Baby shower for best friend <3

Yesterday we organized a baby shower for my best friend, I never had that much of responsibility with a baby shower before and I have to say I really enjoyed organizing it! So much fun to surprise someone who is expecting a baby, and already so emotional! We made it pretty simple, with everyone bringing different small tapas foods. Its that thought that matter, and doese’t have to be super-duper fancy. Also so much more personal when everyone makes some small stuff. I obviously brought a cake, a chocolate raw food cake! It actually turned out really good! I will share the recipe later on, probably with a new IGTV on my Instagram. - Stay tuned!

She got super overwhelmed and surprised, and I felt like the shower was a great success! The balloon company got us covered with the most beautiful mix of baby blue balloons, even with my girlfriend’’s name on one of them ‘‘ Emilie’s baby shower’’. We also did this cute little game with everyone bringing baby pictures and Emilie guessing who’s who. Just a fun idea, if you are planning on organizing a shower anytime soon.

I wish you all a great weekend. I’m working from home these days in my new apartment and still working on furniture. I love that Oslo is heating up now, just in perfect time before the weekend!

Best, Eline S.

Wearing. Top - Shop Chio/ - Jeans - Acne - Belt - Lovers & friends (revolve) - Hair clips - Ambers screats - Ear rings - Bikbok - Bracelets - Vintage - Hair tie - Free People

denim on denim <3 and new partnership!

Hoping everyone enjoys the sunny days, here in Oslo the summer has finally arrived. Feels amazing to walk in nature, wear fewer layers of clothes, and feel the sun on the skin again! Right now I am obsessed with denim, and love mixing and matching different denim looks together, feels very timeless, and hard to go wrong with denim in general! Easy to dress up or down, for every day or a chic ‘‘going out’’ look.

I am still in between moving into my new apt and stressing with getting settled in, and working from home! The exciting news is that I got a new partner, ‘‘Good for me AS’’, and just started using their 100% vegan beta carotene gold! It is a supplement to help the skin to develop a deeper and longer-lasting tan. As I have been struggling quite a lot with the skin, with both pigmentation and acne I am excited to see the results this summer. I love that their product is natural and full of vitamin A, which is also helping on strengthening the skin. I always wear SPF 50 in my face, but with this natural way of help, I am sure I will be able to get some good results, even with Scandinavian summer weather! I will keep you posted on the results!
You get 40% off on your first order on !

I wish you all a great rest of the week.

X, Eline S.

Reklame. Wearing all Revolve - Jeans - Grlfriend - Denim shirt - Grlfriend - Shoes - LPA - Wyeth Hats - Betakaroten Gold

17 mai, Norway's Constitution day

Yesterday we celebrated Norway Constitution day, probably the biggest celebration in Norway.
Obviously, this year was a lot different, normally everyone meets in the city center to enjoy and mingle after breakfast, but the restrictions with social distancing and max 20 people made it difficult to celebrate the 17th of May the normal way this year. A lot fo Norwegians are wearing national suites, called ‘‘bunad’’, mine is from Aust Telemark, and is called ‘‘hjulet’’. I love wearing it and always looking forward to this day. Never been so grateful ever to be Norwegian as I am right now, feels safe to be back home in Norway, and proud of how great our government has dealt with the situation.

A normal 17th May celebration in Norway is meeting up with friends for breakfast around 09, usually, the breakfast is fresh bread, different sides and lots of champagne. After everyone usually gets together in the city center to watch the kids parade and dance on the tables. In the evening we usually do bbq at friends’ places with more and fun games, music and laughs. For many Norwegians, this is their favorite day of the year. At first, the Norwegian government made an announcement, that the 17th of May was probably not gonna happen this year, but as Norway has pretty good control over the virus situation the government decided to open up for smaller celebrations, with restrictions of social distancing and a maximum amount of 20 people.

We celebrated with friends, couples, and decided to do brunch this year. I started my day with a long run in the woods and got dressed and ready for brunch. Then my dear grandparents came by to say hi, and to drive me to my friend’s place. We had a really nice day, even tho the circumstances were different, but I have to say that I am really looking forward to next year, and to share the joy with the rest of the Norwegians in the city center once again.

I am praying that this will not make the virus start blossom again and that everyone still respects the rules of social distancing and not start to act lazy, just because the country slowly opens up again.

I wish you all a happy Monday and a great week!

All best, Eline Syrdalen.

Wearing - Bunad - Aust telemark ‘‘hjulet’’ - Husfliden - Sunglasses - Celine - massive silver ring - Lorange design

plant-based & sugar-free chocolate spread

Lately, I have been experimenting with an easy replacement for the chocolate spread. I am a big fan of Nutella, but unfourthantly those days are gone, where I could eat Nutella 3 times a day without seeing or feeling any difference in my body. Not only is it bad for the body with all the empty calories and fast carbs, but it is also bad for our blood sugar to eat Nutella. I am trying to make most of my unhealthy food, with natural sugars from plants, like bananas, dates, honey, or sometimes stevia. This 3 ingredient recipe requires no oven or heating. It is basically a raw food chocolate spread, made with no sugar, and only plant-based, natural ingredients.

What you need

Kidney beans - drained and cleaned (175g drained)
7 medium-sized dates
5 topped tbs raw cacao
1,5-2 dl water

What you do

Start with slicing the dates, and make sure to remove the stones. Have the chopped dates over in a large bowl. Drain the kidney beans, and clean them.
Use a hand mixer, or a food processor and mix everything together until a smooth texture. add the cacao powder and the water little by a little while mixing together. Some prefer less water, and others prefer more. Depending on how thick or think you like your chocolate spread. In the end, add some salt, and for those who prefer, add some oil for some more oily texture.

How to use

I love to use the spread on rice crackers, on waffles, or on pancakes. You can also use the spread just as a chocolate cream dessert, or as a cake or cupcake topping.
I keep my chocolate spread in reusable glass and keep it in the fridge. Mine has lasted for at least a week now and still tastes good!

I hope you got inspired to try something new. I wish you all a happy Friday and happy Constitution day on Sunday to those who are celebrating in Norway!

Best, Eline S.

Park season begins <3

I hope everyone had a lovely weekend! I have spent all weekend outdoors with friends. Friday I went to Frognerparken in Oslo with a girlfriend and we brought some sushi, fruit, and blankets. I love this time of year and how the parks get greener and the days get sunnier and longer. Everything starts blooming.
Still pretty cold in Oslo, but as long as it is sunny I don’t mind the cold. I always just bring an extra hoodie around. I have experimented on a new plant-based and sugar-free chocolate spread recipe I am excited to share with you this week. My brother even liked it, and he is always the biggest critical when it comes to healthy foods, haha! Stay tuned for recipe :-)

I hope everyone stays healthy, I wish you all a good week.

Best, Eline S.

AD/ Reklame: pretty little thing. Wearing top + jeans - Pretty little thing - Hair tie - free people - sneakers - Adidas - Backpack - Top shop - hair clips - Free People - rings - vintage (market Marrakech) - Sunglasses - Oakley

flourless pizza crust with superfood twist

I hope everyone had a great weekend. I love experimenting with new pizza crust recipes. Lately, I have been cooking a lot of different dishes with sweet potato as the main ingredient. I am obsessed with this colorful veggie and eat it almost daily. I like to bake 3 sweet potatoes at the same time and keep them cold in the fridge for the next meal or the next day. I will show you even more great and easy recipes with the sweet potato in the near future.

Why sweet potato?

The sweet potato is considered a superfood, first of all, it is a great source of carbs. It contains the slow kind of carbs, which is much better for us because it takes longer for our body to burn and keeps the blood sugar levels stable. This way we don’t get mood swings or heavy cravings for sweets. The sweet potato is also full of vitamin A, as well as a great source of fiber and beta carotene, which helps us build a great skin pigmentation. For anyone who struggles with the digestive system, start eating a sweet potato daily, and you will notice a difference!
The sweet potato is also super filling, so even tho it contains a lot of carbs, you don’t need to eat much of it to get filled up. For this specific recipe, for one person size pizza crust, you only need 1/2 of a medium-sized sweet potato.

What you need for the crust

1/2 medium-size sweet potato (baked)
1 dl old fashion oats - 0,42 cups
1 egg
Vi-siblin or psyllium husk - one small scoop
1/2 dl rye flour (can skip)
1 teaspoon baking powder
pinch of salt
any other seasoning
roccula or basil

What you do

Start with baking the sweet potato in the oven, I slice the potato it in the middle and baked it with some olive oil and salt. If you slice it into smaller pieces the baking can go a little faster. Depending on your oven, mine is usually ready after 25-30 min on 200 degrees Celcius (which is about 392 Fahrenheit).
Have the sweet potato over in a bowl and use a hand mixer to make potato mash. Mix then in the egg, and last you mix in all the dry ingredients.
When everything is mixed together, have the mixture over on a baking paper. Make the shape you like on your crust, I usually like to make it round. I like mine as thin as possible. Place the pizza crust in the middle of your oven. I usually take mine out when the edges start to get a bit burned, I like my crust to be as crispy as possible, but this depends on how you like your pizza crust.


The next step is topping, I have not been eating dairy or meat in a long time now, so I stick with vegan cheese and veggies on mine, but here you can go as crazy as you like. Some vegan toppings I recommend are red onions, mushrooms, lots of spices, red peppers, mini tomatoes, zucchini, capers, and most important, some great pizza sauce. I have also made this pizza with pesto as a pizza sauce, and it tasted bomb! When it comes to toppings everyone has their own preference!
Have the pizza in the oven again, and bake for another 10 minutes. Voila!
I love to have some fresh pesto to dip the pizza slices in, or some chili, or olive oil, as well ruccola salad on top.

Don’t expect this to look or taste like a normal pizza crust, in my opinion, it’s even better! More colorful and more flavorful than a normal crust! The whole point with this crust is that the unhealthy pizza all of a sudden became healthy, and you can have it every day, and as well get good nutrition your body needs, and more importantly, feel good after eating it! I have had this pizza 3 days in a row now and had some of my friends of mine trying it as well. They loved it!
I hope you got inspired to try something new, next time you make your pizza.

I wish you all a happy Sunday!

Best, Eline S.

Superfood salad and my first IGTV out for BCBG USA

Hey everyone!

I hope everyone are holding up during the difficult times we are in.
My days are going up and down, like it probably does for most people nowadays.
Today I ran the stairs in Holmenkollen with some friends, and one of them was my girlfriend who just gave birth. Such an inspiration to me! My goal for the workout was to do 1000 stairs, which is about 10 times up the stairs, after first round I was exhausted, but I made it. Still shaking but in a good way. I haven’t been doing a lot of strength training lately, so feels good to hopefully get back some muscle mass. We gotta inspire one and other and be creative with the workouts and use nature nowadays. One thing is for sure, you never regret a workout, even when it’s only for 10-15 minus.

I got such a good response on my first IGTV I did in collaboration with BCBG USA. I never thought I would get so much good feedback. It is a lot easier to post a picture, but when you post a video its much more my personality and feels more vulnerable. Thank you for everyone who are watching, and for giving me positive, but also negative feedback. I am new in the IGTV game, so still, a lot to learn!

As a lot of you have been asking about the excact ingredients for the superfood salad recipe, I dedided to post the recipe here again. The IGTV is still out on my instagram @elinesyrdalen and @BCBGgenerations instagram feed. Please send me a DM if there is anything special you would like me to talk more about or anything special you want me to make. Right now I’m working on a new pizza crust recipe, and been experimenting for a few days.

Superfood salad - what you need

Spinach - 2 handfuls
Carrot - one large
avocado - 1/2
Zucchini 1/2
Sweet potato 1/2
Tomato - 1 large or 5 mini
Pepper - I used red pepper - 1/3
Lemon - lemon peel


Pesto 2 tbs
Seeds - I used pumpkin 2 tbs, mix of chia and sunflower

What you do

Start with heating up the oven to 200 degrees, bake the sweet potato for about 25 minuts with some olive oil and salt. While waiting for the sweet potato, wash the spinach and chop it. Use a spirelli for the carrot and the zucchini, or chop it with a knife.
You can buy a spirally on amazon or most stores that sell kitchen stuff. Chop up the rest of the ingredients and have over in the salad bowl all together.
Use a cheese grater and have some of the lemon peel on top, just a tiny bit to get some sitrus flavors. The citrus will help to make the other vegetable taste even more flavorful.

Dressing: You can use olive oil, balsamic vinegar, salt, and pepper, but recently I have been craving pesto! I usually just mix a ready made pesto with some water, 2 tbs pesto, and 2 tbs water mixed together. Have the mixture, over your salad, and at the end add the seeds for some crunch.

I hope you like it!
This salad takes 10 minuts to make, and a little longer if your sweet potato is not readily prepared. I usually eat sweet poato every other day, so when I bake them I always bake 2-3 at the same time and leave the rest ready in the fridge to add to my next meal.
Sweet paoatoes are a great source of fiber and really high in vitamins and especially vitamins C!
I will show you some more great and easy recipes with sweet potatoes soon, they are becoming my new favorite vegetable! Kind of funny that I used to be a big protein eater, and for so many years avoiding carbs, and now all I eat is carbs, or at least for the most part!

Have a good rest of your weekend.

Best, Eline S.

Corona birthday & coming home

Hey everyone!

Coming home to Norway has been the best decision I could have made. It’s another world back home in Norway. I have never felt so grateful for having a Norwegian passport before. The way Norway has been handling this situation compared to the US is another level. Dealing with being sick and alone was challenging and scary, but I made it and now I am home and actually happier and more thankful than ever before. I tried to lower my expectations for my birthday this year, because of the situation.

However, I guess I will always be a bit childish with birthdays. My family and some friends knows me too well and surprised me with balloons and flowers. Obviously with a good amount of distance. My brother took me biking in our old neighborhood, pretty challenging and even more challenging on the way down as I insisted on doing the harder route, with part of me regretted later on.

Sports defiantly have that effect on me, that it makes me confident when I reach the goal. The goal for this specific bike ride was to reach the top of Wyllerløypa. My brother asked me multiple times if we should turn and go back or do an easier way, but we made it! I will probably be in pain for another week from now. Everyone who has been in Norway, and knows ‘‘Wyllerløypa’’, knows it’s pretty brutal. It was probably the best birthday gift I could have got this year.
Being stuck inside a small apartment in LA and then coming back to Norway and being able to get fresh air in the Norwegian landscape, almost feels like getting drunk for the very first time again!
High on life and endorphins are poppin’!

Even tho this was not a real birthday, I decided to dress up. I was not gonna let Corona ruin my birthday this year. I am wishing all my Taurus sisters and brothers a happy birthday and encourage everyone to live life as normal as possible, do not get too engaged with the negative news, and dress up, even when it’s just for yourself or a facetime/ zoom call.

I hope everyone had a good weekend, due to the circumstances and that you are able to make the best out of this situation. Stay creative, keep yourself busy and reach out to old friends by facetime, etc.
Stay safe and have a good week.

Best, Eline S.

AD/ Reklame. Wearing @revolve - top - Lovers & friends - shoes - LPA - tights - vintage - Hair clips - Free People

Stay home with Pretty little thing

How are you all holding on? I am staying busy with work from home and experimenting in the kitchen almost every day. Heading back to Norway very soon, and can’t wait! Feeling pretty isolated here in LA, and will be another life back in Norway where I will be able to use the nature every single day. Even tho the rules are pretty strict in Norway as well, the trails are still open, and people are allowed to go out for walks in the woods, as long as they keep the distance.
I’m trying to put on some makeup and something else then joggers every other day, but have to admit I’m mostly in my robe and slippers.

Stay safe everyone!
I can’t wait to share a project I am working on with you very soon.

Best, Eline S.

AD/ Reklame Wearing Pretty little thing. Oversized shirt - pretty little thing - belt & bag - lovers & friends LA - shell ear ring - Amber Sceats - necklaces - vintage - iPhone case - Ideal of Sweden

banana / peanut butter bread - don't throw your old bananas to waste!

I hope you all are well and that you are staying positive and productive during these different and difficult times. I have been experimenting with a new banana bread recipe, and the result turned out to be great! Super easy, and no fancy ingredients needed. My friends always make fun of me, because I always save the leftovers, even for the smallest portions of food, and I have zero shame asking for a doggy bag. Better for us, and better for the environment!

What you need

baking sheet
2 yellow bananas
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla powder
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 tablespoon honey
80 grams oats
50 grams of peanut butter
seeds/ nuts/ chocolate chip

What you do

Start with heating up the oven to 180 degrees Celcius/ 356 degrees Fahrenheit.
Use a hand mixer, and mix together the bananas, eggs, honey and the peanut butter.

Mix together all the dry ingredients in a different bowl. Add the dry ingredients little by little to the banana mixture as you stir. Make sure to get rid of any bumps in the mixture.

Have a baking sheet over a load pan and add the mixture. In the end, add some seeds, nuts, berries, or chocolate chips as you prefer. Or keep it plain and simple.
Bake in the oven for 25-35 minutes, deepening on your oven. I recommend checking regularly after 25 minutes as every oven is different. Leave the bread on a shake for about 10 minutes before you slice it into thick pieces. Serve it alone, or with some berry jam. The bread lasts for about a week if you keep it in a plastic bag in your fridge.

I hope you got inspired to check out this recipe next time you are about to throw out your old bananas.
Please tag me #foodbyelines, if you happen to try out any of my recipes and like the results. I would love to see how your baking turns out!

Best, Eline S.

What I'm missing the most right now

How are you all holding on during these times? At this point, i’m considering flying back to Europe. The situation here in LA got so bad, and I have no life here anymore. When they closed all the trails, was when I really felt my freedom was taken away from me. Hiking in nature is my favorite thing to do when in LA.
All trails and beaches are closed here now. For those staying in houses, you can still use your garden, but for those of us staying in apt its not the same. Also, the government has ordered everyone to stay inside. At least I have a safe place to stay, which I am thankful for, but have to admit this is a mental challenge.

These pictures were taken about a month ago when my mom visited me from Norway.
I hope you are all safe. This is definitely the first thing I’m doing whenever this ends.

Best, Eline S.

runners - Nike - jacket - Adidas by Stella McCartney - shorts - Adidas by Stella McCartney - bottle - Swell

fresh summer rolls with peanut dipping sauce

Recently I have been craving Thai-food and got inspired to try to make something I spotted on the take out menu on one of my favorite vegan Thai places here in LA. Summer rolls are great nowadays because you can stuff them with whatever you have left in your fridge. I used what I had available, and been making this easy dish every second day ever since. The special peanut butter sauce makes the dish even tastier, but also works with sweet and sour sauce or soy sauce. All these colors on the different veggies make me happy, and this is definitely a great immune booster too!

What you need

rice paper
leftover sweet potato
bell pepper
peanut butter
cream cheese - I used a vegan one.

What you do

Start with slicing all the veggies in thin pieces. Fill a large bowl with hot water. Add one rice paper at the time to the water bowl until the paper gets soft, hold it over the bowl while you wait or the water to drip off.
Place the paper on a large plate and add your favorite toppings. drizzle some seeds on top for some healthy fats. Then wrap the sticky rice paper together, like a burrito or taco wrap. Easy like that. It doses’t has to look perfect, but the taste will still be the same. This is a fun thing to do together in the kitchen, with your friends, the only things that takes time is the prep of the veggies. For the meat lovers, you can obviously add some chicken.

Peanut sauce

Add one large tbs cream cheese, one large tbs peanut butter and a little bit of hot water to a bowl, mix together, add more water if you prefer a thinner texture. Voila - creamy peanut butter dip sauce.

I hope you like it.
I wish you a lovely rest of the week.
Best, Eline S.

Golden Mylk latte<3

Happy Easter everyone. I hope your easter is cozy, even tho we all spend it inside, except for the luckiest ones with balconies or gardens. I’m spending my very first easter all alone in my small apt in LA. Kinda lonely, but I’m trying to make the best out of it. Excited for a zoom call today with some girlfriends. Lately, I have been cutting normal coffee and only been drinking decaf coffee, as well as trying out new decaf drinks like Matcha and Golden Mylk. LA people are obsessed with these two drinks, and the yellow color of the golden mylk, makes it very easter-ish.

What are the benefits of golden mylk

Also known as haldi doodh, golden milk is touted for its healing, anti-inflammatory properties largely thanks to curcumin found in turmeric. Turmeric has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years for conditions such as breathing problems, joint pain, fatigue, digestive issues, and more. Modern research also suggests that turmeric is a potent antioxidant with antimicrobial and anticancer effects. Although turmeric gets most of the spotlight, the other spices in golden milk are also health-promoting! Both ginger and cinnamon are known for their anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial benefits.

What you need

light canned and unsweetened coconut milk
milk of your choice
ground tumeric
coconut oil
one tbs of maple syrup, honey, or stevia
black pepper

How you do

Using a mix of light (canned) coconut milk and unsweetened coconut milk, cashew milk or almond milk creates the perfect creamy base. I’ve tried using both fresh and ground turmeric and have to say the ground is better in terms of flavor! Coconut oil adds a touch of healthy fat and makes the turmeric more available for our bodies to absorb because it is fat-soluble. So don’t skip the oil! Black pepper also makes the curcumin in turmeric more bioavailable, so it’s an important addition as well. To sweeten, you can go any number of ways. I typically go for a spoonful of maple syrup, and if it still needs some sweetness or a dash of stevia is perfect.

Step by step

  • Pour the milk into a small pot on medium heat

  • Add some ground turmeric, a pinch of black pepper (which helps your body absorb the curcumin), a sprinkle of cinnamon (another natural anti-inflammatory) and your sweetener of choice.

  • Bring to a simmer for 10 minutes to let the flavors all meld and enjoy hot or cool down.

I wish you and your family a peaceful easter, due to the circumstances.

Best, Eline S.

ad/ reklame. Wearing @prettylittlething - Jeans & top. belt from - lovers & friends LA

day 27 in self-quarantine, anxiety feels and how I'm trying staying calm in this

Hey everyone.

I hope you and your families are safe during these difficult times. Today is my 27th day of self-quarantine. I Have never been isolated from the world for that many days all alone.
I love having my space, and spending time with myself, but it’s different when you are getting forced into isolation for such a long period of time, and especially with everything going on in the world right now. I’m trying to trick my body to pretend this is not happening, putting on a fake smile and do things that make me feel better; throw on a cute outfit, do some makeup, facetime friends and family, watch funny series and read books. I find it really hard concentrating these days, so my nutrition studies are on hold until I find more of an inner strength back.

If you are alone right now like I am, and in a completely different time zone then most of your friends and family, don’t be too hard on yourself. Treat yourself like your own best friend. Take a hot shower, don’t count calories or feel bad because you ate too much last night, etc. These things dosen’t matter right now, what matters is that you and your family are safe and healthy. I will post some healthy recipes this week too, as cooking healthy easy meals at home is good therapy for me during these times, and I hope you will find some joy the cooking too.

I am avoiding all types of news at the moment, it makes me even more stressed and scared. Since I have not been feeling well and have been in direct contact with a person who tested positive for Covid19, I’m obviously more concerned due to this situation. I have been sick multiple times away from home and been working with flu etc 100 times, but his time it’s different. It scares me that it is a deadly virus going on. The unknown scares me, the future scares me and beings far from my loved ones scares me. I guess I am not the only one, feeling scared, lonely and experiencing anxiety these days. Especially when you go to bed all alone with your own thoughts. It might sound nice, not to have a roommate to deal with right now, but believe me, you should appreciate that even tho your roommate probably annoys the shit out of you. I don’t think it is healthy being alone for such a long period of time. Without FaceTime, zoom and social media, I woulde’t know what to do right now.

To everyone living alone during these difficult times, stay strong. You are not alone! Don’t be afraid to reach out to an old friend, no one wants you to go into a depression. The world feels like falling apart, but there is a lot of people out there that want to help and there is a lot of love. After this situation, I believe we will all see things with new eyes, with more gratitude and love than ever before. Maybe this is something a lot of us needed to open our eyes and realize how little we need, how much we actually have, and appreciate the true value of human connection.

We will get through this together. As soon as I feel ready to travel back to Europe, I will get on a flight back home. Stay safe, patient and calm at home everyone.
Be kind to one and other, reach out and spread love. Right now that’s all we can do.

Best, Eline S.

Reklame/ AD. Wearing @revolve. Dress - lovers & friends Los Angeles - belt - lovers & friends Los Angeles - bag - lovers & friends Los Angeles - jewelry - vintage

Fat-burning coffee for breakfast and LA updates

Hey everyone.
I’m starting to feel just a little lonely in my own company over here, even tho I am not bored yet. I always find something to do. Studies, FaceTiming friends, series, cooking, and writing. I really miss being social and hug and touch people. Yea, I know that sounds creepy, but I’m a big cuddler with the people I love.

I have been experiencing syndromes for a while now, and I just got a call from a girlfriend I hang out with 9 days ago, telling me she just got tested for the coronavirus. She was recently in Europe, and hang out with two people who have tested positive, we have a bunch of the same syndromes, so if she gets a positive answer it might be a chance I have it too. I haven’t been feeling really sick, only been having light syndromes, but my breath is a lot heavier, and it scares me a bit since I’m in Los Angeles by myself. I hope you are all feeling healthy, and that your families are safe.

I haven’t been moving for about a week now, because of the symptoms, I have been trying to stay in as much as possible, to avoid spreading in case I got the virus. I guess I am not the only person who has been emotional and bored eating way much, from just lying still all day.
I used to do this coffee every day a few summers ago for breakfast, and my mom has done it too, saying it was working for her to get to her goals. I don’t want this page to have a focus on weight loss, especially now when these things really don’t matter, when terrible things are happening in the world, even though I thought I might share this tips with you. Health obviously comes first, however, this coffee has great health benefits, so it might be worth a try!
The recipe is super easy, you only need 2, or 3 ingredients for your fat-burning morning coffee, and it literally takes 5 minutes to make it.

How you make your bulletproof coffee

  1. Using freshly ground coffee beans, brew 1 cup of coffee, using a French press, or just instant coffee.

  2. Add 1 tablespoon (tbsp) of coconut oil or butter

  3. add a little almond milk, or other milk (for more creaminess)

  4. Mix in a blender for 20 to 30 seconds.

    Benefits of bulletproof coffee

    Many people think coffee is bad for you, but the truth is that drinking coffee in moderation has a range of health benefits and may reduce the risk of death from heart disease and several cancers. Not only is coffee full of antioxidants, but drinking coffee daily may also lower the likelihood of developing conditions, such as liver disease, Parkinson’s disease, and type 2 diabetes. Coffee in the morning can improve mental focus and help a person to feel more awake and alert. This effect usually lasts for a maximum of a few hours.

    The ketogenic diet

    The bulletproof coffee is a keto coffee, or in other words high fat low carb. Usually, our bodies convert carbohydrates into energy before using fat. If there are not enough carbohydrates available, then the body uses its fat stores as an alternative source of energy. When the body uses its fat reserves, it produces ketones. Meaning your body goes directly into a fat-burning mood.
    However, doctors usually recommend following a low-carbohydrate diet for a short time only.

    Reducing hunger

    One of the reasons for drinking bulletproof coffee is to prevent hunger during the morning. Adding butter and oil to coffee may make a person feel less hungry than if they drank coffee alone. Everyone is different, but some people may still feel hungry during the morning if they have not eaten a meal for breakfast. Personally, I think everyone gets used to it after a few days, whenever you develop a new habit, it might be uncomfortable at first, but when your body get used to it, and you start seeing results it’s all worth it. Never hurts to give something a try.

Links and facts for information:
Reklame, wearing Revolve - shirt - Song of style

Ghost town and my self-quarantine tips

I hope you all are ok during these times. I’m still in LA and have been self-quarantining for the last 10 days now. I have been experiencing some mild symptoms during this time, so I’m not taking any risks of giving it to anyone, in case it is the corona. A few days ago everything in LA got shut down, and we have been ordered to stay in. Only take out food, pharmacies and supermarkets are still open. I think it is good because a lot of people were still going out here in LA and not taking it seriously before these new rules. I hope this will help to make a change.

This situation is still surreal to me. Not knowing what the future holds feels frustrating. No one knows everyone has to adjust and rethink. Because nothing will ever be exactly the same way after this.
One thing is for sure; no likes or outfits matter anymore. During this time I’m self-reflecting, realizing more than ever how the little things in life and who’s in it, are the big things and the only things that truly matter.
I think that when this is all over, people will see things with new eyes, and be much more grateful for things we once took for granted.

My tips to a happier, calmer self-quarantine:

- listen to podcasts, Spotify got so many options, just search for something you are intreated in
- try a new recipe, the internet is full of good recipes or check out my superfood ones under food by eline
- facetime an old friend
- activate yourself from home: if you don’t know what do do, just use youtube, it’s full of different workouts
- walk in nature: just keep distance to people and bring antic in your pocket, the sun is filled with positivity and vitamin D, it changes the mood completely.
- be creative: paint, sing, brade, do some crazy makeup and have fun with it
- pamper yourself, take care of your skin, hair and body during this time. Polish your nails, take a warm shower, do face masks, etc. (You don’t have to spend money on it, you can easily make homemade face masks)!
- Start a new series on Netflix, or an old one all over again like I have been watching gossip girl and sex and the city.
- If you struggle with anxiety, like many of us do in this situation. Do things step by step, and just follow WHOs health and hygiene advice and you will be fine. I have stopped watching the news for almost a week now because it made me too scared and depressed. Everyone is different, but if you feel like something is making you stressed or scared, there is no reason to force it. I can only talk for myself, but for me, it has really been working.

Stay healthy, calm and patient everyone. No one is alone in this, we are all in this together.

Best, Eline.

Wearing. T-shrirt - Annie Bing - Bucket hat - UCLA - backpack - Adidas - Sunnies - Oakley