, but heard the nature is beautiful up there. I really miss Norway now, and can’t wait to go back for summer and see everyone! Until my jobs are done here in the city, I will enjoy rooftops and try to explore some new parks over the weekends.

Wish you all a beautiful weekend, get some fresh air and love life.

Best, Eline S

Wearing - Denim jacket vintage - Jeans - vintage Levis - Hair tie - Free people

Red & White. - In collaboration with Helmer Bags

Hope everyone had a great week and weekend.
NYC have been rainy and pretty miserable lately, but then it finally lightened up for the 17th of May.

17th of May is a huge celebration day in Norway where Norwegians celebrate the day our country got its own constitution. Kinda sad to be missing out on such a fun day in my home country, but Im pretty used to missing out on it. I was working all day on a lifestyle shoot in the streets of NYC. Thankfully it was sunny, warm and nice out all day.

Been spending all weekend outside in the beautiful weather with friends. Thats one of the greatest things about summer in a big city, everyone become so happy, spontaneous and energetic. Ended the weekend with a slow Sunday morning, met up with a girlfriend for coffee and had a long walk on Hudson River. Now getting excited for the next GOT episode, can’t wait!

Im proud to be collaborating with Helmer bags; an English eco friendly brand.
Follow the instructions on my latest instagram to win your own Helmer bag.
These bags are handmade and comes in all different styles and summer fresh colors.
Winner will be picked next week.
Good Luck!

X, Eline S

Wearing - Helmer bags - sneakers - Nike - Socks - Cubus - T-Shirt - Rag and Bone - Shirt - Zara - Sunnies - Zero UV - Belt - Gucci

Chocolate mousse -Protein style

NYC was sunny for a second, but then it was raining the entire weekend, including Monday and Tuesday. Kinda cosy too, especially when the weekend plans was babysitting, cinema and cooking with the kiddos.

My girlfriend and I also found a new awesome serie on Netflix. We almost finished it over the weekend. ¨Dead to me¨, you should check it out. A bit creepy, funny and also romantic. Something your boyfriend might like too! Reminds a little of ¨Big little lies¨, for those who have seen it, wich is another good serie I highly recommend.

This chocolate mousse have been a favorite of mine for years. Its a perfect little healthy treat or a post workout meal, to fuel up on.
Its really simple to put together. just for yourself, or for you and your bestie. <3 It is a good treat to keep in the fridge for the next day too!

What you need

Organic cottage cheese
Yoghurt - I use Kite Hill (plain almond yoghurt)
Some vanilla extract
Stevia, honey or other sweetner
Raw 100% cacao
sea salt



What you do

Mix together 2 topped tbs cottage cheese and 3 topped tbs yoghurt in a bowl. (The creamier yoghurt you use, the creamier the mousse will get)
Add 2 tbs cacao powder, a pinch of sea salt and some drops of vanilla extract. (If you are not a big fan of the cottage cheese taste, you can always do one more tbs of yoghurt and one tbs less of the cottage cheese or skip the cottage cheese completely).

At the end add stevia or other sweetener, taste a little in between to get it as sweet as you prefer. Everyone have different taste, I personally like a strong taste of cacao, and prefer the bitterness.

Mix well together. If you don’t like the texture of the cottage cheese and want to get rid of the bumps, you can use a hand mixer or a blender.
Personally, I don’t mind the bumps.

Have the mixture over in two small bowls or one big one. I love to heat up some raspberries as topping, with some pumpkin, chia seeds, sunflower seeds and cinnamon. Keep in mind that this is not a proper chocolate mousse, because its protein based and without butter and eggs. This mousse will be much more compact and not fluffy like a normal mousse. Its a high protein, low carb treat that fills up and helps to get rid of cravings.

Hope you like it and get inspired to try something new to fuel up on.

Have a great rest of the week you all! and happy 17th of May to all Norwegians!

All best, Eline S

Wrapping up another busy week in NY

Wrapping up a busy week here in NYC. This week an old friend of mine had a huge birthday celebration with dinner and a following party at Marquee, one of the biggest night clubs here in NY. So many good friends were there, and people flew in from all over. Jonathan is one of the Marquee owners, and he and his girlfriend always do something big for his birthday.

I was working the following day, so didn’t go crazy. Only a few drinks for dinner and stopped by the club for 15 min before I went home to get some rest. .
The following day I did two shows in one day. Loved working with this beautiful girl @MeganIrminger (in the pictures). So many talented designers and creative people backstage at this show. Lots of fun to work when you love your outfit and on top of it get to work with friends.

Btw, check out my favorite matcha place, Cha cha matcha (if your are in NYC, or planning to visit soon).
-They have the cutest pink design cafe and amazing, tasty matcha. Especially if you combine it with a good chocolate!

Wish you all a great weekend. I will be baby sitting for my girlfriend tomorrow and am actually super excited to spend my entire weekend with them.

X, Eline S

Nomade Miami

As many of you know, one of my favorite hobbies while Im traveling is to check out new superfood spots.
While I was in Miami in March month I explored a lot of new, dope places that I want to share with you.

My girlfriend Molly Strauss is one of my very close friends from modeling. We got to know each other the very first time I came to Miami almost 3 years ago.
She was my roommate back then, and when you share a room with someone, you get to know each other really fast. Now it feels like I have known her for a lifetime.

We have some big passions in common; We both love nature, and quality super food, or soul food like we call it. Our religion is the universe and Mother Nature. We can have the deepest conersations about energies, daily experiences from work or just the life journey in general. Yep, pretty nerdy. I know.
We always joke about it and call ourself grandmas. Because we enjoy cooking and drinking tea, while our friends go crazy on the parties in Miami.

Molly invited me to this extremely cute spot while I visited her. I absolutly loved it! The vibe is inspired by Tulum. For those of you who have been there, you would know what Im talking about. The interior is nomadish, with dream catchers hanging from the ceiling, and their meals are freshly prepared by their own chef right in front of you.

The little restaurant is located pretty random, in the middle of nowhere, in a different part of Wynwood District. Definitely worth the experience, especially if you are in that area. There is so much to explore around in Wynwood District. It is completely different then all the typical fancy South beach spots. This place go back to the roots and got a homy, personal touch. We both ordered a big bowl topped with fresh grilled salmon, soo good!

Have a great Thursday, almost weekend guys. Keep it up!
NYC is freezing and I can’t wait for the weekend to start and hopefully the sun will come back soon.

All best, Eline S

Rooftop season -NYC

Hey guys. From now on Im starting to write everything in English. Its just easier for both parts, instead of two different texts every time. I feel like most Norwegians are pretty good in English in general. Since English is not my first language, you have to excuse my vocabulary and falses here and there.

The weather here in NYC is so unreliable in these days, on day its sunny and warm and the next its cloudy and cold. Typical time of year when everyone gets sick, because you never know what to wear. When the sun is out, it is amazing tho. People go out, invite friends over to their rooftops for bbq, chill out in the parks or enjoy a beer in the sun.

I started antibiotics yesterday for my bronchitis. This is what happens when you live in Nyc. Im usually never sick, but every time I'm in NYC I get something. Probably the stress, combined with the pollution here.
Thank god I have my insurance on track! Hopefully I get 100% before my job starts from Wednesday on,
Forcing myself to take it easy the next few days.

Hope you all had a great weekend and a good start of the new week!
Adding on some pics from the last week here.

X, Eline S

Wearing - Swimsuit H&M - Gold bracelet - Paul Hewitt
Wearing - Pants - Zara - Top - Verge Girl - Sunglasses - ZeroUV

Edition Hotel Times Square Opening and weekend vibes in NYC

Håper alle har kost seg i helgen. 

NYC er som vanlig busy og det skjer mye her om dagen, så selv om jeg har blitt forkjølet, har jeg  ikke hatt tid til å være syk nå! Lørdagen tilbragte jeg med en svensk venninne som er i NYC. Vi trente sammen, skravlet hull i hodet på hverandre og catchet opp om alt og ingenting. 

Ebony er svensk og en av mine aller nærmeste modell kollegaer. Vi er veldig like på mange måter. Hun er en skikkelig stå på jente med bein i nesa. Jeg kjenner få som jobber så hardt og som er så positiv som henne. Jenter som henne inspirerer meg til å bli bedre! 

Lørdagen var vi invitert på åpningen av det nye Edition Hotel, på Times Square. En herlig middag, etterfulgt av ett spektakulært danse show. Hotellet var utrolig lekkert, maten var god og showet var sinnsykt imponerende. - Gåsehud! Det ble en tidlig kveld på oss, ettersom vi begge måtte være opplagte til søndagen. 

Søndag morgen sto jeg tidlig opp, lagde meg en havregrøt og en stor kopp med deilig kaffe. Søndag er egentlig min favoritt dag; ikke gjøre noe som helst. Men når man jobber freelance har man ikke alltid muligheten til å ta fri på søndager. Jeg hadde en fitting/prep for en hår kampanje jeg har booket her i NYC som jeg hadde call time til klokken 12:00. Dette skulle egentlig bare ta 2 timer, men endte opp med å bruke hele søndagen. Heldigvis lot de meg beholde min naturlige hårfarge, takk gud! 

Jeg pleier egentlig å si nei til hårjobber, fordi de ofte ødelegger håret veldig. I og med at jeg er naturlig blond, er jeg alltid redd for at noen skal messe opp fargen min. Resultatet ble en shine shampoo og en blåshampoo, kun for å tone ned gultonene litt i håret. Også en lett trim. Jobben er ikke før om en uke, så det blir spennende. Jeg skrev under på en kontrakt om at de sto fritt til å redigere hårfargen min på selve bildet. -Tenk at de faktisk gjør det! Det er faktisk ofte sånn det er på jobb. Sist gang jeg gjorde en stor hår kampanje, brukte de ikke engang produktet de reklamerte for.. I tillegg hadde jeg håret fullt av extentions.. Så folkens, pictures do lie!

Ønsker dere alle en fin ny uke og god

Eline S


Hope everyone had an awesome weekend!

I got a cold, but dont really have time to take it easy. It so much going on right now, so no time for being sick. I spent Saturday with my Swedish girlfriend who is in NYC right now. We worked out together, talked the shit out of each other, and watched up on all and nothing.

Ebony Anderberg is one of my closest friends from the industry. We are the same kind of people in many ways. She is a hard working girl, who knows where she is standing. . I honestly don’t know many people who works as hard as she does. She is always positive. Girls like her inspire me to be better!

On Saturday we were invited to the opening of the new Edition hotel at Times Square. An amazing dinner, followed up with a spectacular show. The hotel was really elegant, the food was delicious and the show was beyond impressing. - Goodbums material.
We had an early night, because w both had work to do on Sunday.

Sunday morning, I got up aroound 10. Made myself an oatmeal and a big cup of fresh coffee. Sundays are ususally my favorite day to do nothing at all. But everyone who works as a freelance knows you dont always have a normal weekend. I had a fitting/prep for a hair campaign I have booked here in NYC. My call time was at 12, and it was suppose to be done in 2 hours. That didn’t happen, I ended up spending my entire day in that hair salon. Thank god they didn’t change my hair colour!

I usually say no to do hair jobs, because it damage the hair so much. Also because i’m natural blonde, im always afraid if it will mess up my natural color. The result was a shine shampoo, and a blue shampoo to cool down the yellow tone in my hair. Also a light trim. The job is not before next week, but im excited.

I just signed a contract saying they are allowed to retouch my hair colour in the acuall picture. -Imagine they do that! Its actually pretty often they do that on a shoot. Last time I did a hair campaign, the client didn’t even use their own product. And on top of that, my own hair was full of extensions.. So folks, pictures do lie!

Have a good start of the week and a happy easter!

- Eline S

D/RT - Eat Clean


En av de siste dagene før avreise fra Miami var jeg og noen venninner å sjekket ut DIRT på South Beach. Jeg kan bekrefte at maten både er super tasty og insta vennlig!

Konseptet til Dirt er superfood. Hver rett på menyen er proppfull av superfoods og næringsstoffer.
Tallerknene er fargerike og inspirerende!

De har både veganske og gluten frie alternativer på menyen for de plante baserte. Også High protein og Paleo vennlige retter for kjøtt elskerne og gutta krutt.
Dirt bryr seg om planeten, og kjøttet deres er markert som Grass fed.

Vi bestilte rødbet salat, acai bowl, matcha pannekaker med mandel mel, søtpotet og en karri blomkål/kål bowl.. YUM!
Absolutt verdt å ta turen, hvis man befinner deg i Miami.

Jeg er på plass i NYC og har hatt en spennende helg, både jobbmessig og sosialt.
Så utrolig deilig med vår i luften her i New York. Blomster på trærne, fuglekvitter å folk som sitter ute å tar seg en matbit, eller bare nyter livet!

Ønsker alle en super start på en ny uke.
Snakkes snart.

X Eline S



One of my last days in Miami, my girlfriends and I just checked out DiRT on South Beach.
I can confirm that the food is super tasty and insta-friendly!

Dirt´s consept is superfood. Everything on the menu is full of nutritions and superfoods.
The plates here are colorful and inspiering!

The menu got vegan and gluten free options for the plant based ones. Also high protein and paleo friendly meals for the meat lovers and them boyz.
Dirt care about the planet, and their meat is marked as -Grass Fed.

We ordered a beet salad, açaí bowl, matcha pancakes (made with almond flour), sweet potatoes and a curry cauliflower/ Kale bowl.. YUM!
I really recommend to check this place out if your in Miami.

So nice with spring in the air, here in New York. Flowers on the trees, birds are singing and people are sitting outside eating, or just enjoying life.
Wishing everyone a great start of a new week!
Talk soon!

X Eline S.


Wearing: Short - Zara - Top - Urban Outfitters - Sunglasses - Zero UV - Rings - Market in Marrakech - Norway Necklace - ByBiehl - AppleWatch - Hair tie - Free People


Dirt South Beach -1834 Bay Rd, Miami Beach, FL 33139

Shorts - Zara - Top - Urban Outfitters - Jewelry - Market in Marrakech - Watch - AppleWatch - Socks - HM

Wearing; Short - Zara - Top - Urban Outfitters - Sunglasses - Zero UV - Rings - Market in Marrakech - Norway Necklace - ByBiehl - AppleWatch - Hair tie - Free People


Orlando- TV-commerical and Touristing

De siste par dagene har vært travle her i Florida, men jeg bestemte meg for å gjøre en tur ut av jobbreisen og booket inn en natt ekstra. Vanligvis er jeg så sliten etter en shoot at jeg pleier å reise rett hjem, men jeg angrer alltid etterpå. 

En god venn av meg bor i Orlando og tilba seg å hente meg på flyplassen for å være turistguide for en dag. Det er faktisk en av de fineste tingene etter så mange år med modelljobbing - jeg har venner over hele verden, og det er jo faktisk veldig kult!

Vi bestemte oss for å utforske byen på sykkel. Først syklet vi inn til Orlando by før vi dro videre til Downtown og ruslet rundt i farmers market. En av de beste tingene jeg vet med USA er at de arrangerer markeder, og i Orlando holdes det hver helg. Markedet hadde alt fra kunst og forskjellige smakstilsatte popcorn, til nylagde acai bowls og juicer. Vi endte opp med å sykle 20 km den dagen, og jeg synes det er veldig deilig å oppleve en by på den måten for det slår aldri feil å være aktiv utendørs. 

Orlando var generelt en ganske kul by og det er kun 4,5 timer med bil eller 1 time med fly fra Miami. Jeg anbefaler derfor å ta turen til Orlando hvis man først er i Miami. Byen har mange pene innsjøer og hyggelige mennesker, men maten var midt på treet og kan ikke måles med Miami etter min mening. 

Selve jobben var superenkel! Jeg var booket for en hele dag, men kunden fikk det de trengte veldig raskt og vi var ferdig allerede kl 14. Vi filmet en TV reklame som skal vises på flere kanaler her i USA, men jeg får egentlig ikke lov til å vise noen BTS (bak kamera bilder), før reklamen er ute. 

Nå er jeg tilbake i Miami og har en ny shoot i morgen. Jeg er sliten etter mye reising og jobb denne uken, og skal nå krype til køys.

Snakkes snart, E! :)  

I decided making a trip out of my job in Orlando and stay for an extra day. 
Often when I go somewhere for work, Im too exhausted to see or do anything after the shoot, but always regret it. 
One of my good friends live out there and offered to pick me up at the AirPort and be my tourist guide for a full day! That is really one of the nice things about so many year of modeling. I really do have friends all over the world, wich is pretty damn cool!

We decided to do the touristing by bike. We biked into the City of Orlando and futher downtown where we parked our bikes and went walking around farmers market to pick up some fresh fruits and iced coffee. There is a huge farmers market downtown Orlando, every weekend. This is really one of my favorite things to do in any new city in the states. They got everything from art to different flavored popcorn, to fresh made açaí bowls and juices. We ended up biking 20km that day, gotta love being active outdoors and explore new places!

Orlando was overall a cool city. Only 4,5 hours by car, and 1h by plane, so probably worth a visit if you are already in Miami. So mang pretty Lakes everywhere and people were super friendly. The food was so/so- typical American. Not even close to Miami level - in my opinion.

My work day, the next day was super easy. Was booked for a full day, but they got what they needed from me behind the lence pretty fast. So I was done already around 2pm. 
We were filming a commercial wich will run on all over Americas national TV channels. 
Im not really allowed to post anything from behind the scenes before its out.

Im back in Miami with a new shoot tomorrow. Pretty tired after traveling and little sleep this week. Excited to get some sleep tonight.
Hope u all had a great week so far. 

Talk soon, E! :)

Velkommen/Welcome to By Eline


Jeg er super excited for å endelig ha min egen nettside på plass, som flinkeste Marlene (@mallyandthemoon) har hjulpet meg med å lage.

På denne siden kommer jeg til å dele nye #foodbyeline mat oppskrifter, travel guides fra reisene mine og litt fra hverdagen min.

Det som deles her blir solskinns-sidene og glansbildene fra hverdagen min.
Jeg håper jeg kan inspirere andre til en kreativ hverdag og sunn livsstil!

Akkurat nå er jeg i Miami. Litt jobb, kombinert med ferie blir aldri feil. 
Elsker å cruise rundt på south beach på en bysykkel, dra på stranden og sjekke ut nye sunne ¨health spots¨. Forrige uke var jeg på Miami Open med noen venninner, super kul opplevelse! Selv for meg som egentlig ikke kan noe særlig om tennis.

I skrivende stund sitter jeg å booker en billett til Orlando for en reklame jobb jeg skal gjøre der neste uke. Vurderer sterkt å kombinere det med en tur til Disney world!

Ønsker alle en super helg! 
Slenger med litt bilder fra siste tiden her i Miami.


- Eline S.


I'm super excited to finally have my own website ready! The best Marlene (@mallyandthemoon), has helped me creating the web.

On this page I will share new #foodbyeline food recipes, travel guides from my travels and a little from my everyday life.

What is shared here is the sunny sides and the highlight from my life.
I hope I can inspire others to a creative everyday life and a healthy lifestyle!

Right now I'm in Miami. Some work, combined with vacation never goes wrong. I love to cruise around South Beach on a city bike, go to the beach and check out new ¨health spots¨. Last week I was at the Miami Open with some girlfriends, it really was a super cool experience! Even for me who barely knows anything about tennis.

As we speak I’m booking my ticket to Orlando for a commercial I’m shooting there next week.
Really considering combining it with a Disney world experience!

Wishing everyone a great weekend!
Adding some pics from the last few weeks here in Miami.

- Eline S.


South beach Miami - Wearing Cap - Aliens of Brooklyn - Top - Zara - Sunglasses - Oliver Peoples


Malibu Farm House - South beach

Brickell, Miami - Top - Urban Outfitters - Shorts - Levis - Necklance - vintage  - Sneakers - Adidas

Brickell hights, Miami - Top - Urban Outfitters - Shorts - Levis - Necklance - vintage - Sneakers - Adidas

Dr Smood Wynwood -Art district Miami

Dr Smood Wynwood -Art district Miami

Wynwood Art district Miami. Dress - Urban Outfitters - Sneakers - Adidas - Sunglasses - Zero UV

Exploring Wynwood Art district Miami. // Dress - Urban Outfitters - Sneakers - Adidas - Sunglasses - Zero UV


Wynwood Art District Miami - David Bowie

Exploring Wynwood Art district Miami- Dress - Urban Outfitters - Sunglasses - Zero UV

Exploring Wynwood Art district Miami- Dress - Urban Outfitters - Sunglasses - Zero UV - Hairband - Beck Sondergaard

Art District

Wynwood Art District Miami

Rooftop Moment in Brickell Miami - Wearing Z&L Europe

Rooftop Moment in Brickell Miami - Wearing kimono from Z&L Europe

Miami Open

Miami Open 2019

Miami Open. Denim skirt - Levis - Top - Verge girl - Sneakers - Adidas - Sunglasses Zero UV

Miami Open 2019
Denim skirt - Levis - Top - Verge girl - Sneakers - Adidas - Sunglasses Zero UV


Miami Open 2019

BTS. Brand ambassador shoot with Chio Swimwear. #ShotbyMay

Brand Ambassador shoot on Miami Beach with Chio Swimwear

Natural make up on set with Chio swimwear and Shot By May.


Morning run at 07, watching the sunrise at South Beac/Ocean drive side


Lilikoi Organic Living South Beach


Lilikoi Organic Living Miami Beach


Top - Urban Outfitters - Skirt - Zara - Sunglasses - Zero UV - AppleWatch - Necklace - Vintage shop NYC


Sneakers - Adidas - Socks - Top Shop - Hoodie - Nike

Mishi Mino Swimwear - Save the elephants!

Ganske nylig kom min siste swimwear-kampanje ut, i samarbeid med Mishi Mino. Vi skjøt bildene i fjor på Ystad Sjøbad i Sverige.


Det er alltid ekstra koselig å jobbe med skandinavere, og jeg føler alltid at jeg blir så godt tatt vare på på hjemmebane. Selvom det ser varmt og deilig ut på bildene, var dette en typisk iskald sensommer dag i Sverige, og jeg ble faktisk syk dagen etter jobben var gjennomført. Jeg klarte likevel å kose meg på jobb. Mellom slagene stod Michelle, designeren bak brandet, klar med en jakke jeg kunne varme meg i.

Det er vanskeligere å planlegge shoots i Skandinavia fordi vi har såpass mange dager med dårlig vær. Jobben må uansett gjøres, så det hjelper lite å klage på temperaturen eller utsette bildene. Den danske fotografen Jonas Jensen tok bildene, og han er utrolig dyktig og flink med lyssetting, noe som har alt å si med et typisk vanskelig lys som vi jobbet med denne dagen. Det å få bildene til å se ut som en varm sommerdag, når det regner og er iskaldt er en kunst.


My Very first up and close meeting with the elephants on safari in Cape Town


Mishi Mino er et helt nystartet svensk brand. Michelle Silva, som er designeren bak merket, brenner sterkt for dyrevelferd og spesielt for å redde elefantene. Mishi Mino swimwear er også en stolt sponsor av non profit-organisasjonen «The Perfect World Foundation», og for hver bikini som blir solgt, doneres 1 euro fra Salt-kolleksjonen direkte for å hjelpe TPWF med deres viktige arbeid med å redde elefantene. Jeg elsker elefanter, og er stolt av å være en del av dette samarbeidet. Jeg har faktisk alltid med mitt faste reisefølge «Dumbo» når jeg reiser rundt på jobb. Ja, jeg har en rosa kosedyrelefant.. Og ja, jeg har den med meg hver gang jeg sover borte! Haha..


I fjor var jeg så heldig å få oppleve elefanter på nært hold i sitt rette element da jeg var på safari i Sør Afrika. Et møte jeg sent vil glemme. Jeg syns det er fantastisk å være med på laget til en merkevare som har fokuset rettet mot en så viktig sak som å redde elefantene, og er utrolig stolt over å være en del av denne kampanjen.

Ved å bruke min kode ELINE10, får du 10% avslag på hele Salt kolleksjonen på

Håper dere liker bildene, X Eline S.


Just recently my last swimwear campaign came out. We shot the pictures last year at Ystad Sjøbad in Sweden. It often takes a long time from the job is done until the pictures come out and are «official». It’s always extra nice to work with Scandinavians, and I always feel so good at home. Although it looks hot and comfortable in the pictures, this was a typical ice cold summer’s day in Sweden. I actually got sick the next day. I still managed to get the work done, and in between shots, Michelle, the designer behind the brand, was ready with a jacket I could warm myself in.

It is hard to plan shoots in Scandinavia because we have so many days of bad weather. But the job must be done, so it helps little to complain about the temperature or postpone the pictures. The Danish photographer Jonas Jensen took the pictures, and he is incredibly skilled and good with lighting, which has is crusial with the typical hard light we had to deal with on this day. Getting the pictures to look like a hot summer’s day when it’s raining and cold really takes an expert!

Mishi Mino is a new Swedish brand. Michelle Silva, who is the designer behind the brand, has a great concern for  animal welfare and especially for saving the elephants. Mishi Mino Swimwear is also a proud sponsor of the non profit organization «The Perfect World Foundation», and for every bikini sold, 1 euro is donated from the Salt collection directly to help TPWF with their important efforts to save the elephants. I love elephants, and have actually been collecting elephants since I was a little girl. I always have my regular travel partner «Dumbo» along with me when I travel around at work. Yes, I have a pink cuddly elephant – and yes; I bring it along with me every time I sleep away! Haha…

Last year I was lucky enough to experience elephants in their own habitat when I was on safari in South Africa. A meeting I will never forget. It’s fantastic to be part of the team for a brand that focuses on an important issue, saving the elephants and I am incredibly proud to be part of this campaign.

You can get a 10% discount on the Salt collection by using my discount code ELINE10 at

Hope you like the shots, X Eline S.